
Chapter 2

"You are coming with me" Eldon orders as he settles beside me.

I know with my mate I would have to give up everything I have worked for; my world, my people, all my hard work and the world that I have created. But I'm not ready yet, to give up all my dreams.

But right now is not the time to fight and that too with the strongest alpha in the world, no I just have to wait it out for the perfect time. Had it been some other Alpha I would have fought but with Alpha Eldon that’s not possible. He’s not only powerful and strong but merciless and I have already disrespected him, I can see the fury in his eyes and that sadistic smile tells me that I'm not going to have an easy life there.

"No one disrespects me and what you did today is beyond disrespectful." Eldon comments calmly.

I know better than to reply him so I stay quite. The journey to his pack was rather uneventful. But the moment I stepped out of his car, the day became extra eventful for me. This is what happened.

The moment I entered his mansion I met with this women who stuck with my mate like a leech, making my insides turn upside down and making my wolf raging with anger. I didn’t want to lose my temper so I told my wolf we are better than this and now is not the time. As she saw the reason she calms down a bit and took long deep breaths. As I came to focus from my rant with my wolf, a different sight awaited me.

Damn it. If he didn't want me, why am I even here?

Then the guy beside me who I came to know as the pack’s beta called that her Luna. Like what the hell is THAT? If she is the Luna then why am I here?

I turn my eyes towards my mate demanding for an answer, as he nods at her. Stepping towards her he whispers something in her ear. She smiles at him and nods and turns around happily walking away. I fist my hands at my side.

I don’t want him.

'I don’t care what he does. I don’t want him. I don’t care.'

I keep repeating this in my mind so I won’t kill him or the women right there, right now.

"Stop it. She is the future Luna of this pack and you need to respect her." Eldon says as he walks towards me.

"What do you mean Future Luna? And why am I here?" I question as I cross my arms in annoyance.

"You" he starts in an accusing tone and then continues with even more bitter tone, "are here, because you are my mate. But I won’t mate a rogue" he spits the word rogue as if it’s my choice "and allow you to be my Luna. You are not my choice of Luna. But my wolf wants you and so you are going to be here." he finishes as he beckons me to follow him. I walk towards him and he turns and leads the path.

"I am not going to be your mistress" I state as I stop dead in my track.

"You are not going to be my Luna either." he states calmly climbing up the stairs. I feel like pulling my hair out, at his words.

"How can you do that to your mate?" I question as I throw my hands in air.

"You are not the Luna. And you won't be. Stella is a stronger and trained wolf of higher rank and a deserving candidate." he tells as he walks towards a room and opens it.

I huff in annoyance and repeat my mantra in my mind ‘I don't want him I don't care’ simultaneously thinking ways of escape.

"What do you mean by stronger and deserving? You don't even know me!" I argue again looking at him with annoyance.

"Believe me in this little while I have seen enough of you. All you have done up to now is to prove my decision is right. You are undeserving of Luna title." he says as he motions me towards the room.

"Your room, go inside before my wolf takes over." he orders me and slams the door behind me.

So her name is Stella, Huh? Stronger wolf, deserving candidate, trained? I’m a rogue but I’m trained too by my old pack.

Though I don’t want to be Luna it still hurts to hear him say so.

Why am I even feeling hurt when I don't even want to be a Luna? Let that women be the Luna, I'll find way to escape and go back.

But the pain of being rejected by my mate doesn't decreases clearly annoying me.

I finally look around the room, and when I tell you it’s no dream room trust me it isn’t. It is the smallest room, I have ever seen. Back at home My room is small too but this is awfully small. The only thing in the room that looks decent is the wall opposite to door, which is not actually a wall but a wall made up of glass fully and partially covered by curtains. In front of door at few steps ahead is a single bed; beside the bed is a coffee table. As you step inside the room there is a couch on the left side of bed and the coffee table in centre. As you move past coffee table and towards the glass window, there on the left side is a closet and on the right side is another door which probably leads to the washroom.

I sigh as I plop down on the bed, taking in my situation.

One. I don't have my freedom.

Two I am not going to be the Luna which I rightfully deserve.

Three I'm still looking for ways to escape. Four my mate wants nothing from me but just my body as his wolf demands me.

'Whoa, I can write a book on my miserable self!', I think before I drift in to the dream world.

As I come out from my sleep I open my eyes and look around and find myself in a strange room. I sit up pulling the covers off my body and rub the sleep off my eyes, then the memories of yesterday comes back. I sigh loudly and get up heading towards washroom.

