
Chapter 77

"Yes my child" the women nods slowly and her lips turns upward. If I would have been able to see her face, I swear she would be smiling right now.

"But who… WHAT are you?"

"You are the only one who can sense my presence. My identity lies within you Adele or should I call you Cara?" she stops and chuckles softly. "Ask yourself child; who am I?"

"But... but... How? You can't be on earth before the sacred moon can you?" I question her amazement lacing in my voice as I take another look at her form.

"No child I cannot and who said that I am on earth?" she asks with mirth in her voice and I sigh loudly. Even the goddess makes fun of me. Wow.

"But you here why all of you goddess have to speak this way?" I reply dejectedly.

"It would be really helpful if you would explain all the words clearly. Why talk in jumbled words when you can tell me straightforward?" I mumble slowly to myself and she being goddess hears it all of course.