
On your way back home

The road to redemption has got no GPS. Since every story got three sides: The victim, the bad guy and the fact. Nobody knows it all. Compilation of short stories of all kinds. Mirroring the society and individuals' lives. ~This book is not for close minded people. And if violence ain't your best suit, kindly look for another book that meets your preference. Ps: I'm doing this for the money and my peace of mind.

General_Majesty · LGBT+
Classificações insuficientes
37 Chs

Next on: To the one carrying my heart,

Brown knew that he should leave him alone. He practiced distance for far too many days to fail in just a second of seeing Harry in tears.

He reminded himself again and again that they were performing in front of Harry's friends and people he knows and wishes to impress but, the thought of Harry crying down there with no one to hold him was driving him insane.

"I'm sorry guys, I need to get this" Said Brown through the microphone before, jumping off the stage confusing his bandmates but, making the crowd go ear deafening loud.

He didn't stop, couldn't stop until he reached where Harry was standing clutching to his stomach tightly and took him in his embrace as natural as breathing, allowing him to let it all out silently. Just like the way Harry prefers.

Brown didn't say a thing because, he didn't know what to say to him nor the whys or what made his sunshine all teary like that but, he knew that Harry was in pain. So much pain that it was suffocating him too.

"Take me out of here" Said Harry hiding his face more into Brown's chest, "Please"

"Alright" That was all he said before turning in search for a restroom or any deserted place for his Harry. It wasn't easy considering he was new to that place but, he finally found an even better place. The rooftop.

It was empty. Silent. Peaceful.

Harry knew how much of a weakling he'll set out to be to the world come the next day but, he was fine in Brown's arms, at that moment and all was fine once more.

"You can laugh now... I look like shit" Said Harry blowing his nose and wipe his tears away.

"You're beautiful" Said Brown softly caressing Harry's face tenderly making Harry wish the world would just stop right then.

"I'm fine now, you can go back to the event" Said Harry taking in air to stable his emotions.

"We're done for the evening so, I should probably be here with you"

"How can you be so at ease betraying your friends like that? Like how are you able to live with yourself when all of them leave you someday?" Reprimanded Harry who was hurt, confused and very much sad.

"Because, I don't have a plan B after you but, with the rest? I can make them with you all over again If we have to" Said Brown simply holding Harry's hand before squeezing it a little. He didn't know what exactly happened but, he surely knew it when Harry was having a hard time to make a choice. He was just that indecisive in nature.

"You're brave" Said Harry, calming down, squeezing Brown hand in turn.

"No. I'm just strong" Said Brown with a smile.

"And smart" Said Harry mirroring Brown.

"And very clingy" Said Brown being playful. A rare occurrence to them.

"I like you like that though" Said Harry, flicking Brown's chin.

"Harry, you're my strength and brains behind all that's me" Said Brown going for a hug they both knew, he was craving for. For days, "I'm nothing without you, Harry"

"Me too" Said Harry later on when he felt Brown settling, "I don't think I could have lived and loved as long as I did my life without you by my side"

"...It doesn't have to be a priority for you to choose it again and again over anything of importance to you... If it makes your soul smile, calms your nerves then let it be" Said Brown in a serious tone, "You don't have to choose between things... Do what feels best for you. That's enough to the people that loves you"

"I love you, Brown" Said Harry, crying once more but, this time, he was grateful.

"Don't cry" Pleaded Brown, "It hurts whenever I see you like that"

"I'm sorry I..."

"You're alright. We are alright" Cooed Brown in Harry's arms, holding to him tightly until the reason became nothing but, thin air.

Finding his composure was a no brainer to Harry but, facing the world after a breakdown was the worst road anyone could walk through.

"Are you okay, kid?" Asked Malik the second they became visible to them.

"You scared us like crazy" Said Paul, handing Harry a bottled water before checking him worriedly and turning to Brown for any signs.

"Thanks" Said Harry who wasn't really thirsty.

"Is everything okay, Harry?"Asked Katie coming together with Tatiana and Sayeed.

"Are you hurt anywhere?" Asked Tatiana in concern.

"He's fine and I'm taking him home" Said Brown pulling Harry pressed to him. He was possessive of Harry like that.

"But, you can't" Said Katie looking at Brown's murderous gaze.

"Why can't he take our manager home?" Asked Paul, all ready for a fight.

"You have to close the event first" Replied Katie, simply ignoring the angry chipmunk.

"Who the hell scheduled that?" Asked Malik with a rise of his eyebrow. He didn't remember that schedule.

"Me?" Said Harry shyly holding back his laughter.

"Seriously?" Asked Paul, all strength draining from him.

"I'm sorry, I just love seeing you guys performing that much" Pouted Harry, "Plus, I didn't know I was going to be a crying mess during the performance"

"Just one song and we are out" Said Brown before kissing Harry's forehead subconsciously and then he froze when he realized what he just did, to whom and where .

"Your choice" Said Harry leaning to give Brown a hug happily before parting ways with him and walk on with Sayeed who was blown away by what just happened.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Asked Sayeed worriedly at last.


"I didn't know..."

"It's fine. Happens to the most of us"

"I'm sorry I put you in a tight spot earlier"

"It's not your fault"

"It is"

"Can we drop this?"

"Your call"


He didn't want to think about anything other than his Big baby shining on the stage. It was like he was born to be known, seen...

When you put a decision off, does that mean that you're a coward?

General_Majestycreators' thoughts