
On your way back home

The road to redemption has got no GPS. Since every story got three sides: The victim, the bad guy and the fact. Nobody knows it all. Compilation of short stories of all kinds. Mirroring the society and individuals' lives. ~This book is not for close minded people. And if violence ain't your best suit, kindly look for another book that meets your preference. Ps: I'm doing this for the money and my peace of mind.

General_Majesty · LGBT+
Classificações insuficientes
37 Chs

Next on:To the one carrying my heart,

He knew that it was nothing but, a bad thought. A nightmare. His worst fear. An illusion created by his possessed head but, it still messed him up to the point of waking up drenched, screaming and all alone on the bed.

No, he wasn't awaken from a dream as he couldn't even close his eyes to sleep. It was his active imagination. He always felt the cold and isolation whenever he sleeps alone and currently he was feeling like a lost soul tossed in a volcano because of the absence of Harry beside him.

"There, there you are... safe with me, see?. You're fine now. We're fine... It was just a nightmare... Just a bad dream" Brown heard Harry's soft voice before he felt the wet cloth on his face. He was real. Harry was real.

"You're here. You're here... You didn't leave. You're real and I'm not alone anymore, right?" Asked Brown innocently with tears in his eyes, squeezing Harry's hands on his face, letting the rush of relief wash his fears away.

"No, you're not and it's been like that for a long, long time, Brown" Replied Harry with a sad smile. He hates how insecure and heartbreakingly desperate Brown could get because of him.

What is he left to do to assure Brown that he got all the reasons to make a person stay. That people fight and at the end of the day kiss and make up... It's natural.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry about earlier you were right. I'll_" Rumbled on Brown anxiously before he was interrupted with a calm 'no' from Harry, leaving Brown confused and at lost. Desperate for a forgiveness.

"I was just scared earlier, it's not your fault. I'm sorry I yelled at you for no reason" Said Harry finishing up wiping Brown's sweat before, laying down beside him, making him sleep on his chest, "I had a great time today... Thank you, Brown"

"Don't leave me, please" Whispered Brown desperately.

"I won't"

"I'll find a way to fix this, please don't get angry at me like you did today... I don't want to feel like trash like I did earlier. Harry, it hurts"

"I'm sorry"

"You were angry"

"I'm not angry. Well, at least not at you"

"Your eyes were all red when you yelled at me, You were angry at me!" Aggrieved Brown before hitting Harry's chest angrily.

"I was just terrified of me being the cause of your downfall as an artist!" Explained Harry, raising his voice before calming down once more, "I'm sorry I took it out on you"

"You care about me" Said Brown kissing Harry's neck,

"I hurt you"

"I love you"

"You're not a disappointment... I can't be prouder to knowing you the way that I do"

"I love you, Harry"

"I'm sorry I was the cause of your nightmare"

"Harry, stop" Said Brown looking up to his face only to realize that Harry was crying too, "It's in the past. Let's do better from now on"

"I'll do better, Brown"

"Me too" Replied Brown settling to peck on Harry's trembling lips, "I'll be the man you love"

"You're the man I love"

"I'll consider others too"

"Not too much. I can be possessive sometimes" Whined Harry in a nasal voice.

"Greedy people die young after living miserably, you know" Joked Brown with a straight face.

"I'm not greedy!"

"Of course you are"

"No, I'm not!"

"I love you the same"

"Jeez, what're we even doing? So embarrassing..." Said Harry hiding his face by his hand, "Good thing there're no cameras to record this"

"I engraved it to my memory already" Said Brown caressing Harry's features, "You're so easy to love"

"I love you, Brown"

"I know"

"Kiss me more... Treat me like a priceless porcelain piece... Brown, hold me down tonight"

"Alright" Replied Brown simply before taking Harry's lips with his, owning his very soul.

They were both hopeless for each other that it was sickening. They both knew that and it was fine.

It was them.

The only people who can appreciate the good, love the bad and embrace everything in-between.