
Make me fall in love

Yasuki is a daughter in the second richest family in the country.

She has a twin brother named Nori who is a bad boy and is overprotective towards his sister.

Yasuki and Nori study at the same school, one fine morning, she woke up and got ready for school .

She ate her breakfast and the driver drove them to school.

At their school, Gael Wan, popular playboy and son in the richest family in the country ,played almost every girl in the school .

The only girl he hadn't played was Yasuki and she was his next target .

Yasuki walked into the hallway and Gael approached her and started to flirt talk to her.

Yasuki was getting uncomfortable,she said out of disgust ," What do you want ,Gael?"

Gael said ,"I want you ." Yasuki laughed ," Are you trying to crack me up ?,nice try Gael ."

She walked away and Gael's best friend ,Mason ,approached him while laughing ,he said ," give up , she's hard to get . Anyways your moves are so old fashion ." Gael yelled at him ," Shut up Mason ."

Yasuki entered her class and the teacher started to teach , Gael was seated behind Yasuki when he started to disturb her .

Gael whispered ," hey Yasuki ." Yasuki ignored him , minutes later , he continued disturbing her which made her angry .

She stood up in anger and looked at him ," Quit it ,Gael !" everyone looked at them and the teacher said ," detention for both of you, for disturbing the class and playing in the lesson ."

Yasuki gasped ," But he started it ." The teacher repeated himself," You heard me right , Yasuki ." Gael was happy that they got in detention.

They walked out of the classroom and entered the detention room.

Yasuki said ," This is all your fault ,Gael ." Gael said ," Don't you think it's perfect ?, just the two of us alone in one room ." He slowly got closer to her ,Yasuki was confused ," So?"

Gael said ," Do you know what happens when two different genders get stuck together in one room ?"

Yasuki thought ," So this is how you wanna play this game ?,sure" she also came closer to his face and said ," Yes I do , I'd like to play it with you ."

Gael was shocked so his lips quivered ,she got closer as he backed away until he sat on a chair .

Gael said ,"what are you gonna do?" Yasuki touched his face and said ," Watch and learn ." she pulled his ear and said ," So you made me lose my perfect attention to a topic to flirt with me ,huh?" Gael cried in pain ," Ah that hurts , let go !" Yasuki said ," say ,'I'm sorry Miss for getting you in detention and making you miss class for an hour '".

Gael said ," Do you know that you are an angel on earth ." Yasuki squeezed his ear more .

Gael felt more pain and said ," I'm sorry ms Yasuki for getting you in detention and making you miss class for an hour ."

Yasuki pardoned herself ," I can't hear you ."

Gael repeated the sentence and Yasuki let go of his ear ,Gael sighed in relief and touched his ear ," You are a tough one alright "

Yasuki said ," Do you want me to pull your ear again ." Gael said ," No!, please."

Yasuki said to herself ," What an idiot !"

She sat and read a physics book , Gael looked at her and said to himself ," She is really playing hard to get ,how can I get her to fall in love with me ?" He thought for a minute and got an idea .

Gael said to her ," Yo , Yasuki ."Yasuki said in an annoyed way ," What !, I hope what you're saying is worth my time ." Gael ," Let's have a bet ."

This drew Yasuki's attention,she asked ," About what ." Gael said ," make you fall in love with me ."