
One Last Wish

"I don't care what I'm getting myself into, as long as it's for you." Jane whose days are numbered on earth because of her terrible illness only wished for one thing. To experience this thing called love before her death. The remaining of her days were on an adventure she couldn't believe and so many truths were unfold, and betrayals from those she never expected. Was she able to seek it and what would be her journey if she was able to find it.

Favyhm23 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
125 Chs


Jane stood there smiling about all that Lisa had spoken over the phone. She was really blessed to have a friend who's more than a sister to her. She was glad that heaven gave her such a friend despite their different status in finances and beauty. "I'll always love you Lisa." She said in her mind.

She walked out of the room and headed straight downstairs to the kitchen, only for her to see that dinner was ready and had already been served. And the kitchen was filled with the nice aroma wafting off from the food. He opened a chair for her to seat, which she sat, and he sat across her.

"It's time to eat tigress. Oop, sorry. Wife." He teased her.

She blushed and bit her lips, trying to hide away that smile that was forcing its way up.

"Thank you for the food." Her voice could tell that she wanted to smile but was forcing it to not surface.

"Anytime wife." He smiled as he saw her smiling face.

He scooped some soup in the soup and started feeding her. "Do you like it."

"Mhmmm. This is the best soup I've ever tasted." She said smiling.

He smiled. "I guess I'd making this often for you then."

"I don't mind." She opened her mouth wide again and he fed her.

After some time, she carried her spoon and scooped some soup for him. "Ah....." She motioned for him to open his mouth. He did and gulped down the soup. She scooped in another one to feed him, but he stopped her.

"You need to eat."


"Jane I'm not hungry." He said simply.

"I haven't...."

He put some food in her mouth, preventing her from speaking further.

"Eat baby girl and save that voice for the sweet sounds of moans only."

A blush flashed pass her face and she began to eat in silence with him constantly feeding her till the very last drop of the food. She had finished everything on the table.

"Thank you." She smiled

He stood up and kissed her head as sign of 'you're welcome.' He carried her to the fireplace in the grand parlour and made her sit in between his legs on the couch, hugging her from behind. They were quiet, looking at the burning fire and feeling their intimate touch.

"Tomorrow's the Old Age and Orphanage show." She spoke finally breaking off the silence.

"What's that?" He asked placing his chin on her shoulder.

"It's a show my family and Lisa's hold for the oldies and the orphans. We use the show as a means to make money for them and to help assist them in any other way."

"It sounds good."

She sighed and turned her head around to look at him. "I need to be there early to get some things done. I'll also be participating in the show so I need to know my part in the drama I'll be partaking."

"Guess we'll be leaving really early then." He said caressing her chin.

"Hmmmm." Nodding her head. "Can I ask you for a favour?"

"You want me to be present in the show tomorrow?"

She looked at him and nodded her head. "Will you be able to make it for the show tomorrow?" She asked searching his eyes.


A big smile lit up her face and she wrapped him around his neck. "Thank you."

"Let's go to bed so we can leave really early."

She nodded her head still hugging him tight. "He scooped her in his arms and started walking."

"Don't you get tired of carrying me?"

He halted his steps. "Shush now wife. Save that voice of yours for what will be happening in the next few minutes." He said in a sexy voice.

She blushed and a smile graced his face, seeing her blushing face. He carried her to the room and placed her on the bed. As expected, he kissed her lips to tenderly and cupped her breasts tight. In a short time, the two of them were naked. His mouth devoured her breasts, sucking them hard and gave the same attention to her wet down there. She cried in pleasure, feeling his warm tongue in her wet. And again, burning in unquenchable fire. In no time, he inserted his little buddy in her, thrusting her in and out, feeling her every corners of her wall.

In just two rounds, her body gave in. He looked at the already tired girl and kissed her forehead, her eyes and her cheeks. He let her go. Not just because she was tired, but because he knows she have a long day ahead of her tomorrow. He needed to let her rest. And what whatever they did all through the day was enough to tire her quick.

He placed her head on his chest and they slept side by side, cuddling each other, and soon after, darkness embraced them.


Hey guys, my other book, Zombies Territory is out. Go check it out.