I look at myself in the mirror in the washroom, My eyes still groggy from sleep and my hair sticking out in every direction. I am definitely not the one who looks good after they woke up. I take the tooth paste and tooth brush from the vanity and start brushing my teeth, while I continue thinking of my situation not that I have anything else to do.

Meanwhile I hear the door of my room open and I come out of the washroom to check who the intruder is.

A girl probably of my age, five feet something against my height of five ten stands in front of me with some clothes.

She smiles as sees me.

"Hey, I’m Mischa, Alpha asked me to bring you these and fetch you for breakfast." she tells as she places the clothes on my bed and settles herself on the couch.

"Make yourself at home." I comment sarcastically after she places her legs on the coffee table.

"You are fun. What’s your name" she questions me as she looks around the room. Not that the room has anything to see.

"Adelina but you can call me Adele" I smile as I pick the clothes and return to the washroom. I quickly shower and change into the clothes given to me. I come out to find Mischa still on my couch and once she sees me she smiles at me.

"Why are you smiling like that?" I ask and raise my brow.

"You are beautiful" she compliments making me blush, not many people compliment me. Most of people I know are either scared or don't speak casually to me out of respect.

"Eh… Erm…Thanks?" I reply awkwardly and she makes an aww expression.

"So what is your story? Why are you here?"

"Well I am supposed to be your Luna but Stella took my place. Then I am supposed to be your Alpha’s mate so I guess your Alpha decided to keep me around." I explain in short as I try my best not to let my emotions comes forth.

"Oh my, this…this is so wrong" says Mischa as she slaps her hand on her mouth.

"He can’t do this!" she shouts. Then she blinks and stops "But then no one can question an Alpha's decision". She finishes and nods.

I can smell pity in the air. I have strong sense of smell and capability of running as fast as an Alpha can run. I don't know how, just that I can.

"Don't pity me. It’s not like I want to be your Luna" I mumble the last part. She stands and motions for me to come and together we walk towards the kitchen.

On the breakfast table, my mate is seated at the one end eating. And guess who is sitting beside him? Where Stella is all smiles, my mate on the other hand is in his usual grumpy mood chewing his food and staring at me.

What crawled up his ass and died? Can’t he smile for once?

"Adele sit with me" Mischa says and settles on a chair and I sit beside her.

"So what is your position in the pack?" I ask Mischa as we put food on our plates.

"I’m Eldon sister".

I slap my hand on my mouth drawing attention. "Oh I'm so sorry for what I said earlier" I apologize. She chuckles and shakes her head.

"Relax. I don’t mind. I don’t support his decision and I like you, so I don’t mind. And above all, I don’t like Stella" she whispers and narrows her eyes at Stella making me chuckle.

"What did she do to you?" I ask as I chew my food.

"Oh she is all time bitch when she isn’t around Eldon. She thinks herself as most Superior as she is strongest she wolf here."

I nod in understanding. We both turn and glare at her and then turn to each other laughing at absolutely nothing, again drawing lot of attention.

"Enough!" the Alpha growls and glares in our direction.

After breakfast Mischa takes me for a tour and shows me the entire pack house.

"Come let’s go and meet my friends. I’m sure they will love you" says Mischa and drags me towards the place where wolfs were training. Even before I reach to that place, the scent of my mate becomes stronger making my wolf purr in delight.

My mate looks in our direction making her giddy. I try to concentrate on other thing apart from my mate, so my wolf stops running around circles in my mind.

"Don't you have to train?" I question as I follow her.

"No, we train after the men finishes. Stella is in charge of women’s training".

That woman makes my blood boil.

"This is our beta Eric" she points out to the guy who travelled with me from the sun pack to here, and also the unfortunate person who gave me the introduction of Stella when he paid her his respects yesterday. Eric is good looking and built heavily. He also seems to be a person who loves to have fun unlike his Alpha. "And that is Shawn, our gamma" she points towards left side of my mate.

There were few girls besides the training area who were laughing and gossiping. Mischa takes me there towards them.

"Adele she is Crystal and she is Sierra or Sia" she points to a girls who are around my age. Crystal is the one with blonde hair and black eyes. Sierra is the other who has brown locks and brown eyes.

Both girls smiles at me and hug me.

Suddenly my mate growls and everyone stops their practice and move towards the pack house. He looks in my direction and comes towards us. I stand in my place confused as to what the heck has happened?

As he reaches towards me and the girls, beta Eric comes out of nowhere in front of him.

"Alpha, there are two male rogues in our territory claiming that we have started war with them"