
One Shot

The winter wind carried a chilly breeze through the quiet home as Christmas approached. The atmosphere was filled with the joyous spirit of Christmas. The house was filled with holiday decorations in every corner, sparkling lights are everywhere, and you can smell the aroma of freshly baked cookies wherever you go. Alice was just watching from the shadows as his husband, Daren, half-heartedly decorated the Christmas tree as the lights glimmer in his eyes. The warmth of the season seemed lost on him, and Alice wanted to reach him out but there was an invisible wall keeping her away.

Christmas Eve arrived, yet Daren was still hopeless. In the living room where the light was dim, he sat all by himself, his face shadowed by the glowing flames from the fireplace. Alice hoped she could give him comfort and fill the emptiness that seemed to be becoming bigger by each second that passes. She tried talking to him, to let him know that she was still there, how much she wanted to hug him and comfort him, just out of his reach, but she failed then frustration poured within her.

As the clock struck midnight, Daren finally rose from the couch with a serious expression. Alice decided to follow him as he walked and went outside the house. He headed to the market first to buy something then, to her surprise, he made his way to the hospital where she lay in a deep coma, a result of a tragic accident, what's more painful? That's the reason they lost the little one her wife's carrying. In the quiet hospital room, Daren decorated her room with a small Christmas tree, hung fairy lights and placed a few wrapped presents as decorations. He sat by her bedside, stared at her and his eyes are filled with a mixture of sadness and unwavering love.

"Alice, I brought you some strawberries" he murmured, his voice breaking the silence. "I miss you so much. It's been two months." He reached out for her hands and gently squeezed them, "Christmas just isn't the same without you here". Alice, unseen, came closer to touch his shoulder, attempting to give him the comfort she badly desired. However, her invisible touch passed through him like a whisper in the wind.

Daren grabbed a chair and sat beside her bed. "Remember how we celebrated Christmas every year?" Alice startled when Daren spoke a sudden question as if he was asking her, then she found herself reminiscing their Christmas celebrations together as Daren went through each one of them one by one. "I will never forget the first Christmas we celebrated after our marriage, we baked cake together but you ate all the strawberries that were supposed to be the toppings. I didn't get mad at you because you were really cute while apologizing to me, saying that you didn't realize you were eating them. We ended up going back to the market to buy strawberries again." he chuckled and smiled. Alice stared at her husband sadly, she really wanted to hug him so tight.

"I remember that night," Daren said, a nostalgic grin on his face. "When we tried to cook a fancy dinner, but ended up ordering takeout because, let's face it, well, our culinary skills were questionable at best." He smiled once again but his sad eyes were screaming all the emotions he's feeling. "Having our parents together was also something special," Daren said, his eyes were staring at the ceiling as if he's watching the moments happened that time. "Remember how our moms insisted on sharing their secret recipes, and our dads competed over who could tell the corniest Christmas jokes?" he laughed once again. Alice nodded even though Daren can't see her nor hear her "It was like having two families become one. That's a Christmas I'll never forget." Daren added, and Alice smiled bitterly.

"Do you remember the Christmas we randomly found Snowball?" A smile played on Alice's lips as she recalled the memory. "Of course, our one and only kitten" she still answered. She was hurt, knowing the fact that Daren couldn't hear her words. Daren chuckled, "Our Christmas miracle in fur, we couldn't resist. It was freezing outside, and there was no way we were going to let that little ball of fur spend Christmas alone." he took a glance on the window, "Our little kitty really miss you right now" suddenly, there was silence. "I'm sure our baby will like him too by chance"

After a while, Daren, again broke silence to share another experience he had with his wife. "Do you remember the times we argued about which movie to watch late Christmas night?" he smiled, "I would never ever forget that, you always wanted the romantic and heartwarming ones, and I was all about the funny and unusual ones. I must admit, those were some of the best movie nights." he confessed but closed his eyes to prevent his tears from falling. "I remember one of those Christmas movie nights," Daren added, "we were stuck in a loop of suggesting and rejecting movies. It took us an hour, really. In the end, we decided to let fate decide. We wrote down our choices, put them in a hat, and drew one out. It was a fun way to settle our movie debates. But unfortunately we ended up watching a horror movie I wrote, then both of us couldn't sleep that night, we kept calling each other, checking if we were already sleeping" his eyes are brightening while remembering those things.

On Christmas morning, Daren woke up on a small couch next to her hospital bed. Just as the window was slightly opened to let in the gentle light of dawn, a single tear ran down his cheek as he glanced over his wife who just looked asleep. He stood up and leaned in to kiss her forehead. "I wish you were here with me, Alice" he whispered. "Merry Christmas, my wife" he laughed lifelessly. "Christmas is not merry though" suddenly, tears continuously streamed down his cheeks.

