
One Last Wish

"I don't care what I'm getting myself into, as long as it's for you." Jane whose days are numbered on earth because of her terrible illness only wished for one thing. To experience this thing called love before her death. The remaining of her days were on an adventure she couldn't believe and so many truths were unfold, and betrayals from those she never expected. Was she able to seek it and what would be her journey if she was able to find it.

Favyhm23 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
125 Chs


Jane woke up from her peaceful sleep the following morning. The beautiful morning sun was already peeking through the red curtains. She stared blankly in the open space in front of her as memories from the previous night were replaying in her head. Her face turned red as she recalled what he did to her wet with his tongue. She loved that feeling.

After some minutes of blushing from the memories of the previous night, she turned around and saw that he wasn't on the bed.

"Where is he?" She asked looking around the room.

When she realized that he was nowhere to be seen in the room, she quickly stood up from the bed. A knock came on the door shortly. She headed to the door and opened it. It was a maid holding some clothes in her hands.

"Good morning ma'am." The maid greeted bowing slightly. "I was sent here to bring these to you." She added referring to the clothes she was carrying.

Jane raised a brow at her looking a bit confused. New clothes? But why? She had some clothes she brought along with in her bag. She sighed and took the clothes from her.

"Thank you." She said warmly.

The maid bowed and left.

"I'm sure he must have done this all in the name of looking sexy for him." She spoke to herself placing the clothes on the bed. She shook her head and went right in to the bathroom and took a quick bath. Jane came out shortly after that, and dried her hair. 

"This is......." She said to herself holding the dress. 

She shook her head and put on the dress. After some minutes, she stepped out of the room. Francis halted his steps he was about placing on the staircase. He bit his lips sexily as she approached him. His dark eyes never leaving her half exposed breast.

Jane was putting on a short tight red gown. A gown tight enough revealing her beautiful curves. It was a V-neck that exposed almost all her breast, covering only the nipples area. 

He looked at her and the sight of her in that dress made him turned on again. His little buddy was kicking him hard down there and his demons from within were telling him to do it right there and then with her. The beautiful scent emanating from her was making it worst for him. Such a thing had never happened to him before. He has never been so aroused by staring at a woman.


"You look sexy baby girl." He said sexily not tearing his gaze from her breast.

"T....thank you." She spoke feeling really uncomfortable in the dress. 

His gaze travelled up to her face till their eyes met. He tucked his hair tightly and stared up at the ceiling.

"You are really making it worst for me you know. If you were any other girl, I would have fucked you right here so hard you would be screaming."

Jane swallowed and his gaze drew back at her. He shrugged seeing that expression on her face.

"Let's go." 

Jane nodded slightly and they walked down the stairs like a a perfect couple. He led her to the dining room. The long table was decorated with different types of food - all arranged from one end to the other. If she hadn't known from the previous day, she would have asked again if there was a feast going on.

Mr Bo. opened a chair for her to sit down, while Francis sat on the head seat. She was sitting down close to him. The maids dug out some food to their plates. Like they read his unfathomable expression, they bowed and left the room.

Jane didn't waste anymore time and started devouring her food. She ate like there was no one watching.

"Guess you must be famished uhn?"

"Mhmm." She nodded as her mouth was stuck in with food. "Why aren't you eating?" She asked as she noticed his plate is untouched. "It's really good. You should eat."

He shrugged. "I'm waiting for my breakfast." He said with his arms crossed on his chest. Jane blinked her eyes. "It's time for you to feed me." He said sexily.

"He sighed inwardly. Without a word from her, she put some food on her fork. "Ah..." She gestured him to open his mouth wide open.

Francis blinked his eyes. "What are you doing?" His voice sounding cold .

"I'm feeding you. You said it's time for me to feed you and it's also part of the deal remember. I'll have to feed you for breakfast, lunch and dinner. So please open up." She said innocently and poked the food on his lips.

"Get that thing away from me." He said sounding angry. His eyes were blazing with anger.

Jane flinched in fear from how he sounded and how he looked. She dropped the fork back on the table. She didn't know what got him upset. 'Why is he always upset with me?' She asked herself. She was struck in confusion because he did the same thing last night when she spoke about feeding him. 

He stared at her with fury, gritting his teeth hard. "Do I have to spell out everything to you?"  He asked in gritted teeth.