
Chapter 101

"Thanks dad, Lily will be so happy" she snuggles close to me and hugs me before stepping back.

"Cynthia?" I call.

"Yes Dad?"

"I don't want you out at night" I remind and she pouts before nodding and leaving my office. I sigh as I remember the day when she was attacked by one of those red eyed werewolf. Nothing helped her situation for some reason. Only when that werewolf doctor fed her some blood she came back to me, my little girl. The doctor later sold out the blood to me but that greedy bastard had to die because he threatened me.

Today, I am glad that I found that little bitch. Her blood is valuable and I am going to have her and do whatever it takes to have her. I pull out my phone and dial his number.

"Aaron my friend, are we prepared?" I question.