When one feels lonely, one can always call for that trusted person. It may be a family member or a close friend who slowly became your brethren and strong ally. But what if that strong bond was cut? A betrayal unforeseen, causing the alliance to go unstable? These were the questions that were haunting both King Joaquin's and King Sandalius’ minds as they proudly led the frontlines. But at that very moment, brotherhood might be something in the past, blown through the cold breaths of lese-majeste. A faded memory of boyhood–an unreachable dream knowing that blood had already spilled on the rich earth, all because of a war that began on some fool’s tongue.
On that gloomy day—a day indeed intended for woes despite the summer’s day reign, men in steel suits marched and battled on that very plain field where dandelions used to sway. Cipreon against Delombre. Kingdom against kingdom, power against power, a fight between King Joaquin’s forthright and King Sandalius’ broken faith.