
One Last Wish

"I don't care what I'm getting myself into, as long as it's for you." Jane whose days are numbered on earth because of her terrible illness only wished for one thing. To experience this thing called love before her death. The remaining of her days were on an adventure she couldn't believe and so many truths were unfold, and betrayals from those she never expected. Was she able to seek it and what would be her journey if she was able to find it.

Favyhm23 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
125 Chs

The Necklace

They cuddled, feeling each other's skin till it was late in the afternoon. His expression suddenly turned cold.

"What's the matter?" She asked seeing the sudden change of expression on his face.

"Let's go in."

"But....." He scooped her in his arms and carried her back to the elevator.

He placed her feet on the floor the moment they reached her room.

"Don't come out till I say so." He spoke calmly.

"What's..... "

"Can you just do what I asked of?"

Searching his dead cold eyes, she saw nothing. There was no other choice than to agree. "Okay." She nodded.

Without speaking further, he walked out of the room, shutting the double rooms behind him.

"I think you have a visitor Adler." Felix spoke the moment he arrived, sitting on the couch.

"What are you doing here?" Francis asked.

"Am I not allowed to come see my brother? "

He sighed. "Della, what is it you want?" His indecipherable look not changing.

She scoffed. "After all I did for you, you're just gonna...."

"What are you doing here?" He asked, his eyes emitting another level of cold aura.

Della is an average girl with long black hair and dark eyes. Her facial features were so feminine.

She walked closer and stood few feet away from him. Her eyes were fixed on him and her lips wried up. "I guess the prophtess was right after all." She paused and let out a deadly smirk. "I was sent here to inform you, Adler, that the girl you're keeping with...."

"Get out." His voice, so deep and so cold.

"Don't speak to my sister like that." Felix spoke looking angry.

"And if I don't Adler. What will....."He captured her neck tight. In the blink of an eye, Felix had punched him hard on his face. He didn't move, but just let go of Della.

"Adler....." Felix screamed gritting his teeth in anger and holding on to his collar very tight.

Their looks on each other was so deadly. It was as if a war could burst out anytime soon.

"Stop it." Jane cried out begging Felix.

Jane had heard a loud angry scream. Her heartbeat increased knowing that the voice belongs to Felix. She ran downstairs only to see the commotion going on between the two brothers.

Felix turned his head to the crying girl and finally let go of his collar. Everywhere went dead quiet, but the auras emanating from the both of them sent shivers down her spine.

Della walked to the crying girl and stared at her. Jane knew she was Della Wang, the only daughter of the Wang's. Della's hand walked to her neck and brought out the necklace hidden behind her shirt. A wicked smirk curved up on her face.

"Where did you get this necklace from?"

Jane's heart skipped a beat from how cold she spoke. "My...my mother gave it to me." She finally managed to speak.

Jane had not been putting on that necklace for quiet sometime now. When Francis left her room, she went to the closet in search of her diary and the necklace fell down. It was an emarald round necklace. It was then she remembered that it had been quite long since she last wore it. One of the reasons she stopped wearing it, was that it reminded her of her mom so much.

"Your mom? And what's your mother's name?" She asked arching her brows.

"Sarah. Sarah Mai."

And all of a sudden, her hands dropped by her side looking really shocked. "Sarah Mai?" She asked to be sure if she heard right.

Noticing the change of expression on the trio's face, she became a bit confused. "Do...do you guys know my mom?"

Della's face whipped to Francis. His face was painted in an expression that Jane hadn't seen before.

"Adler, this is forbidden." Della spoke in gritted teeth looking more angry. "How could you?"

Francis sighed, raked and tugged his hair tightly staring at the ceiling. Confusion was really painted on his face.

"W... what's happening?" Jane asked because the three of them were making her tensed. "Wh... what's forbidden?" Her body already trembling in fear.

Della's face turned to Jane giving her a serious look. She didn't say anything but kept staring at her. "She doesn't know?" She spoke after scrutinizing her.

Francis and Felix turned their heads to Jane the moment Della asked that. Jane's legs were already trembling and sweats already running down her body from the way the three of them stared at her.

"Wh...Ca... can so... someone t..tell me wh... what's going on h...here?" She stuttered in fear.

"Deal with this mess yourself." Della told Francis angrily and left for the door.

Felix shook his head and ascended the stairs.


A/N: To those who have been with me from the very beginning, you do know that I update daily. But currently, I'm having some issues and that's why the update have been slow. My apologies for that. Really hope you can be patient with me even with the slow update.

Also don't forget to check out my other book, Zombies Territory.