
Chapter 48

"Yeah let's go" I suggest and everyone nods walking inside Xander's office.

Xander is standing in the same spot where I saw him earlier in the evening, in front of the large window giving us his back. He turns and faces us smiling at me while he asks us to sit down. Eldon sits beside me on the chair while Rikon and Eric keeps standing.

"You called us?" Eldon asks.

Xander turns facing me and giving me a wary glance.

"Yes. But before that, You must have many questions to ask I suppose, Adele?" Xander asks looking at me and settles down on his chair in front of us.

Eldon gives me a side way glance while I nod in reply.

"Yes, I want to know everything."

Xander nods signaling me to clarify myself more.

"Were you really going to kill me when last time you captured me?" I question and Eldon stiffens beside me. I quickly place my hand over his squeezing it lightly; silently asking him to calm down.