
Once in a lifetime Encounter

MoonlitNightRoxana · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
6 Chs



The moment Sayuri turned her head to look towards the entrance, she frowned. The genuine smile which was lingering on her face vanished and was replaced with a rather synthetic curved smile.

"Huang, you are here!" Nan Fang, the boy who was sitting opposite her on the grass yelped.

Lu Huang strode towards the two of them. Following behind him, was a sweet Lolita looking girl. That's Lu Huang's girlfriend.

"Hey, sister-in-law how are you! Long time no see!" Nan Fang said.

The Lolita looking girl smiled in response.

"Why did you bring her here? Can she even play?" Sayuri couldn't help but ask.

The Lolita looking girl flinched and clutched Lu Huang's hand. She was afraid of Sayuri. Such was Sayuri Hayashi's reputation in school.

"Oe Sayuri!" Nan Fang reprimanded her. Sayuri just rolled her eyes in response.

"I brought her here." Lu Huang said, hugging his dear girlfriend close to him.

"I told you…your friends would not like me if I come with you. I will be going back." The girl said softly.

"Don't mind her. Sayuri is always like that. She is tough outside but a big softie inside." Nan Fang said with a bright smile.

Sayuri glared at Nan Fang. She stood up slowly and said," Gotta go home. You all play."


It was 7:15 pm.

Sayuri and her parents sat down at the dining table.

"We can finalize the papers tomorrow morning." Qin Wei said in an apathetically cold voice.

The papers Sayuri's mother mentioned were divorce papers.

Sayuri continued eating at her own pace, savoring the dishes served in front of her.

"You can take back the papers of this house and I am not interested in that car of yours. So you can keep it. I will custody of Weiguo." Qin Wei said each and every word calmly.

Qin Weiguo is their only son. He is Sayuri's elder brother.

"What about Sayuri?" Hiroto Hayashi asked. He was quite pleased when heard the first half of Qin Wei's words but eventually furrowed his brow at the end of her words.

"She has your surname. You should take care of your daughter. I don't have time to take care of her." Qin Wei was a bit impatient.

"Do you think I'd have time?" Hiroto Hayashi growled.

Sayuri picked up a dumpling with her chopsticks and put it in her mouth.

"You should. Moreover you have enough time. Your tiny company is not big like Qin Corporation." Qin Wei sneered and continued, "Weiguo is the future heir of the Qin Corporation. He should stay back here."

Hiroto Hayashi's face turned red and he glared at Qin Wei in anger. He took a deep breath to calm himself down," Let's separate with good feelings. I don't want to argue with you anymore."

"Good feelings? You want to leave with good feelings after freeloading upon Qin Corporation for twenty years."

Hiroto Hayashi slammed his hand on the table and stood up.

Qin Wei also hurriedly stood up. After some brief argument they both left the large dinner hall.

Sayuri Hayashi playfully poked the rice with the chopsticks.

She was someone they never cared about. Her feelings didn't matter to them.

Aunty Zhang, the housekeeper was standing at the other end of the hall.

"Aunty, can you get me some of these dumplings? They are very tasty." Sayuri smiled.

"Su...Sure" Aunty Zhang quickly rushed inside the kitchen.

Sayuri sighed and said," It's finally peaceful."

Sayuri originally thought that she would feel a bit sad being treated as a burden her parents did not want to deal with. But she didn't really feel a single thing.


There were high-pitched laughs of students, remotely loud claps, never-ending bickering, and thump of classroom discussions.

The school festival was coming up towards the end of the week. The students were delighted and ardently preparing for the festival.

"So, what do you want to say? Say it quickly." Sayuri Hayashi said. Her patience was slowly running down. It always does when she gets to see the Lolita girl.

And the girl in front of her was as quiet as a mouse.

"What?" Sayuri groaned.

To this, the girl in front of her shivered and crumpled down on her knees.

Sayuri was taken aback by this sudden action of the girl.

"Sayuri…What the hell are you doing?"

Sayuri looked up to see Lu Huang rushing towards them. Lu Huang helped the girl to stand up all while throwing hostile glares at Sayuri.

"I did not know you could stoop so low. What is wrong with you?" Lu Huang bellowed. It was a blessing that the teachers were currently busy because of the incoming the school occasion or else it was sure they would have gone into a mess.

"Why did to push her?" Lu Huang asked. He shook Sayuri's left hand slightly as he continued asking Sayuri the same question again and again.

There was no answer.

Sayuri silently glanced back at the duo in front of her.

A silent smile crept on Sayuri's face as he took the girl's hand with his right hand walking away, slowly his left hand slipped out of Sayuri's hand. Their finger tips lost the touch.

"Why did not tell Huang what actually happened? Sister-in-law fell down herself." Nan Fang said. He was peeping through the window of the classroom.

Some of the students who came outside the class on hearing the ruckus, went back inside the class the moment Sayuri turned to face them. No one wants to get into Sayuri's bad book.

Such was Sayuri Hayashi's reputation in the school.

It wasn't that Sayuri is a notorious bully. She looks just like any other average high-school student would. But a few years ago an incident, marked the beginning to Sayuri Hayashi's colorful reputation.

It was true that she had anger issues. Her straight forward replies are as thorny as a cactus. Most of the students like to stay far away from Sayuri Hayashi.

"He is fucked up. He would have never believed even if would have said that to him." Sayuri said as she leaned against the wall.

"The question is why did she did like that." Nan Fang mumbled.

"Some are there who acts like some weak flower to get attention as well sympathy from people. That girl is such type of weak wallflower." Sayuri chuckled after she had said.

"Well…Does Huang know that you are leaving?"

"What will he do know from knowing that? I did not tell him. He will not care even if he knows."

"We are friends since we are children. Of course Huang…"

Sayuri laughed aloud before Nan Fang could complete his sentence.

"Remember to call us often. Okay? Don't forget us." Nan Fang said.

Sayuri stopped laughing and said," Huh? Let's see who forgets whom first?"

"Sayuri, that was not at all funny. Don't say like that."

"Okay!" Sayuri answered.