It was at that moment when Alice, trapped between two dimensions, realized something. She was more than just an observer; she was part of his existence and his heart. He's her husband and she's his wife. She prayed silently to the skies above, feeling more determined. A warmth filled Alice as the sun went higher in the sky. She felt the weight of her ethereal existence slowly lift. She opened her eyes and found herself lying on that bed. She finally met Daren's tearful stare.

"Alice?" he fell down in his butt, his face was filled with disbelief. A weak smile played on her lips. "Daren, I'm here". Tears of joy streamed down his face as he hugged her. "You came back to me" he whispered.

As Daren feel Alice's warmth, he couldn't believe what was happening. It was a miracle he had never expected, and he clung to her as if she might disappear again. Alice, now finally hugged her husband and the beat of his heart against hers after months of suffering while seeing him sad and all alone. The room, once filled with the lonely atmosphere, now echoed with the laughter of a reunited couple. Daren wiped away his tears, looking deep into Alice's eyes, searching for confirmation that this was real. Daren couldn't help but cried even more. Alice smiled, her smile growing stronger. "I came back, Daren. I couldn't bear to see you so sad, especially during our favorite time of the year." As the doctors and nurses came in for a check-up, Alice and Daren held each other's hands, relishing the reality of their reunion. The medical staffs couldn't hide their joy at witnessing such a miraculous recovery.

Over the next few days, they relived the missed moments of Christmas. Daren eagerly shared stories about the past Christmas dates and celebration they shared together, both the ones that they were just two of them alone and the ones spent with their families. They reminisced about the cozy dinners they prepared for each other, the laughter shared, and the love they felt during those magical nights.

"I was actually listening to you that day" Alice sudden confession. "That time you were having a storytelling, reminiscing our memories together when I was in the hospital" he smiled and replied, "I know you were". Daren brought out a cutely wrapped gift. It was a photo album, filled with pictures of their life together not only Christmas, it includes the birthdays and other celebrations they have experienced. He handed it to Alice, who gently flipped through the pages. "I made that for you, so that both of us will always remember each moment we shared together"

Later that evening, the couple found themselves at an outdoor ice-skating rink. Daren, who claimed to be an ice-skating expert, confidently laced up his skates. "Expert, huh? I didn't know that was in your skill set." Alice said to him, raising one of her eyebrows. Daren smirked, "Prepare to be amazed, my dear. Ice-skating is an art, and I am the Michelangelo of the ice." Alice couldn't stop herself from giggling as Daren dramatically stepped onto the ice, attempting a series of spins that looked more like a shaky dance. "Michelangelo, you say?" she said, laughing. "Okay, maybe I exaggerated it a bit. But watch this!" Daren grinned. He made a bold move, but slipped and fell onto the ice. Those people around us who were watching started giggling. "Need a hand, Michelangelo?" says Alice, holding out her hand. Daren grinned, "I think I've mastered falling gracefully. It's a hidden talent, no one can imitate that technique. It's a work of art" They kept skating, Daren felt happy as he's seeing his wife smiling and laughing because of him.

A few days later, as Alice's still regaining her strength, Daren surprised her with a plan for New Year's Eve. He reserved a private spot with a perfect view of the city's fireworks. The place were full of beautiful decorations. They wrapped themselves in cozy blankets, sipping hot strawberry milk, as the night sky lit up with variety of color. As the fireworks reached the sky, Daren looked at Alice with lovely eyes. "A new year, a new beginning" he whispered, he wrapped his arm around her shoulders. "Happy New Year, I love you" Daren stated. Alice leaned against him, feeling the cold winter air and the warmth of Daren's embrace. "I love you too, Happy New Year" she responded. It was a moment of quiet celebration, indeed a new beginning for the both of them.

As the months passed, Alice's recovery still on progress, and their lives slowly returned to normal, they were both happy as they kept creating memories together. One year later, their home was filled with the cheerful atmosphere of the Christmas season once again. This time, there was an additional excitement. Alice, with a radiant glow, shared the news with Daren — they were going to have a baby, she's pregnant! They invited their parents, cousins together with their nieces and nephews over to celebrate with them. The Christmas tree twinkled with lights, and the laughter of children playing echoed through the house. The holiday decorations took on new meaning as they prepared to welcome a new member into their family. Surrounded by loved ones, Alice and Daren exchanged glances as Alice put the gold star at the top of the Christmas tree. The room was filled with the laughter of children, the warmth of family, and the magic of a Christmas, it's not only a reunion but the beginning of a beautiful new chapter of their life. The couple stood together, fingers intertwined, grateful for the second chance destiny had given to them and also, let's not forget the precious gift of a child that made their Christmas even more special. The house, once a silent witness to pain the couple experienced, had transformed into a shelter of love and hope, proving that Christmas was indeed a season of miracles.

It's a reminder that even when things seem tough, never get tired of holding onto love and hope. Believing in unexpected miracles can bring joy and happiness. Let the warmth of love and the magic of hope walk with you as you continue walk to your journey, and remember that in every challenge, there's a chance for something wonderful and unexpected to happen.