
One Last Wish

"I don't care what I'm getting myself into, as long as it's for you." Jane whose days are numbered on earth because of her terrible illness only wished for one thing. To experience this thing called love before her death. The remaining of her days were on an adventure she couldn't believe and so many truths were unfold, and betrayals from those she never expected. Was she able to seek it and what would be her journey if she was able to find it.

Favyhm23 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
125 Chs


"I see you came." He said in his husky hypnotizing voice on her left ear holding on to her tiny waist. She stopped breathing for a while and slowly turned around to see him. He was putting on black suits - from his body down to his legs including his shoes, and a black mask covering half of his handsome face. His dark eyes permeated through the mask, his dark onyx hair was perfectly combed backwards as always, all which made his look more breathtaking.

Her eyes stared into his dark eyes, it felt like there was no one present in the room and her world stopped spinning. 'How can someone still look this beautifully handsome with a mask on. Where on earth did this mortal man come from?' She spoke to herself.

"Come." He said holding her hand and dragging her away to the dance floor.

Everyone in the dance floor was busy dancing their heart out with their partner like there was no one watching.

"I...I can't dance." She said as he was wrapping her hands around his neck sexily. 

"Do you still want to be my girlfriend?" He asked and a devilish smirk curved up on his face.

Jane went completely speechless. She did want to, but she was completely nervous and scared as to what the test would be.

"Is.....is this my test?" She asked searching his eyes.

He chuckled devilishly. "And would you believe me if I told it is."

Jane stared into his eyes, but much to her chagrin, she couldn't read anything in it like always. It was always expressionless.

"Uhm....." She subconsciously swallowed and answered "yes." 

He gave out a devilish smirk, one not reflecting in his eyes like always, and held on to her tiny waist pulling her closer to him. He held her chin up and made her stare up at him. He stared at her big innocent brown eyes for while and spoke. "This is not it baby girl." He said sexily.

Jane's eyes widened open. If it's not a dance, then what could it be. Oh no, was he planning on doing that? On humiliating her to the world? In front of everyone present here? Her heart now beating fast in her chest. She swallowed as those thoughts popped in her head. All those thoughts kept dancing in her head as the both of them danced away to the slow music.

He licked his lips sexily and buried his face on her neck. "You look sexy baby girl." Those hot breath of his caressed her neck and that sent hot chills to her body.

She didn't understand why her body reacted to that. He slowly travelled up to her ear and sent in dangerous hot breath. Her brain shut down for a while, and for the first time, she clenched his suit in tight balls. For a reason she couldn't grab, she felt weak in her knees as he did that and her ears turned red.

She cleared her throat and spoke. "How.....what...what is my test then if...if it's not a dance?" 

He stared at her and licked his lips sexily. His gaze travelled down to her half exposed breast then slowly to her face. He held on to her waist tightly and pulled her in more and raised her right leg up, making her knee touch above his waist line. Her brain shut down for a while and her heart thudded loud in her chest. He caressed her legs warmly moving upward and his look on her became so sexily hot. "Why are you so eager to know what your test will be. Are you that desperate?" He asked and bit his lower lip sexily.

Jane went numb for a while, not because of what he said, because of what he was doing down there. He moved up slowly to her hips. She couldn't help but bit her lips hard to stop a moan from coming out.

"I...I.....uhm....I just want... want to know what my test will be. So...." She hissed in between her teeth as he did something dangerous with her hip making her pause her sentence. She tried to bring the little sanity she had left, back to reality but his hands kept going higher and higher slowly, sending hot chills through her body. 

Before she could process anymore thing, a moan escaped her lips and her hold on his neck tightened. 'What is he doing? Please stop. Why....why am I feeling this...'

"Okay." He said pulling her back to reality and making pause whatever was going through her mind. "Since you're so desperate Ms Jane," he looked at her sexily and smirked, "I'll give you the test now." He said letting go of her leg and holding on to her waist, staring intensely at her big brown eyes reflecting from the mask. "Come." He pulled her away as soon as the music stopped playing.