

 First time I got raped

I was 8

I got raped by my mom's younger brother 

He threatened to kill me if I told anyone 

I knew the threat was false

I waited for mum to get back from her trip

And I told her

Mom looked at me for about 3 minutes and she laughed

She laughed so hard she fell on the floor

Her exacts words were " why would he **** a boy, boys don't get raped, only girls get raped, you are not a girl so you can't be raped. 

She left me where I was and laughed to her room

I was speechless. 

I waited for dad to get back from work

Hoping he would take the matter more serious 

Dad didn't laugh at me

He took me to his study

Locked his doors and whipped me

He whipped me so bad I almost fainted

Dad said I wants to tarnish his family name

I was shattered 

At 11

I got raped by my nanny

She must have noticed the first scenario that nobody believed me

She decided to try her luck

She had her wa

I didn't know what to do this time

Should I tell my parents

Will they believe me?? 

Should I keep it to myself? 

I decided to tell my class teacher 

He was shocked

I could see pain and pity in his eyes

That day, he took me me and luckily met my parents 

He told them what I told him

He was just being a concerned teacher 

I could see the anger in my dad's eyes

I could see the disappointment in my mum's face

But they smiled to cover it up and assured my teacher they will take the matter very serious 

But I knew one thing


My room became my prison

I got beaten daily

My ma screamed at me

My dad hit me

My mum brother raped me again

All behind close doors. 

The only time I  permitted to come out was when its time to eat

I could not go to school because of the bruises on my body

Don't forget, I was just 11.

Did I mention I started having nightmares

A person will touch me and I will scream

I got jumpy 

I couldn't sleep

I couldn't concentrate in class

My grades started dropping 

I finally got my parents attention 

At 12, my dad suggested home lesson

Since I am comfortable with my teacher, he was employed to teach me at home. 

I thought I got someone to relate to

I thought I got someone in my corner

I thought I finally got a shoulder to cry on

Oh!!!  I thought wrong

Just three months of giving me home lessons

He raped me

Same teacher I ran to when I was raped by my nanny

Same teacher I thought I had in my corner

Same teacher who pitied me

That same teacher raped me

He raped me

I got traumatized 

My nightmares became worst

I got extra jumpy

I became a hateful person 

I could not walk properly 

My ass has been damaged

At 12,my life has no meaning 

I just want everything to end

I don't want this life no more

At 14, I got saved

But it was too late

The damage has already been done

My dad  sister and her family came to visit us from the state

My mom brother was around 

I was going to the kitchen when I heard  a shill cry 

I ran to it's direction and I frozen

My mom brother was trying to **** my dad's sister's child 

He was just 3

All the anger and pain I bottled in came to a top notch 

I attacked him 

Oh! how he hit him but I refused to back down 

My hate and anger took over

And I overpowered him

I hit him

I hit him so bad my knuckles started to bleed

I hit him so bad my shoulder felt the impact 

The family must have heard his cry for help

They rushed him

Pulled me off him 

And the first thing my dad did was to slap me

I slapped him right back out of anger

He came at me but my Aunt's husband held h

My Aunt's husband turned and looked at me

I did not know what he saw

But that man hugged me

I screamed

I begged him to let me go

I begged him to release me

But he refused 

All my **** incidents came rushing back to me

I broke down

He held me tight

I cried so hard my throat became sore

He continued hugging me

Before I knew it

He started crying 

His kids don't know why their dad was crying but they joined him

My parents were in shock

Everyone was getting emotional 

Even the domestic staffs

It became funny

I started laughing 

Then I remembered my mum who laughed at me when I told her about my **** incident with her brother 

I remembered my dad whipping me

I started crying again

It became so bad

I started hyperventilating 

I was rushed to the hospital 

I don't know what was discussed at the hospital 

I was told to stay for five months

Receiving treatments of some kind

The doctors noticed something and decided to keep me for long

They asked if I have ever been raped

But I only look at them and turned away

My mum suddenly became nice

My dad keeps asking about my well being

But am already a damaged child

No words came out from me

On the forth month, still at the hospital 

My Aunt and her husband came into the hospital raging like a wild bull

My Aunt husband hit my dad

Just one punch my dad was already laying flat on the floor 

He jumped on my dad and continued hitting him

I turned just in time see my Aunt giving my mum a sounding slap

The slap was so bad my mum fainted

The hospital became a war zone

The police was called

But they could not arrest my uncle since he's a general in the united states Army

Everyone was asked to go home and returned the next day to resolve the crises

My uncle just gave my dad a flash drive and ask the doctors to discharge me

I got discharged and we went to my Aunt's apartment 

My uncle looked at me with tears in his eyes and asked if he could hug me

I told him yes

He hugged me and cried

A grown ass man crying like a baby

He kept saying he's sorry

He's sorry I went through hell

He's sorry he came late

He's sorry my parents failed me

I could only pat his back

Not a single tear dropped from my eyes

My parents came the next day asking for forgiveness 

They said everyone who raped me has been arrested 

They begged me to come back home

Promising to try harder as a parent and to be a good one

My uncle threw a file at them and told them to sign it or else he's going to arrest them

My dad open the file, looked at it and threw it back at am uncle

He said he's never going to sign

My uncle smiled and gave them another file

My dad was shocked

He knew begging my uncle would be a waste

He had to sign

"They choose their wealth over their son" my uncle muttered 

Till now, I don't know what my dad signed neither did i know what was in the flash drive

My Aunt and her family got back to the state

This time, I went with them

I got a therapist 

A very good one at that 

My uncle took me to the hospital for proper check up

I had a tear

Surgery was conducted 

My uncle was with me all through

He took me to meet my therapist, to the doctor, to the football game, drove me to my first date

My Aunt became my mom

She became a shoulder to cry on

My uncle became my strength 

Their kids are not left out

Most times I got tired and wants to give up

But then I remember what my uncle had to put in line to make sure I got healed

I got motivated to never give up

Now am 32

Happily married with two kids

My wife don't know about my past experience 

I don't have the courage to tell her yet

One day, I hope I will be able to tell her

I looked back and am forever indepted and grateful to my Aunt and her family

Now I run an NGO whose sole aim is to reduce male victimization

Turns out its a common but unvoiced issue. 

I hope to make a difference

So help me God....