
One Last Wish

"I don't care what I'm getting myself into, as long as it's for you." Jane whose days are numbered on earth because of her terrible illness only wished for one thing. To experience this thing called love before her death. The remaining of her days were on an adventure she couldn't believe and so many truths were unfold, and betrayals from those she never expected. Was she able to seek it and what would be her journey if she was able to find it.

Favyhm23 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
125 Chs


His grip on her loosened and was about getting off from her when Jane caught his waist by locking her legs around him. He looked down at her raising a brow.

"I want to know what got you so angry." She said looking serious. "I'm your girlfriend and I have all the right to know what got you so angry."

His lips curved up into a devilish smile. "I think I should remind you that you're in a one-sided relationship Jane." He paused and continued. "This whole thing is contracted and I will...."

Before he could finish his words, Jane caught his lips kissing him so hard. He was taken by surprise and didn't respond to her kiss. Not because of how she caught him, but because she wasn't doing it up to his satisfaction. When she realized he wasn't responding to her kiss, she pulled away and stared at him with a questionable look on her face.

A smile graced on his face. Her lips were soft and delectable, but her lips taste didn't struck his mind. "You're a bad kisser." He said really straightforward. 

She felt her heart break. Does he have to be so straightforward with her. Without another word, he got down from her and she sat up immediately.

"You should go to bed Jane. Don't try anything further." 

Jane stood up to face him. She was about protesting before he cut her off.

"Goodnight." He said and walked away.

Maybe he was right. She felt her remaining energy depleting from her. All the strength she had, she had used it to cry her eyes out and now her body was weak. She didn't even realize when she kissed him. Her fatigue was really messing with her mind.

She heard his room door shut close. She sighed and walked away. She was about placing a leg on the stair when something caught her ears. She turned around really quick but saw no one. She was quite sure she heard her name loudly in a whisper. The voice sounded like it was so close to her. 

"Who's there." She asked looking around.

She stood there for some minutes hoping to hear if someone was there but no one.

"I think I really need to get some sleep." She said to herself as she thought it was her head messing with her.

She took slow steady steps ascending the staircase and to her room. Without wasting anymore time, she got on her bed. In the next minute she was in a deep sleep.


The sun was already kissing the horizon when she woke up. Her eyes fluttered open realizing how bright the sun was shining brightly through her windows. It was already late in the morning. She blinked her eyes severally trying to adjust the sun's brightness slapping her face.

She yawned and got out from her bed. Her body still felt tired and her eyes were swollen from all the crying. She went in and took a short bath. After that, descended the stair and her stomach growled louder.

"Good morning ma'am." Mr Bo greeted as he saw her downstairs.

"Good morning Mr Bo." Her stomach growled again.

"I see you're hungry. Breakfast is ready."

She let out a faint smile as if saying 'thank goodness'. She couldn't refuse this time anymore. They entered the dining room and the sweet aroma of the food welcomed her hungry stomach and that made it growled more. She sat down and a maid put in some food on her plate. Without wasting a second, she started digging and stuffing food in her mouth like she hadn't eaten for days. She put in more food in her plate and ate. She can't remember when last she ate like this. And the reason for her being famished was the whole scenerios that happened the previous day. What they did on the dining table, the punishment and the crying. She quickly remembered that she hadn't had any food after the breakfast.

"Thank you Mr Bo." She said as she finished eating.

Mr Bo bowed slightly at her as she stood up. She patted her tummy like she was so satisfied now. She was about leaving the dining room before something flickered in her head.

"Mr Bo."

"Yes ma'am."

"Where's Francis? Have you seen him today?" 

"Yes ma'am. You were still asleep so he told me to pass the information to you that he had travelled."

"Travelled?" She echoed with her eyes wide open.

"Yes ma'am." 

"When will he be back?" 

"I don't know ma'am, my apologies. We only do and say whatever he told us. Apart from that we know nothing ma'am."

She felt her heart wrecking into pieces. 'Where did he have to go so early? What's so important that he had to leave so early? Is he still mad at me?' She cried inwardly.

"Okay. Thank you Mr Bo." 

She walked out of the room feeling sad. She wondered what she did wrong for him to leave so early.