
One Last Wish

"I don't care what I'm getting myself into, as long as it's for you." Jane whose days are numbered on earth because of her terrible illness only wished for one thing. To experience this thing called love before her death. The remaining of her days were on an adventure she couldn't believe and so many truths were unfold, and betrayals from those she never expected. Was she able to seek it and what would be her journey if she was able to find it.

Favyhm23 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
125 Chs


The two of them entered the carriage. Their little ride was quite a romantic one. They cannot help smiling and staring at each other. Jane's lips looked like they could tear any time soon from her smiles. They cuddled each other, and he kept kissing the finger the ring was on. He was too excited.

"Hahaha. Don't you get tired of kissing my finger already?" She smiled at him.

He caressed her finger and planted a kiss on her forehead. "It looks really good on you." He spoke sexily, staring deeply into her eyes.

She blushed and planted a short kiss on his lips. The kiss gradually turned into a hot and sensational one. They were both ready to feel each other deeper, down there. His arms were roaming over her body before the carriage finally screeched to a halt in front of the hospital, causing them to break their passionate kiss. They smiled at each other at the silly thing they just did. 

He scooped her in his arms all the way up to her VIP room. He really wanted her badly. To devour her every soul, but he was scared to death that it might weaken her condition even more.

Her lips slammed on his the moment he placed her on the bed. He carefully broke the kiss so as not to hurt her feelings. He wanted her so much, but he's doing his very best at the moment to restrain himself. Her lips on him might cause him to go berserk and pounce on her.

"I think you should go to bed now, my love." His gentle voice echoed in her ears.

It was clear in his eyes that he was restraining himself because he was scared and worried about her. "You don't want us to get intimate because you're scared, isn't it?"

He didn't utter a word but kept his eyes fixed on hers. His silence meant a yes to her.

She heaved a sigh and cupped his face. "I'll be fine. There's nothing to worry about."

He gently rubbed her face with his thumb. "The doctors said you need to rest, and getting intimate with your condition may completely stress you out. I don't want that for you, my love."

"You're not a stress to me. You're the one and only person who fills my soul with immense peace. You'll always be that peace my heart and body need."

Their eyes locked on each other for a while, and her lips slowly captured his. She knew he was already hard down there. She can feel it.

"Are you sure you want this?" He asked, just to confirm that she'd be fine with this.

"I do."

A smile tugged on the corner of his lips. He slammed his soft, thin lips on hers, and gradually their heat built up. Their bodies wanted more. To feel themselves deeper than they are now. He slid her princess gown. Appearing to him were her beautiful curved body and her shooted breasts. Just the perfect view, he cannot get tired of seeing and exploring. He licked his lips as he stared at her pointed nipples, which were pointed at his mouth. She moaned as he planted soft and hot kisses on her neck. He undressed himself, and their perfect naked bodies landed on each other. Their heartbeat could be felt from how close they were to each other. His weight wasn't fully placed on her because he was trying to be extra careful.

Trailing down the cleavage of her perfectly cupped breasts, his unwavering mouth landed on her nipples. Kissing and sucking them makes them hot and wild. His hand roamed on her laps while his other hand squeezed her breasts tighter. Her moans filled the room. Her heat leveled off. Her fingers dug deep into his skin, feeling every sensational touch on her skin. His mouth travelled up to her ear.

"No. Ungh." She cried in pleasure as he slicked his tongue in her ear. Beads of sweat dotted her chest. Her body wanted more of him. Wanted more of his touch right now. That tingling feeling whenever they made love started building up inside her.

"Please, do it. Do it already." She begged in between her unsteady breath and hot moans.

Like a loyal subject, he heard her plea and adhered to it. Inch by inch, his little buddy moved into hers. Every inch he moved caused her to moan and beg for more. It was doing something crazy to her. He moved in her slowly and steadily. She knew he was restraining himself a lot. His slow movements made her know so. He was being extra careful with her. But she must admit, the slow movements were still enough to make her go crazy and wild. to make her heat up more and her body yearn more for him. 

Her eyes were shut to the world of pleasures. Her brain was thinking of nothing else, and her ears were red as his hot breath continued to fan her. The two of them were moving to their own little beat, so drawn in pleasure. Her muscles tightened down there, and his pace increased, causing him to erupt. He was trying so hard not to erupt, but he couldn't help himself as she tightened her muscles.

They struggled to catch their breath after finishing a round of hot sensational dance. He laid kisses on her forehead and lied down on his back. He could not afford to stress her out much, so only a round should be enough for them.

He placed her head on his chest and gently patted her to sleep. The night was already deep, and the sun might wake up from its slumber really soon.