
Chapter 110

"Ah... Alpha Ren also managed to convince Alpha Chris in not helping us. Also the sacred pack wishes to stay out of the war so they won't support anyone. Leaving Alpha Garrett, but our sources tells us that he is working with Alpha Aaron that means..."

"That means only Eldon, Alpha Xander and Alpha James are ready to help us." I complete nodding my head.

"The time has come Ron, Tell Eldon to cancel the meeting and call Alpha Xander and James to our territory. We now need to get ready for the war."


Eldon was the first person to arrive in such short notice along with his team. His Beta Eric and his mate Sia, his Gamma Shawn and two warriors. I was surprised to know that one of those warriors is mate of Stella.

The first question that Eldon asked after he entered into my territory was, "I have been sensing a lot of mood changes and annoyance and I am pretty sure none of them are mine. What is going on with you?"