
One more Time

His first anime was Haikyuu. So when he needed to exercise, he tried to pick up volleyball a few times. Because of that, he tried out for his highschool volleyball team. And because of that, volleyball became his everything. The issue? He was 5'5. Also can someone teach me how to put up specific tags?

Cauliflowipz · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
2 Chs

Perhaps a Part 2?...

"Where am I?"

"Let's cut to the chase."

"AH! WTF?!"

Davis shrieked. He jump forward and looked back to the voice he had heard. It was about 5 seconds ago when Davis had opened his eyes to a blank white space. It was a bit hard to explain. He called it white, but it was more like, empty. Like a void of no color, but since his mind couldn't comprehend it, it filled it in with an unknown blank color. The 'person?' next to him was wearing a hood, sunglasses, and a mask, so that not a single hair or even skin tone could be seen. The hoodie, sweatpants, and sneakers were all jet black, so the dude looked like the average teenager during COVID-19.

"Who are you?" Davis asked the important questions first. "Where am I? How did I get here?"

"Think about it for a second. I'll give you some time to process." The man's voice sounded like a humanlike google-translate, robotic, yet warm. And what did he mean by process?

Davis thought back to what he last remembered doing. As always, he was walking back from the YMCA after doing his workout at the gym. An hour of cycle of 3 sets of exercises that targeted every essential part of the body. YMCA was a thirty minute walk from his house, and Davis had a caramel frappe from stopping by Starbucks. Then he got hit by a truck.

"Oh. Shit."

"Oh shit indeed, you got hit by a stray reincarnation cycle that had fell onto Earth. Luckily, I got a hold of you before your soul was retrieved by the grim reaper."

"Why? Why did you save me?"

"Have you read any fanfiction?" The man asked.

"I'm an avid reader."

"Then you should know that this is a power-fantasy reincarnation sequence. I owe you because you died from a mistake I made, so I'll let you reincarnate in a world that you'd wish with a couple of added benefits."

Davis's mind went wild. The possibilities! He had always thought about what he would do in these situations! This was the chance of the lifetime, and it fell upon him!

"Well I already know what I want." Davis said.

"Oh really?" The man said in surprise. "That was fast. It usually takes a bit longer than that. So what is it? Naruto? MHA? Harry Potter?"

"Can I get Haikyuu?"

"Sure. Can I ask why?"

"Well, I don't think I'm really suited for those battle oriented worlds. I'm not bloodthirsty, and I'm not going to suddenly be some sort of battle-junkie that all other fanfic protags are. I'd rather stay in a safe, comfy place, and I love volleyball. So Haikyuu was the obvious choice."(Also this wont be a harem or romance so get that out of your minds you degens).

Saying that he loved volleyball was an understatement for Davis. Davis breathed volleyball. He had only been playing for two years, but in those two years, he had only being playing. He never stopped, even when he was sick, even when it rained, and even when it was over a hundred degrees.

Davis was a libero(like Nishinoya), and 5'5. Shorter than the average person, not even talking about volleyball. He didn't mind. He loved playing libero. It was exhilarating, analyzing the angle of every spike, the spin, where it will go. Nuzzling the ball into that one perfect spot between your arms to let it quietly fall back to the setter with no spin. Making the court peaceful and silent.

"So what kind of wishes, or perks am I allowed to receive?"

The man snapped his fingers and a colorful wheel of fortune appeared into existence.

"Usually, I would just grant you random shit, but the wordcount must go on, so just spin this wheel and see what you get."

"Oh thanks!" Davis observed the wheel and it's options. Although it was small, it was basically like a soft gradient of colors, since the options were so scrunched up together. There were tens of thousands of slots on the tiny wheel, yet Davis could read all of them clearly without even seeing the letters.

"By the way, can I ask you a few extra questions?" Davis asked.


"Who are you?"

"Just think of me as like a business angel."

"Which religion, if any, is correct?"

"You'll find out after death."

"Can I ask how you made a mistake and killed me?"

"That's a bit too embarrassing for me to tell you."

"Will I know japanese in the new world?"

"You'll have to relearn from birth."


"Hurry up and spin the wheel buddy, I don't have all day."

"Okay, sheesh, you have a big attitude for someone who accidentally killed me." Davis grumbled as he put both of his hands on the wheel and spun it with all of his strength.

After about half of a minute of waiting, the wheel stopped on a slot called, skill tree. Out of the wheel, a bright green ball of light jumped out and then flew into Davis's chest.

"Wow." He exclaimed. "What does this do?"

"Not a bad one." The man grudgingly admitted. "If I were to explain it, it's basically a nerfed gamer's system. Its like the skill proficiency part, where you can acquire skills and then level them up. When you do certain skills, they can become part of your skill tree, where you can then rack up experience to become more proficient in it. It's basically a direct translator of effort to result. If you work hard, then you'll get better. While others will stagnate in progress, you'll be able to consistently improve at all times."

"That's a bit of a mouthful. Then how do I activate it, and like, see it? Actually, can other people see it?"

"No to the latter, and for your first question, all you need to do is say 'Skill Tree'."

"Skill Tree? AH!-SHIT!" Davis jumped up in surprise as a green interface popped up in his face. It was like every other system manga, except green. He stared at the screen, and swiped through the options. It had hundreds of options, and when he clicked on them, they had thousands of sub-options, and then a thousand more sub-sub-options! For example, Davis selected the 'Recreation' option. The system had a search bar so that you didn't need to scour through the interface. In 'Recreation', there were hundreds of different broad areas of expertise, such as 'Games', 'Parties', and 'Camps'. Davis clicked on 'Sports', and then 'Volleyball'.

Once he selected 'Volleyball', the selection screen expanded into a web of sub-skills. At the top was 'Offence', 'Defence, 'Passing', and 'Spirit'. Each of them branched out into several more skills, like 'Run-Up', 'Digging', and 'Leadership'.

"Okay kid, hurry up and get moving, I told you that I'm a busy man." The man's voice snapped him out of his amazement.

"O-Oh yeah, sorry, but how do I?..."

"Here." The man walked up to Davis, and poked his chest. A red hot feeling engulfed Davis, and before he knew it, everything was black.