
Chapter 107

"No I can't read minds. But I know what you are thinking because unfortunately you and me are two different people stuck inside a same body" she says nonchalantly waving her hand around and my eyes widens as I take in her appearance.

"You are the spirit of moon goddess" I state and she nods stepping towards me.

"You are controlling my body?" I accuse and she smirks. Her eyes twinkling and she shakes her body- my body to prove that I am in her control.

"You were warned earlier that you have to be strong or you will lose yourself. This is what will happen if you don't learn to control your powers. You will get overwhelmed and I will have to step ahead and take over your body. Making this...." she points at my body, "Mine" she finishes with a heavy breath speaking in finality and I gasp. My mind registers what she means and I take a step back.

"Why am I here?" I ask and she shakes her head in disappointment.