
One Last Wish

"I don't care what I'm getting myself into, as long as it's for you." Jane whose days are numbered on earth because of her terrible illness only wished for one thing. To experience this thing called love before her death. The remaining of her days were on an adventure she couldn't believe and so many truths were unfold, and betrayals from those she never expected. Was she able to seek it and what would be her journey if she was able to find it.

Favyhm23 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
125 Chs


He scooped her in his arms and she giggled. He was about doing something but stopped, gaining some of his sanity. A smile hovered on his face as he carried her to the car. He made her lie down on the passengers seat and him untop of her.

"Here?" She asked smiling.

"Yes my wife." He said sexily.

Their lips slammed on each other. Oh heavens! He had missed the smoothness of her skin, the taste of her pink lips, her sweet hot moans anytime they made love and the sweet taste of her wet. Damn! No girl had ever made him go crazy this way. Since she left, he had not been at peace with himself. He became angry over every little thing and nothing seemed to satisfy him. No girl ever gave him the pleasure the way she did. It came to the realization that he wanted her. No. He needs her in his life every passing day. He doesn't care anymore the vast difference between them and the enmity between their kind. It wasn't her fault for being among them neither was he at fault for falling deeply in love with her. He had made up his mind to fight against all odds just to be with the woman he loves so much, no matter what might come his way. There was no way he'd ever let her go again. This was the first time he realized just how much he loves a person. How much he needed someone in his life.

His hot little buddy slided in and out of her slowly. He felt her heat and her wet. Her moans filled the car. His hands attended to her nipples, creating some kind of magic in her and in few minutes, he erupted. Their bodies begged for more. They couldn't seem to get enough of this and him.... Heavens help him not to do this endlessly with her till day break. Her fingers dug deep in his skin as he kissed her neck. Her back arched for him and her muscles tightened down there causing him to groan in both pleasure and pain. Sweats covered their bodies and the car moved to the little rhythm they were creating in it. Their love making was out of this earth. Their bodies were not ready to break this magical moments. He erupted again finally calming down. He stared down at the girl trying to catch her breath. He placed a kiss on her eyes and the tip of her nose.

"I love you." He whispered caressing her face.

She smiled and cupped his face, placing a short kiss on his lips. "I love you too."

"Let's go home now wife."

She blushed. She must admit that she missed being called wife by him. Nobody calls that name better than him.

He gathered her in his arms and took her to the front seat. He drove the car away with the two of them entwining their hands together. Their smiles lightened up and chased away all negativity that might be hovering around them. Love filled the air. He rose her hand to his lips and placed a soft kiss on it. Her smile widened.

In the blink of an eye, a truck driving with high speed hit the car from where Jane was sitting down. The car somersaulted four times till it finally stopped and the tyres now facing down. After a short while, he opened his eyes only to see the unconscious Jane lying with blood flowing from her head. He quickly removed his seat belt and got out of the car.

"Jane...." He called out shaking her slightly as he brought her out from the car. His eyes that were filled with love now zipped in fear. His whole body went numb holding the unconscious Jane.

"This is not a time for this Adler. Take her to the hospital." Someone spoke, arriving at the scene shortly after the incident.

Francis was left confused. His Jane was lying lifeless in his arms.

"Don't worry Adler. She still have a pulse. Go now when it's still early."

A tear rolled down from his eyes and he managed to scoop the unconscious Jane in his arms.

"Use the car." Said the voice stopping him from doing something else.

Kevin had just arrived a second ago. He kept her in the car with him holding her tight and Kevin drove off with a high speed. His teeth gritted in fury and his body ready to go beserk for who ever did this to his Jane. He will kill anyone and everyone who caused it.

The car halted in front of the hospital and she was immediately rushed to the emergency ward.

"Adler, she needs you now." Spoke Kevin stopping him from going out wearing such killer look on his face. "You need to stay here with her."

"Call her parents. I'll be right back." With anger resonating in his voice, he walked away with look ready to kill anyone.