
Once upon a time in Azgartas

Leiron and his classmates travel to a new world and explore it.

Zero_Mgl · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
5 Chs

Chapter 1 - The New Beginning

Some school in Tokyo - 2021CE M9 D15

Leiron was struggling in the Math lesson like usual. Thinking and fantasizing about the anime he watched last night. In a matter of seconds, Leiron (レイロン) finds himself in a colosseum-like building, that has ancient Greek design, with his classmates and nothing else. The entire class was middle of the Math lesson a second ago. Everyone starts questioning "What just happened?" and some start to panic. Black and white two light introduces themselves as the God of Creation (black light with a young male voice), and the God of Deletion (white light middle-aged female voice). As they introduce themselves everyone is not able to move, make sounds, or even think. They were only able to listen to what they said and understood them. Gods explain that they were summoned to this world to destroy the Blood crystal, that dark alchemists made, God themselves has no right to directly influence the world, and creatures of Azgartas weren't using the system, that God of creation made. God of Creation also mentions the idea of a system is similar to those of manga and games of the earth when he built the world. Then God of Deletion tells them if they succeed to destroy the blood crystal, they will return to their world with one thing they want from this world that doesn't break the laws of their world. They didn't give them more information, but they told them every time they acquire 10 levels, they will have one chance of questioning the Gods, and every 25 levels they have a chance of asking a private question to their chosen God. Then next second, Leiron finds himself in front of two gods, all of his classmates are gone he is alone. and the God of Deletion tells him he will give Leiron the title of "Great Hunger" and a fighter class with title-exclusive skills. At this time voice in his tells him:

- Acquired title "Great Hunger"

- Acquired passive effect "Communism"

- Acquired passive effect "Eat it when it's here"

Then the system says: (Women voice)

- Now choose your gear, please. You can only choose a weapon and gear that suits your class. When choosing the gear, you are unable to switch your class. Unless special occurrence. You can choose one weapon for each of your hands, one armor, and one set of clothing. But can choose only one weapon when it's a two-handed weapon.

Again, he teleported to the room with weapons and armor. When he touches the item, the system shows him information about the equipment. Leiron thinks:

- I should aim for the best armor and weapon that is made from dragon bone or something.

But unfortunately, all types of equipment are made from a material called Zeronium. Leather boots were just Zeronium boots that are dyed like leather. Since everything is the same aside from style and type Leiron chooses the Zeronium spear, but he still doesn't know what armor to choose. He wants something that can be worn even in non-fighting time for extra safety and is not visible. After searching he found a Necklace that gives a layer of Zeronium skin for armor. This is considered armor when worn and not visible. For clothing, he chose a black coat with a hood, black sneakers, and black pants. Then the system says, "Finished choosing gears".

As soon as he clicks the button, he gets teleported in front of a big map with his classmates. He realizes that he was wearing all clothes he chose and the Necklace of Zeronium skin. He was even holding the spear he chose. The same happens to everyone they said: "They were in the room with weapons and armor a second ago". The system tells them to choose the region or city that they want to land. When reading the name of the area they get information about the region, city, or state. One of his classmates, Mitsuo suggests going to the same place, while Rokuro-Kun goes to the mountains by himself. No one knows why he did that and not had time to tell him to not he just chooses it and the next second he was gone. Some say we should go after Rokuro-Kun but the area he was gone was the high leveled area with ferocious monsters. The Gods mentioned something about you will be transported back to your earth when died but there will be memory loss. So, they just thought it was Rokuro-Kun going back and didn't bother.

After lots of talking, they all landed in the Neilston empire(human). Upon landing in the middle of the forest, they realize they have to fight immediately with a few goblins. There were five of them. Goblins all have blunt weapons and weren't wearing any armor. Girls were all struggling and were getting scared and horrified. However, Mitsuo-Kun unsheathed his great sword and slashed 2 of the goblins with one swing. While Mamoru-Kun took the aggro of one goblin Masato-Kun shot that goblin with a bow. Michio and Akira took down one goblin too. Hideki-Kun and Hisoka-Kun tried to take down one goblin too, but Hisoka-Kun accidentally shot Hideki-Kun's face. It was just a little accident and the damage was not really major. Just a little scrape on his face. Hideki-Kun doesn't seem to be angry, but he was in pain and that's for sure. We just got really scared after that. It seems like with armor goblin's attack does not really do much to us. Hideki-Kun said it felt like getting punched. Thank God for them having no knife or sword. I just stand there seeing all of this happening like a loser. The rest of us was trying to defend the girls. But we didn't have anything to do. After that, we talked about what was happening. The conversation was long dragging time-consuming. Mai-Chan of all people mourned that she wants to go back home. It was getting super annoying, but then Takeshi-Kun said with an angry tone:

"If we want to go home, we can go home. You just need to die. You will not remember the event but you will be teleported to the moment before we got transported to the math lesson. If you want to go back, I will kill you, if you don't want then, shut the fuck up. It is annoying." Then Mitsuo-Kun said:

"I think it is clear that we got isekaied, it is better to get adapted than standing in the middle of the dangerous forest with monsters and arguing. I think we should first find a water source."

We all then went on a journey to find water. Fortunately, we heard some water splashing and after following a sound for a few minutes we found a nice river. It was evening already, so we decided to camp near that river.

I mean it is better than some isekais where nothing makes sense.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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