
One Last Wish

"I don't care what I'm getting myself into, as long as it's for you." Jane whose days are numbered on earth because of her terrible illness only wished for one thing. To experience this thing called love before her death. The remaining of her days were on an adventure she couldn't believe and so many truths were unfold, and betrayals from those she never expected. Was she able to seek it and what would be her journey if she was able to find it.

Favyhm23 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
125 Chs

The Opening Ceremony


Few minutes after dressing, a chopper was landing close to the building. It was still early in the morning and the sun showed no sign of coming out. There was no need of asking any questions because she knew it was his doing. Her things have already been packed and he carried them downstairs. She followed right behind him and they entered the chopper.

The sun had started waking up from its slumber when the chopper landed and a big private plane came into view. The flight attendants standing outside came to help them with their luggages. Jane and Francis sat side by side in the plane. After the flight attendants have finished placing their luggages, they left the plane. Shortly, the plane started moving and he entwined his hand with hers, giving her a reassuring smile that she doesn't have to be scared whenever she's around him. Her tensed up body was now relaxed. She placed her head on his shoulder as the plane was now steady in mid-air.


Few hours close to noon, the plane landed. Kevin was seen outside waiting for them with the black limousine car. He bowed as they got closer to him and went and open the passengers seat. She entered the car and quickly came out when she noticed that Francis was not entering the car, rather, he was shutting the door.


"I won't be going with you now Jane."


"I promise to make it before the show commences."

She looked in his eyes feeling so emotional. He sighed and gave her a relaxing kiss on her forehead.

"I'll be there before the show starts. I promise." His voice so calm, caressing her face with his thumbs.

She let out a faint smile as if wishing he should not go and just stay by her side all the time. He kissed her on her lips, seeing the saddened look on her face.

"I need to get somethings done for now." Caressing her face with his thumbs. "I'll be with you once I'm done."

She hugged him tight. "I'll be waiting." And pulled away from the hug. She entered the car and he shut the door. Soon after, the car sped off.


Kevin opened the car door bowing and she stepped out. She saw how busy the place was. The children were assisting some of their caretakers in selling out the remaining tickets and displaying their little craft work. Some of the children passing on the street would cry to their parents to buy those craft works for them and the little cup cakes they also made. This was usually an opening ceremony before the show commences.

"Aunt Jane...." A child screamed in excitement and the rest children left what they were doing and hugged her. "Aunt Jane we missed you...." They jinxed together in excitement.

The children were really fond of Jane because of her big heart. She cared for everyone of them. Not just the children that were also fond of her, including the guardians and oldies.

She squatted down. "I missed you guys so much too."

"Aunt Jane, I made this for you." A child said handing a handfan made of straws.

"Awwwn..." She hugged the boy. "It's beautiful."

"Do you like it?" He asked smiling, revealing his lost tooth the moment they pulled away from the hug.

"No. I LOVE IT. This is the best gift ever. Thank you." Pinching his nose softly and shaking her head. "Okay now. Let's all go back to work now."

"Okay aunt Jane. Bye....." They said together and resumed to their various activities.

Oh how she love those kids. Some of their guardians waved at her and she returned back same energy. She turned around only to see Lisa stepping out. Lisa screamed and ran up to her and hugged her tight, kissing her everywhere on her face.

"Oh my little wormio. My little burger lion. My smoochie cutie pie. I missed you so much. So so much." Her voice screamed in excitement hugging her really tight.

She laughed hugging her bestie too. "I missed you too bunny."

Lisa pulled away from the hug and did a swift scan holding her shoulders. "Mhmmm. You can't tell me that nothing happened to you all this time eh..." She bit her lower lips dancing her brows up and down.

Jane giggled and shook her nose. "We have a lot of work to do Lisa."

"But you said when you arrive." She spoke like a little child.

"Yes Lisa. I said that and it's a promise. But now, look around you for crying out loud. There's still a lot of work we need to do."

Lisa frowned a little but a big smile lit her face shortly. "Fine. But if you scoop out any information, you have me to deal with."

Jane laughed. "Roger that Her Majesty."

They laughed and walked inside, holding each other's hand and swinging it.