
Once in a lifetime Encounter

MoonlitNightRoxana · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
6 Chs



It was almost seven in the evening.

Sayuri was walking down the stairs when she overheard Housekeeper Sato and her cousin brother having a conversation in the living room.

She sat down on a step of the stairs.

The television sound in the background played continuously.

Aunt Sato said,"I am sure your uncle and her daughter is after Watanabe family's properties. Your maternal grandma gave all of her properties to your uncle…Your mother was very upset but I think she has forgotten everything after all these years…Tsk. How can she agree to let them stay here after all those fights. Your mother is too soft-hearted."

"Aunty…Let's not talk about these. I don't really care about these things." Hiroshi Watanabe said nonchalantly.

"Naah…you are all grown up now. It's time you should try to understand these things."

Sayuri quietly went back upstairs to her room. Once she was in her room, she sighed.

After some few minutes, she heard a knock on the door and then she heard Aunt Sato's voice.

"Come down for dinner."

"It's okay. I don't have an appetite today."

"Alright." Aunty Sato replied.

Sayuri heard the footsteps going away. She laid on the bed and looked at the ceiling, reaching a hand out. A huge shadow of a hand appeared in the dark room.

After about an hour, she put on an outwear and got out of the house through the front door naturally.

Thank God! There was no one on the way or else she would had to make an excuse.

She walked quickly down the street. Lively groups of school girls passed by her. They were busy in their endless gossip and occasional giggling. They were returning from their cram schools.

There were occasional ding-ding of the bicycle bell.

It was when she reached the lake side; she slowed down her pace and enjoyed the scenery. The sakura tree by lakeside was filled with glossy pink flowers, which rustled as the soft breeze blew over.

This area had lots of sakura trees. There is a sakura tree in Aunt Himari's garden itself.

It took her only ten minutes to find a convenience store.

She bought two cream puffs, a rice ball and a cold coffee. Coffee should not be taken late night but it really did not bother to Sayuri. It's her favourite drink and no one's there to stop her.

After paying, she sat down on the bench outside the store.

Sayuri grinned as she took the first sip of the cold coffee. She happily took little bites on the cream puff.


Sayuri saw a boy slowly riding away on his bicycle.

And at that moment their eyes met.

That's him! The grumpy boy from the lakeside…

Sayuri urged herself to look away, and yet she couldn't.

It was like…time has stopped.
