
One Last Wish

"I don't care what I'm getting myself into, as long as it's for you." Jane whose days are numbered on earth because of her terrible illness only wished for one thing. To experience this thing called love before her death. The remaining of her days were on an adventure she couldn't believe and so many truths were unfold, and betrayals from those she never expected. Was she able to seek it and what would be her journey if she was able to find it.

Favyhm23 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
125 Chs

Icy Place

Damn! He so wanted to insert his little buddy inside of her. He wanted to break her boundaries and feel her everything. He decided not to insert the little buddy inside of her because she was scared. He wanted her to be free and not scared when he's breaking all her boundaries. This was too much for him. He had vowed not to date an unripe girl again ones their two weeks relationship is over. For God knows how long he had been holding himself.

"Fuck! Jane what have you made me do." He asked in so much pain still moving his buddy on her vagina lip.

His little buddy erupted doing it and became hard again. His hot breath caressed her face and in no time, his mouth devoured her lips kissing her hot and wild and his hand moved to her breasts. She loved the things he did to her. The fire he sends to her was unquenchable. He squeezed her breasts tight and placed soft kisses on her nipples and moved up to her ear.

"Please Jane. I'm begging you. Don't tempt me so much again next time. Heaven knows if you'll survive the next one." He said in a pleading voice.

She was still catching her breath and when he got off from her arranging himself. He stared down at the half naked girl and tucked his hair tight.

"Go put on something please." He said and walked away to the restroom to release himself, even if it's just for a while. He knew he would be hard again once his eyes met her. And releasing himself with his hands was not something he had planned on doing in his present life or in the next life to come.

Jane was already sitting on the window seat when he came out. Thank goodness she was already putting on something. His little buddy started kicking again as he sat near her. He had tamed his little buddy, but nothing was working from making it kick anytime he sees her. He just can't wait for the relationship to be over so he can go ahead with the life he was leaving.

The rest of the flight was quiet and he was thankful she didn't spoke a word. It was close to noon time when they finally stepped out of the plane.

The place was icy and cold but the sun that shone brightly gave it a little warmth. The cold icy breeze welcomed her skin and she shivered a little. Little goosebumps appeared on her skin. Thank goodness the car they entered was warm and she felt her skin returning back to its warm state. The ride was a long one. It passed the icy mountains and some rivers had turned icy too. The children playing outside were either building a snow man or throwing ice balls or skating. A smile graced her face as she saw the children playing and skating on the ice. She couldn't do all those when she was younger because her body just can't withstand a second of cold. Her parents would be so worried anytime she falls ill from cold. 

The car stopped shortly after passing a few place. The driver got down and opened the passengers seat. He bowed at Francis as he got down as well as Jane. Confusion formed on her face as she looked around. The entire place was filled with nothing but icy trees and there was no sign buildings far and near. Her body took in some cold and it sent shiver through her spine.


She didn't complete her words as the driver's seat was shut close. Francis wasn't by her side anymore and had entered to the driver's seat. She quickly opened the door and sat close to him. She would have turned to an ice statue if they had remained outside for longer. He started the car and drove off.

She didn't understand why they had to get off from the car if the ride would be resumed shortly. And the driver? He was left outside in that icy place. What would happen to him?

"He'll be fine." He said as if he had read her mind perfectly again.

"But how..."

"It's written on your face that you were worried about him." He said straightforward.

'Wow. He's a pretty good guesser'. She thought. He always guessed what was in her head perfectly like she was readable almost all the time. 

"I see. Okay." She paused and spoke. "But where're we heading to?" She asked. For the past few minutes of the ride, all she could see was icy trees and nothing else.

The man by her side didn't look like he was going to say anymore words. His eyes remained fixated on the road not bothered if there was someone beside him.

Jane puffed her cheeks. Anytime she wanted him to to say something, that's when he goes mute and it was so frustrating.