
One Last Wish

"I don't care what I'm getting myself into, as long as it's for you." Jane whose days are numbered on earth because of her terrible illness only wished for one thing. To experience this thing called love before her death. The remaining of her days were on an adventure she couldn't believe and so many truths were unfold, and betrayals from those she never expected. Was she able to seek it and what would be her journey if she was able to find it.

Favyhm23 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
125 Chs

I Love You

Their heads whipped to the direction of where the voice came from. The two of them were astound. They were not expecting a third party, especially not him.

He walked out of the darkness keeping a face that was ready to go to a war. The cool breeze suddenly became hot from the aura emanating from him. He looked like the beast within was about to surface. His deadly gaze not tearing away from Felix. On the other hand, Felix kept a stern face and a wicked wry curved on his lips. The two brothers looked like they were about going for an unending war. Jane's eyes never railed away from him.

Their deadly killer eyes were locked on each other. She felt something odd coming out of him. His arms were wrapped in thighs fistballs, dripping with blood. His eyes never blinking.

"Jane is now my girlfriend". Felix said not minding how deadly his look was.

Felix took Jane's hand and Francis caught his collar tight gritting his teeth in fury.

"Lay your hand on my woman and I promise not even God will be able to find your dead body".

She felt the anger in his voice. Felix tightened his hand into tight fistballs.

"No matter what, the two of you cannot be together and you..."

"Get out". His deep angry voice sent hot chills down her body.

She had not seen him like this before, she was too surprised to even speak. Felix saw a silhouette of a person watching him from a distance. He moved his gaze back to Francis.

"Adler, I'll make sure you pay for every single thing you've done to me. I'll make sure I'll ruin you to the very core. And I will make it possible you breathe your last breath even if it means exchanging my life for it. I will bring the undefeatable Adler down. Mark my words." With so much fury in his voice and looks, he shrugged Francis hands off and stormed away.

The two brothers might cause a war one day. But she must admit, no matter how Felix was angry, his deadly look was nothing compared to that of Adler. His auras felt like a beast will lurk out. An uncontrollable one.

Jane's eyes was locked on his face as he shut his eyes and opened them, looking much calmer now. His eyes now caught her. She was still shocked. He walked closer to her and cupped her face.

"I missed you." His voice so calm like the sea after a while of staring deep in her eyes.

Jane's heart skipped a beat. Wait! Is this some kind of a dream or was her eyes seeing clearly? He leaned his head till his hot breath caressed her face. His lips slammed on hers and his arms wrapped around her tiny waist. Her body melted in joy. If this was a dream, she didn't want to wake up from it. Her arms moved to his neck and wrapped it around. Their bodies pulled closer to each other and their kiss that meant 'i love you so much' deepened. None of them were ready to break the affectionate kiss. They kissed like they've missed each other a lot. This time around, the kiss was on another level.

He broke the kiss carefully and caressed her face. Tears rolled down from her eyes. She can't tell how much she had missed him and longed for him. Even if she tried her best to forget him and accept that he can never be hers, her heart could not. Her heart yearns for him every passing minute. Her boy screams to be with him. To feel his body, to feel his lips, to see his face. No words could express how much she had missed him.

He gently wiped away her tears. She was too emotional to speak up. His eyes were filled with so much love and emotion.

"My whole world has turned empty without you. Come back and fille that emptiness." His voice in a whisper and it told how much he had really missed her in his life. "You're my world Jane. I don't want to leave the rest of my life knowing you won't be by my side. I don't care what the universe says cause I'm so deeply in love with you." More tears rolled down from her eyes. "I failed to listen to my heart all this time, but now....Now I know you're the reason for my heart best and the reason for my existence. I love you Jane."

Nane hugged him, sobbing on his shoulders. "I love you too. I love you so much."

Their hugs tightened, feeling each other's heartbeat. He slowly let loose of her waist and captured her lips. The clouds gave way to the moon, the cool breeze blew pass them and the earth cheering for the two lovers. Two complete different souls now one. What will fate hold for them?