

Mystery is something that captures her heart and he was the definition of secrecy She didn't know who he was yet loved being enchanted by him.

LoveRubyJane · Adolescente
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6 Chs

The Invisible Man

Would You Let Me Lead You Even When You're Blind?

- In The Name Of Love


"It might be just physical attraction Jane" The words Charlotte gave her when Jane thought she loved him didn't let her sleep peacefully. She peeped at the clock,3:16. Just a stare from him initiated sleepless nights, only a day yet she thinks she is into the deep hole. What is he doing to her? Jane glanced at Charlotte who was fast asleep on the sofa, Roseanne who was in the bean bag letting soft snores out, Lily was hugging a cat plushie while dreaming of rainbows and unicorns.

"Who is he?" She mumbled under her breath. She took her phone and opened the social app, Instagram in hopes of finding that guy in it. There are many cases in which people have found their loved ones or a person they were searching for years in social media apps. She prayed to god for a minute and faced the phone's screen again.

He had the face and body of a model, more like a supermodel. She had thoughts of him working for luxury brands as the global ambassador. She tapped the search bar and halted.

"What should I search?"

Reality hit her remembering all she had was his photo, that's it. She doesn't know his name or anything related to him that can help her find him. Her hopes crushed as she tapped the home button, coming back to the home page.

"Precious mother of heaven's child, how can I find him?"

Her phone suddenly chimed out of nowhere, her eyes gaped knowing how late it is to send messages now. Who on earth would send me messages at 3 am? She thought before clicking on the notification rubbing her red eyes. She leered to check the number but it was private, didn't let her know the number of who sent the message.It was strange,she never was the recipient of unknown numbers and was totally bewildered when she realised she didn't share her number with anyone.


Can't sleep scarlet?

Scarlet, she knows this name. That was the way the mystery guy addressed her. She was totally scared and thrilled at the same time. How does he know her number? A little part of her told her to delete the number and turn off her phone and throw it away in the Atlantic ocean but another part of her was happy that he found her, it was the vice-versa of her thoughts but is still happy.

How did you find my number?

unknown: You never want to know.

And how can you say that I'm not still asleep?

Unkown: did you reply to my message right?

Oh yeah, gotcha.

Unknown: What did you do with my pic?

I sent it to the place where it should be. To the trash can.

Unkown: Pretty little liar aren't you?

First of all, I'm pretty and that's obvious. Second of all, I'm not little, I'm 1.63 m. Third of all why would I lie? Fourth of all, OMG DO YOU WATCH PRETTY LITTLE LIARS?

Unknown: Yeah scarlet, I'm watching you.

Dude that's creepy.If you want to continue this conversation talk like a normal mundane.

Unknown: You like creepy don't you?

It's a mystery. There is a huge gap between creepy and mystery.

Unknown: What would you do when I say I got the best of both?

Act like I heard it and will clap so that you won't be sad.

Unknown: Scarlet thinks she is sarcastic doesn't she?

Man, go and ask scarlet dumbass.

Unknown: You are no fun scarlet.

Why scarlet?

Unknown: What do you mean?

I mean why are you calling me scarlet?

Unknown: I have two options, pick the best one.

a) I don't know your name and I don't know what to call you, so I'm calling you the colour I saw in your face when you caught me staring.

b) I know your name but I like Scarlet better than that. You look hotter than red.

You are bipolar dude.

Unknown: I know

You are freaking me out so I'm leaving now. Bye Bye.

Unknown: What do you want me to do now?

Stop texting me and do something productive.

Unknown: You are productive.

Bye, creepy dude.

A position in which she should be scared, Jane smiled staring at his texts. Something in him makes her go crazy, she doesn't know what and why but she likes it. she loves being driven mad by this mystery guy. She saved the number as The Mystery Man and giggled. He was something out of this world and Jane could just sense it. She felt her eyes go droopy and she fell into a deep slumber.

"Wake up sleepy brainless bone" Charlotte's voice echoed inside Jane's eyes as she jerked and brought her hands to her chest checking the rapid heartbeat panting heavily. She looked at the clock and widened her eyes,9.55. She felt like she just closed her eyes and boom, it's time to be woken up by a shouting impatient lady.

"What happened?" Her sleep voice uttered unwantedly.

"It's Sunday you psycho"

"why would you wake me up when it is Sunday?"

"Sweet mother of monkey milk, you have a trail for the disclosure today"

"Holy satan's shit" Jane howled throwing all of her blankets and pillows away, Her bloodshot eyes glared at the clock and she ran to get ready. Everyone gets a day of trial to practise their disclosure, Today was Jane's team trial. Lily and Charlotte have already done it and Roseanne's trial is tomorrow. Her fellow members, five people including her will discuss their points they prepared for the debate.

She slipped on an oversized yellow hoodie and a denim shorts, yellow sneakers to pair it with her outfit. She took her white baseball cap and wore it to protect herself from the blazing sun. She dashed downstairs to see Roseanne greeting her with a Starbucks coffee cup. Jane smiled snatching it from her.

"You won't believe these guys-"

"No shit sherlock" Charlotte interrupted taking a spoon of her cereal.

"Stop interrupting me for a goddamn second" Jane rolled her eyes and continued."That Mystery dude texted me"

"Say what?" Lily stressed the 't' and it went on like a never-ending train. Roseanne closed her ears with her hands due to the loud shriek noise Lily created.

"It's crazy but here" She passed her phone to them and giggled. The other felt a little weird at Jane's behaviour but they know her she is like this, a girl who loves mysteries and dangers. They shrugged it off and took her phone opening messages.

"Nothing is in here dreaming woman" Charlotte snorted staring at the numbers. The last message she sent was for Roseanne to buy some milk ice cream. Jane snatched the phone and searched for his chats, it's like it all vanished or It just happened in her dream.

"Is this a dream or is he an invisible man?"