
One last cigarette

How far do you go to take a break from reality? Drugs; Alcohol; Self harm... Struggling to figure out who she is Sofia Night's has to put her life on hold to be able to give her brother everything she could never have growing up. What happens when the only thing keeping Sofia from ending it all get's taken away. Less sleep; Raging thoughts; no escaping from the demons that remind her of the past... Will Noah Martinez become her new addiction or will he be the cause of her destruction.

Rope_Bunny18 · Fantasia
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20 Chs

Chapter 17: Running

Noah took Sofia back to the house and she went straight to her room.

Deciding a run would be a chance to get out of her head Sofia grabbed her clothes and locked the bathroom door.

Spotting herself in the mirror Sofia dragged her eyes all over her body while she got dressed in her long-sleeved cropped top and her matching pants with her black running shoes, Sofia released a long breath before unlocking the door but the handle wouldn't move.

Pulling the door a few times she accepted the fact that she was locked in and needed someone to unlock it from outside.

Screaming at no one in particular Sofia hoped someone would come to help her. After a few minutes, she stopped screaming for help and sat down on the countertop mad that she was still locked in. AGAIN.

'I didn't even do anything this time she thought getting emotional again.


I have no idea what's going on with me today I've been crying too much for my liking, and I can't seem to stop.

Stupid fucking Noah why'd he have to lock me up like that and then be the one to calm me down after I'm having this weird feeling whenever I'm close to him and it's confusing the fuck out of me. Hearing footsteps in my room I jumped up and started yelling again.

"Mia why the hell are you yelling I'm trying to study!" Steven yelled back sounding... angry. He's never angry or upset I always cheer him up before he could get upset and I tried my best to keep him happy. Thinking about ways I'll kill whoever made him mad I shouted at him to get me out because I was locked in.

After a while, the door swung open and I ran outside being stopped by no one other than Noah.

Rolling my eyes at him he released me and I searched the room for my brother spotting him sitting on my neatly made bed.

Walking right in front of him I pointed my finger in his face "Who's the unlucky soul?" I asked knowing Steven knew what would happen if he gave me a name.

Steven only pointed at Noah who looked like a deer caught in headlights.

Narrowing my eyes at him I tapped my foot a few times "Don't give me that look you would be mad if you heard the reason he's upset with me" Noah defended.

"Come on we're going for a run"

"I have work to do" Noah answered thinking I was talking to him. "Not you princess I meant Steven" I answered grabbing my brother's hand and dragging him outside.

Jogging next to him I asked Steven how his day was with the still very alive principal which reminded me to talk with Alex about my little request.

We turned back after reaching a mile and I decided it was time to ask my little brother why he was mad but I wish I didn't.

Arriving at the gate I was irritated at both him and Noah.

Why the fuck did he agree!

Walking into his office without knocking, I stopped in front of his table.

"Well come on then, I've worked my ass off to keep my brother happy, and you're not going to upset him by going back on your word". I wasn't going to take my anger out on Steven even if he was the one who suggested it, Noah should've known better he was the adult.

Giving me a confused look Noah closed his laptop showing me that I had his attention.

"We're going on a date pretty boy, let's go" I motioned with my hand to the door. "Looking like that" Noah pointed out and I looked at my outfit remembering I still had my running clothes on. "What I meant to say was in 30 minutes after I change" I added not wanting to seem dumb.

Noah only nodded probably just wanting this to be over.

Getting dressed in a black dress that had slits at the sides of my legs and connected the sides with straps I grabbed my black heels while tying a loose bun and lightly doing my makeup.