
Chapter 29

I pick the clothes and place it down on the bed after analysing for n'th times if this is 'The' dress for the fest today. Considering it's an outdoor event, so I picked a light outfit for a better appearance.

I quickly dress up because Arena here has dutifully informed me that most of the guests had already arrived.

Curling my hair, I keep my makeup light for a natural look with nude lipstick and kohl and pair my dress with black cutout heels.

The day is clear and bright, radiating happiness and with all the enthusiasm in everyone, positivity is something you feel all around you. It makes me naturally happy. I smile at everyone I pass by and they return the smile with a nod.

Mischa walks towards me dressed in a floral dress and a flower tiara on her head.

"You need this." She tells as she passes me a tiara. I try taking it from her but she quickly snatches it away and stands on her heels to match my height and places it on my head.