
World War Saitama: Part 5

"So tell me, Homelander, were there any tough opponents on that little dream team of yours?" Saitama asked the star spangled man as he looked off into the distance.

"I'm certain that I was the strongest person on the team, so the rest of the group should be pretty easy to kill," the false hero replied.

"Homelander! Watch out, behind you!!" Yamcha yelled from above as he flew towards the pair.

"It's that weirdo in the orange getup. I'll handle him," Homelander smirked as he blasted off into the sky, while Saitama whistled as he stood back and watched.

"Yes, c'mon dude, we'll take him on together!" the Z fighter announced cheerfully as his who he assumed to be his teammate raced towards him. "Wait, what are you-"

"Nothing personal, kid," Homelander stated as his eyes began to glow red, where he shot a laser beam straight at Yamcha.

Raising an eyebrow, the airborne man dodged the deadly beam as the traitorous hero approached him. Yelling aggressively, Homelander threw a series of super-powered punches at Yamcha, with each one having the power to demolish buildings. Yamcha easily dodged each blow, however, where he glared back at the man who was supposed to be his teammate.

"Did you switch sides? Well that stinks," the Z Fighter remarked as he raised his hand. A glowing ball of yellow ki appeared over his palm, where he aimed the projection at Homelander. "Spirit Ball, go!"

Pitching the powerful ki blast like a baseball, the energy projectile smashed into the American-themed hero's chest and sent him crashing into the jungles below in an explosion of Earth and trees. Chasing his fallen foe to the ground, Yamcha delivered a series of rapid kicks to Homelander's face just as the latter began to rise back to his feet.

"Arrgg, just die!!" the blonde, muscular man yelled in anger as he blindly punched all around him, with the force of some of his attacks ripping nearby trees from the ground. Yamcha easily dodged the cumbersome blows, however, and easily danced around his opponent and hit him with multiple super-powered kicks and punches.

"Can you even fight?" the Z fighter asked as one of his kicks knocked Homelander into the air. "I remember you saying that you were the number one hero where you were from. Yet, you have no skill whatsoever!"

"SHUT UP!!" the false hero yelled as his voice caused nearby buildings to shatter from his powerful voice while his eyes began to glow red again.

"Quite the voice you've got there," Yamcha remarked as he held both his hands above each other, as if he was holding an invisible ball between them. "Kame…hame…"

Before he could deliver the powerful ki blast, however, Yamcha sensed another foe running towards him, forcing him to get on the defensive.

"Hey, you're strong! HAHA fight me instead!" Saitama exclaimed as he raced towards the Z fighter at blinding speeds. Raising a fist, he threw a single punch at the skilled martial artist.

Raising his hand, Yamcha caught Saitama's fist in his palm, where he clasped it around the one punch man's bare hand and effectively blocked the city-destroying attack. Time stood still as the two men stared at each other for a second, where Yamcha gave a weak smile before his hand was promptly obliterated into a mess of blood and tendons.

"Hey, you stopped my attack for a second, so consider that an accomplishment!" Saitama laughed as the Z fighter yelled in pain, before lifting into the air as he clutched his bloody arm.

"D-dammit, you really are strong!" Yamcha cursed as he threw several ki bullets behind him with his remaining hand.

Saitama easily dodged the blasts as he leapt into the air after the martial artist, where he managed to grab his leg and promptly swung him into a jungle like a Human baseball bat. Yelling in pain, Yamcha found himself laying on his side in a small crater as the overpowered villain loomed over him.

"If only Goku were here…" the former-desert bandit muttered as he formed another powerful ki blast in his hand. "Spirit Ball!!"

Saitama dodged the glowing ball of energy as it swung past his head, were he raised his own fist as he prepared to finish his downed foe. In a further act of defiance, however, Yamcha again shot into the sky as he desperately attempted to retreat, where he bolted off into the distance. Not about to let his prey escape, however, the caped baldy threw some consecutive normal punches behind him, where the giant wave of invisible, battle-ending blows threatened to reduce the martial artist to a bloody pulp.

Sensing the extremely powerful attacks behind him, Yamcha did his best to dodge the many punches, but he was unable to escape all of them. With one of the blows grazing him, the Z fighter focused all his energy into surviving the attack, but even then, he was helpless as nearly every one of his bones shattered, where upon coughing blood from his broken ribs, Yamcha fell out of the sky and into the jungle below, defeated.

"HAHAHA boooo, again with the lackluster heroes? I swear I'm going to find a way to turn my beetle pet back into a Human so that we can fight again!" Saitama exclaimed as he hunted the area for more prey.

"Why did you interfere? I almost had him!" Homelander complained as he wiped blood from his mouth while flying over to his new ally.

"Right…" the one punch man smirked as he sensed many fast-moving object approaching. "Oh boy, more robots!"

A colossal wave of 200 one-punch-bots screamed towards the two villains, where Homelander again used his laser vision to shred many of them. He couldn't get them all though, and several of the Saitama-themed androids managed to get multiple hits across his body.

"That's it? That feels nothing like the real thing!" the caped baldy complained as he allowed one of the robots to hit him right in the head, where all it did was destroy the machine's own arm as it attempted to punch Saitama's baldness. "Here, I'll show you fellas how it's done."

Rearing his fist back, the villain threw one of his normal punches at the wave of androids, shattering them all into thousands of tiny pieces.