
Once in a lifetime Encounter

MoonlitNightRoxana · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
6 Chs



Sayuri woke up early the next day.

She wore her school uniform and went downstairs. The living room was empty, it was silent.

It was only 5 am in the morning. Everyone except her were fast asleep.

Sayuri went out of the front door.

Alone, she departed, walking out of the housing area, following the directions of google map to the bus stop.

She brought some snacks from the convenience store before she headed towards the bus stop.

As she was quite early, the bus was relatively empty. She easily got a seat by the window.

She put on her earphones and played her favourite playlist on her phone. After some thoughts, she sent a message to Mr. Nakamura.

It took about fifty minutes to reach her school.

Sayuri bought a milk shake near the store in front of the school. It was still too early so she decided to kill some time in the bookstore near the school.

After half an hour, Sayuri slowly walked towards the school campus.



Sayuri was surprised to see someone sleeping on the seat next to hers.

He must be the unruly student who didn't attend the school for a week. My desk mate.

Sayuri hung her bag on the hook attached to the desk and sat down on her seat.

The one thing she felt it was weird was how the class was so quiet.Most of the students had already arrived and they were sitting quietly on their own desks which was totally different scene from what she had seen yesterday.

Was it the after effect of Miss Tanaka's scolding?

She turned her face to see the desk mate sleeping with his head down on the desk. It was already time for the class to start.

Should I wake him up?

The person sleeping next to her has black short hair which was clean and tidy.

His arms were atop the desk, his sleeves rolled up, revealing his slender wrist.

Tiiinggg~ The electric school bell rang.

And this sleeping beauty next to her was still fast asleep.

Sayuri touched the boy's shoulder and gently shook him.

"Mhmm…" The boy gave a low groan and went back to sleep again.

Sayuri grinned and shook him hard.

The boy slowly raised his head and revealed his pitch black, tapered and upturned eyes. At this moment, his eyelids were still drooping down.

After about a couple of seconds later, he slowly narrowed his eyes.


The boy sobered up from his drowsiness when he heard the person sitting beside him say…Shit?

He turned to face Sayuri, looking in her direction. He merely furrowed his brows and said," It's you…"

His voice contained the hoarseness of having not completely sobered up.

Sayuri who had overcame the shock by then smiled awkwardly and said," Yeah. Funny coincidence."

"Good morning,students." Miss Tanaka who had just entered the classroom said.

Phew! Sayuri sighed. She didn't know what to say the boy beside her. Why he had to be the grumpy cat from the lakeside?

Everyone stood up and conveyed their morning wishes to their class teacher.

"Alright… Please take out your English poetry books. Turn to page 150. Ohh…Sayuri Hayashi, you will receive the textbooks from the teacher's office during the lunch break. Akito Matsumoto…please share your book with your desk mate."

Akito pushed the book towards Sayuri while he fiddled with his pencil on one hand.

"Thanks…" Sayuri mumbled. Of course, there was no response from the person beside sitting her.

The moment Miss Tanaka left the classroom, Akito put his head down on the desk.

Did he fall asleep again?

Sayuri was surprised that the sleeping beauty beside was asleep for the entire science class. It was only Akito but many of the students did the same thing.

What was more shocking was that the science teacher did not say a single thing about why the students were sleeping?

It was so different from her previous school. The teachers back at her old school would have made the student stand out of the classroom if they do such a thing during the class time.

During the lunch time, Sayuri was handed over the notebooks by her class teacher.

"And yes…about the hostel thing. Rooms are available. You have to fill up this form…" Miss Tanaka said and handed over a form to Sayuri. She continued," You have to get your parent's signature. Once you are done then you have to submit the form to the clerk downstairs."

"Thank You, Miss Tanaka."

"You are welcome. You can go have your lunch now."

"Yes…" Sayuri said and bowed before she walked out of the teacher's office.

She was in a dillema. How will she get her father's signature?
