
Chapter 55

"You don't know me, but I know you Ca.. I mean Adele. What do you want me to tell you to make you believe me?" he asks and places his hand on his chin making a thinking face.

"When you were ten you fought with Alpha Ren just to prove that you are worthy of being in his pack. Needless to say you lost the match but a week later you kicked a warrior's butt in a match.

You love walking to beaches when you are upset or just need to clear your mind?

When Dia took away your precious book and you gave her a lifetime scar but you both made a pact to keep it between you?" he stops and my jaw drops to ground.

"You are a Creepy Stalker! How long have you been stalking me! Damn it! How I never saw you?! What the hell is going on here?" I accuse as I step forward towards him with full intention of beating the crap out of him.