
Werewolf and a Hybrid.

"Jacklyn?" Scarlett said with confusion and shock.

"Of course its Jacklyn, seriously, what the hell? Can I not make sure Scarlett stays safe now. I am making sure she stays alive. Did you see how much blood she lost? She needs it again. She needs her strength." Ash said.

"No, But you need to help her get her strength back through effective ways, not this blood drinking. You promised you keep it under control. You'd make sure she is safe and I know I wasn't there, so I don't know. But one thing I do know this is just wrong." Jacklyn sassed towards the end.

"Exactly! You weren't there! You didn't attack those hunters, you weren't tortured or attacked! You don't know what happened! So just sit down and let me explain. Please" Ash's yelled as his face grew red with anger.

"I can see just fine what has happened. Look at you! All those cuts and scars. Ash, this is not good. This isn't healthy for either of you. Look at you Scarlett, you're so much more. You don't need to depend on the blood you can work around it. We can help you." Jacklyn persuaded with a gentle but firm voice.

"Jacklyn, you don't know anything. You haven't been with Scarlett these past few years, watching her go further into this lifestyle. Finding her almost dead cause she couldn't drink her own blood. What else am I meant to do. She can't drink her own blood and animal isn't doing any good for her. So I had to do something." Ash argued.

"Guys. Please, stop. I'm fine." Scarlett mumbled like a child in the corner.

Jacklyn picked up a shirt and threw it at Ash.

"Here, put this on, The one you are wearing now its practically shreds" Jacklyn said.

Ash took his old shirt off and quickly slid into the black button up shirt. Jacklyn made big thuds with her shoes while walking into the kitchen. She picked up a cloth, Dampened it and walked back through and handed it to Scarlett to clean up the blood. Scarlett left the room and went to change and clean herself up.

"Look, I'm only here to make sure Scarlett is doing okay. I don't want her dying just as much as you. But you know I'm not one hundred percent about this lifestyle you guys have going on. You cant keep giving her your blood all the time. She'll develop a craving for it all the time. You'll have to keeping giving it to her over and over again. You need to make her learn to live with what she can have and what she cant. Giving her your blood all the time is just bad not just for her, but for you too." Jacklyn explained.

Ash smirked, Laughed to himself and sat himself down on the near by couch.

"You ain't Scarlett's mother, nobody is. Not even I can tell her what to do but I know this. You cant come in here. My house. Our house, throwing your demands at us. We are not your children, you cant boss us around. I don't care if you are dominant or whatever you call it. In the end, you are just a Werewolf. You have no dominance over me, A Hybrid. You have no control over Scarlett, a Vampire. You have no rights over her and it is not your position to say what she can and cannot do. She isn't a item you can claim. Scarlett is Scarlett and you know better than I do, she does what she wants. I was just trying to help her. It was either that or let her die a long and suffering death from low energy. I am sure you wouldn't want that." Ash explained.

Jacklyn glared at Ash but Ash just turned his head in the other direction. Jacklyn began getting annoyed at him, Being dominant and slight controlling was just in her natural instinct. She has no control over it. After all, A werewolf is a curse and do you really have control over a curse.

Then something just snapped in Jacklyn's head. She grabbed Ash by the neck and slammed him into the near by glass table, filling the room with a loud smashing noise, Flying glass shards everywhere. The table had been shattered to millions of pieces and scattered all over the floor and then suddenly Jacklyn began digging her claws into his neck.

"What the heck Jacklyn!?" Ash screamed.

"Look, I don't give a flying damn who the hell you think you are or even what you are. Scarlett is my friend, I trust you to look after her. Don't you ever talk to me like that again. Got it?" Jacklyn snapped.

"God sake, get off me" Ash snapped back.

Ash threw Jacklyn off him, Grabbed her by the arm, Dragging his claws down her arm. Slicing it open. He grabbed her by the neck and pinned her to the floor.

"Scarlett is my fiancée, I know you have known her longer than me but, I've been through all the crap with her for this lifestyle choice. I don't follow rules. I make them then break them as Scarlett would say. I'm the more dominant one here and you know that. Now you listen to me, While Scarlett isn't around things are done my way." Ash said tightening his grip to her throat.

Jacklyn threw her fist directly into his face. Clawed his arms to the point of shreds. Jacklyn pushed Ash off her and got up and turned to face Ash. Ash got up soon after and grabbed Jacklyn by the arm twisting it. She gave out a loud cry of pain before soon twisting the other way to put it back in place and swinging around to knee Ash in the face, and kick him in the sides.

"What the- You seriously wanna go there! with me? right here, bring it on." Ash spat.

"Yeah I do, I'm tired of being the one who has to follow its like being in the shadows. The One who has to bow down. Screw that, I don't like the way you've been talking to me. So, bring it. You hybrid thing. To be honest, Scarlett shouldn't of gave you that Vampire side. It makes you more pathetic. Giving you excuses to prove you are more stronger than us all. What a joke. You just use it as bragging rights. News flash Ash, This isn't a competition of who is stronger or more dominant" Jacklyn laughed.

"Seriously. Scarlett can do whatever she wants and pleases. You're just a werewolf meaning you are like the weakest being, even Scarlett is stronger than you. She did hunting, and now she is vampire. You? you are just a werewolf. Me? I'm a hybrid. Stronger than you, Scarlett, Manson or Tate put together. So back the up, Get on my level oh wait, you'll never be on my level." Ash cocked.

Ash and Jacklyn carried on for ages. Clawing, snapping enough bones, Proving their dominance, Who had more control. Who was better. They both ended in shreds. Bleeding, Screaming in pain, But still carried on throwing comments at each other.

"Guys. What the flipping heck is going on!? Can I not leave you two alone without ripping each other up. Oh my god" Scarlett exclaimed.

"Seriously? What is going on?" Scarlett asked.

Ash and Jacklyn both walked over to Scarlett.

"Nothing, Just a little friendly bonding between a Hybrid and a werewolf" Ash explained.

"Really? Cause it does not look like it to me? " Scarlett muttered.

"Scarlett, Don't worry. We were just talking about the best solution for you and your blood drinking. Just talking you know. We just want to best thing for y-" Jacklyn said before being cut off by Scarlett.

"Seriously. The best thing for me? Right for one I can look after myself, You both damn know that. Especially you Ash, You've been living with me for ages. Jacklyn you're my best ever friend, a sister in fact. So, Stop pretending. I know. Okay I do have issues with my feeding, But I'm not gonna sit here and listen to you all arguing about what I should do or Ash should stop feeding me his blood. I heard it all. I heard the slamming. All of it. Stop lying to me. Please." Scarlett cut off.

Ash and Jacklyn both looked at Scarlett. Then Jacklyn placed a hand onto Scarlett.

"We are okay nothing is gonna happen. Trust me" Jacklyn reinsured

"Fine. But just so you know, I heard it all just remember that. You both seem to forget, a vampire has increased hearing. I may not be smart sometimes but, I have visions, Sometimes makes me go crazy in my own head and I know that you don't need to treat me like a child. But I'm not as stupid as you may think. I can hear things. I mean, Even when I'm literally just upstairs." Scarlett explained.