
Once upon a time in Azgartas

Leiron and his classmates travel to a new world and explore it.

Zero_Mgl · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
5 Chs

Chapter 3 - Silent night part 1

Some forest in Neiston empire - 10DKIE M9 D16

After a while of sleeping, I was woken up by Aika-Chan's loud screaming. I got up and see half of the class missing and half getting up as I do. It was pitch black. I run towards the voice direction with a spear in my hand. and arrived at the scene. Aika-Chan was crying. I was furious and ready to slaughter anything that made a cute Loli cry. At the scene, the missing half of the class was already there. I asked:

"Is everything okay?" Shigeru-Kun who was near me whispered to me:

"Everything is okay. Damned goblins scared her while taking a pee. You can go to sleep now. Your turn to patrol is after Mari-Chan and others. So, it's after the after of this batch. Get some sleep while you can." Then he shouted:

"From now on if you want to go to the toilet go with at least two people." I did not have anything to do so I slept.

A few hours later, I was woken up by Reiko-Chan and Yuji-Kun. Then Mari-Chan instructed us on what to do during our patrolling:

"Patrol the area around us every ten minutes. If it's small prey like a goblin try to take care of it by yourself or with the patrol team if possible. If someone wants to take a dump or urinate, one of you should go with them. Two of you if it is a girl. You guys will be in charge for around 3 hours. Now it is around 4'30 am." Then she told me with a very serious tone:

"Leiron-Kun it is a very serious situation alright. Not your dream fantasy. People can get hurt and die due to your mistakes, okay? Don't mess it up." Then Reiko-Chan and Yuji-Kun both defended me with a jokingly tone:

"Don't be like that. He can do this. Give him a chance."

Mari-Chan was a really smart and tall girl. She was one of those stick people. No buns, no breasts. She gets along with most people, which excludes me and Hisoka-Kun. She was that rule-following girl. She acts like she is head of the law enforcement team of the student council. Bitch is not even on the school council. She is kind of annoying because of that. I would not have preferred her over any girl in my class. Some people would find her attractive but not me. She was around 175 or a little bit above. For a girl that is really high. She was the tallest girl in my school. Yuji-Kun is around 170. She had gotten the title of "Art of siren". Her first title exclusive skill was "Song of the sirens". It allows her to apply all types of crowd control effects like "Stun", "Taunt", "Root" or others just by screaming. It was passive and random. Had a chance to trigger and you don't know what effect the enemy will get. Something like taunt can actually be bad. Her second title exclusive skill was "Paint of the sirens". When drawing or sculpturing something beautiful or admiring you had a chance of permanently increase intelligence. Her hating me began when one class I forgot my pen. I asked her if she was able to spare one for me. She agreed and gave me one. But. I had a bad habit of licking my pen. I know it's weird, but I am trying to change it okay. For some bad luck. she happens to look at me while I was deep-throating half of her pen's ass in my mouth. From that day onwards she always thought of me as despise of society. I am not gonna judge her It was my fault. I am actually grateful that she did not tell anyone. If she told other people no one would ever let me borrow something from them again. She has pretty much no trust in me. It's okay.

Unlike Mari-Chan and Mai-Chan, Yuji-Kun and Reiko-Chan were closer to me. I was not their best friend or friend, but I was better than just classmate. I did not have friends. But Yuji-Kun and Reiko-Chan get along with everyone fine. They bring a joyous and fun atmosphere to class.

Reiko-Chan usually gets along with anyone. She, me, and one boy from the other class used to go home together. We used to talk about anime and things that happened in class on the train together. People used to joke that she was dating a boy who I and Reiko-Chan used to go home with, from another class. I felt like they did. Because that boy's home was far away from where I and Reiko-Chan used to go. And every time he follows Reiko-Chan saying my home is closer to there. I always felt like I was the third wheel in their relationship and tried to space away from them. I no longer take trains with them, me and Reiko-Chan's communication became hollower and colder. She got the title of "Robinhood" from the God of Creation. Her first title exclusive skill was "Untouchable". It makes it so that when attacked by a projectile she had a high chance of passively dodging it. Chances are lower if it is a melee attack. Her second title exclusive skill was "Outlaw". Her attacks will become more precise and accurate when fighting in name of justice or heroism. I think it was pretty neat. She doesn't even know how to shoot, but most of the time we are fighting against goblins she seems to just randomly headshot them. She was the second tallest girl with around 172 to 173. Wears glasses most of the time. It really fitted her really well. Whenever she has taken off her glasses I thought inside my head:

"Damn her attractiveness just dropped by 20%".

In her later year's high school, her breasts just became big. It was not crazy massive, but it was probably in the top 3 in my class. I was kind of surprised because she was not fat and was a slim tall girl. Sometimes I see her see how fast she changed from when I first saw her. She had green she had Lincoln green light leather armor with a hood. Sepia brown lace-up boots that had tan staples. She wielded a one-hand lightweight crossbow with a short knife.

Mari-Chan and the others have gone to sleep. Thus, my night adventure began.