
One Last Wish

"I don't care what I'm getting myself into, as long as it's for you." Jane whose days are numbered on earth because of her terrible illness only wished for one thing. To experience this thing called love before her death. The remaining of her days were on an adventure she couldn't believe and so many truths were unfold, and betrayals from those she never expected. Was she able to seek it and what would be her journey if she was able to find it.

Favyhm23 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
125 Chs

Back To The Mansion


The following morning, the sun had started surfacing. She saw something that made her eyes open.

"A chopper?" She said as they stood outside seeing a chopper landing on the sandy ground.

"Yes baby girl." His voice so sexy.

"It's that...."

"It's your's." He spoke wryly and walked to the chopper.

She blinked her eyes a few times and slapped her forehead with her palm shaking her head. "This man is just too much." She said in annoyance and walked away.

The flight was quite a romantic one. The two of them cuddled all the way, feeling each other's skin and inhaling their beautiful scent till the chopper finally landed in the open space in front of the castle like golden mansion. The cold icy breeze welcomed her the moment she got down of the chopper. She shivered and rubbed her palms on her bare skin. She quickly ran to the mansion not to turn into an ice statue. He came in shortly and wrapped her with his coat, hugging her from behind. She hugged him back feeling the warmness of his body.

"You're cold." He spoke in a gentle voice.

She nodded he head on his shoulders. He quickly removed his coat and made her wear it. He carried her in his arms, ascending the grand golden staircase to the room and gently placed her on the bed and he was untop of her.

"You know, one of the best treatment for a cold patient is getting intimate." He spoke sexily, winking at her and also caressing her face.

She blushed and chuckled. "Then I'm guessing the cure to my condition right now, it's us getting intimate Mr doctor." She teased a little.

"I guess." His lips slammed on her pink soft lips.

He tore off her crop top and cupped her breasts. Damn it! This woman was making him go crazy for sex. Heaven save him from not doing anything worse.

He started riding in her after they've gone completely naked. Her tight wet always made him erupt quickly all the time. It was quite frustrating. But he mush admit that he love how tight she was down there. Everything about her was just too good. They were both carried away to their own rhythm. The mansion and icy place made it even more romantic for them.

Their bodies filled in with heat as they grasped for air. Fuck! This was the third round with her and he just cannot get enough of this woman.

His head whipped and looked at the unsteady breathing girl. "This tigress seems to be pretty strong and not getting tired."

She chuckled and stared at him. "I'm not a tigress stop calling me that...and you don't get tired when you're with the person you're so much in love with."

He raised his body up and placed kisses on her forehead and both her eyelids. "I guess you're right." Caressing her face with his thumbs.

Her stomach growled loudly and they laughed like they just heard something hilarious.

"I know. I know." She spoke when she noticed that he was about speaking. "I eat so much and I'm still weightless. But that's what my stomach is for anyways. To eat and keep eating till I'm full." She spoke cutely.

He laughed at the silly girl and poked her nose. "What should I make you for lunch my little tigress?"

Her cheeks swelled and a small frown settled on her cheeks. It was clear that she doesn't like the name 'tigress' he gave to her. Seeing the annoyed look on her face, his lips wried up and spoke.

"Then what should I call you. Wife?"

Her heart skipped a pulse as he said that word 'wife'. It made her blush.

"Okay then wife. Since you love that name so much I'll be calling you that."

"But we aren't married."

He raised a brow and poked her nose. "You're right. We aren't married. But judging by your facial expression, you seem to love the name wife. You always blush like you're doing now whenever I call you that."

He stood up and scooped her in his arms. Judging by her facial expressions, she doesn't look like she'll ever get tired of this baby treatment.

"Shower or bathtub?" He asked when they got to the bathroom, still carrying her in his arms.

"Shower." Her cheeks burning red from blushing and smiling.

"Okay then WIFE." He stressed that word, winking at her and placed her feet down.