

The countdown stopped at zero, the loading screen appeared, and they were all dropped on the map. As soon as their feet touched the ground, they got into positions.

"Up!" Chao yelled, and without any questions, they knew what it meant. Yixing noticed that Shanshan disappeared, together with Yitian. Huobai was getting up on the roofs, only Chao was left on the ground. Because Yixing followed Huobai.

"Guardian on eleven. brawler, the sword just behind him. I don't see the magician and healer yet," Shanshan always scouted out the enemy's team first.

"I have the swordmaster on lock. Should I start firing?" Yitian asked, keeping his fingers moving. But Chao said no. They weren't doing anything. 

Yixing, Huobai, and Yitian were just up on the roofs, still undetected by the enemy. But Chao and Shanshan were down by half hp, just in a few seconds. 

"Guard down," Chao said and ran forward, slipping in between the brawler and swordsman. Yixing got ready to jump and nodded at Chao, who glanced at him.

"Now," he exclaimed, the moment the brawler and sword turned around to chase him, Yixing flew down and used taunting skills. The two had no other choice than to attack Yixing. But at the same time, Yitian and Huobai fired their spells on them. It was three against two and without the backup, they soon were half dead. 

"Down to the last minute," Chao said, and Yixing ran up to him. He was under the constant attack of the enemy magician.

The enemy team had a healer that helped them a lot. Chao's team hadn't had that advantage.

"Got the healer," Shanshan finally found him and Yitian changed his target to him. Under both, the long-distance and short-distance attacks, the healer stopped healing others and had their own problems. That made it easier for Huobai, Yixing, and Chao, who were fighting their own battles. 

"Down to half," Yixing stated, still holding onto the swordsman and brawler. While Chao was attacking their magician, Huobai was targeting those that bothered Yixing.

"Healer down," Yitian announced. Of course, he was down. He had no chance 2v1, especially with Shanshan's assassin's skills.

"I'm down," Chao announced, and Yixing had to hold back to not swear. He heard a loud gasp from the headset, but it wasn't a voice he recognized.

"Magician is on half," Chao looked onto Yitian's screen and started helping him. Yitian and Shanshan changed their targets too. Yitian kept shooting the magician, who had no idea how he was disrupted from casting spells and from where. While Shanshan Helped Yixing and Huobai.

One would say that when Yixing was near death he would be useless, but he fought till the end. And almost took the brawler with him. 

"I'm down." He raised his hands and moved to his chair to see how Shanshan was doing. Just as he looked at the screen, he was surprised at how fast Shanshan was moving. This kid that was only fifteen was a lot faster than him. And even when Yixing knew it wasn't his fault, that it was the character. He felt inferior somehow. 

Shanshan finished the brawler with a shadow clone. So, it was three to two now. But Yixing wasn't scared or anything. They still expected that by now, Huobai would be down too. It was actually better than they predicted. 

He moved to the other side and looked at Yitian's screen. Chao was constantly telling him moves and helping him evade the magician's spells. That was something magicians were bad at. If they didn't move with their range of spells and stayed at one place, the target could easily run away. 

That was why Huobai was always training on Shanshan, who was the fastest. And Yitian was shooting while running around being chased by Chao. They took their disadvantages and tried to make them their advantages. 

And Yitian spent a really long time researching Lan da hai. And he knew that, unlike Huobai, their magician loved to find a spot and not move from there. 

Even now, he stayed on the same roof, just running around, taking cover. It was probably hard for him to cast spells like that. But, suddenly, the swordmaster disappeared. 

"Where is he?" Chao asked Shanshan, but he had been just with them working on the magician, leaving the swordmaster to Huobai.

"I'm low on health," Huobai said while looking around. He noticed the other magician running around on the roof, so he made a few jumps towards and cast his longest spell. It hit the magician, taking him down, killing him. But then Huobai's body erupted in flames and a twisting body appeared above his character.

"Sword killed me. He is close to you," he said. It looked worse now. Yeah, it was two versus one, but Shanshan was really low on health and Yitian was bad in a close-range battle.

"Got him, three a clock from you." Shanshan jumped up and looked around. He found the highest spot. 

Yitian packed his guns and started running towards Shanshan. He needed to be higher to see the swordmaster. But his getaway was soon cut off by the swordmaster, cutting him hard.

"He knows where I'm," he told Shanshan and Yixing was anxiously watching. It should be okay. Yitian still had over half of his life, Shanshan had only a few millimeters on the scale. But the sword had only just a tiny bit more than Shanshan.

"Do I have to do it? It's too early…" Yitian didn't take his eyes from the game, evading almost all the attacks. Chao was silent for a few seconds. 

"Shan, where are you?" he asked, thinking, but it was quick, no time to spare. They all talked faster than they normally would. 

"Three roofs to you," he said and counted back how many. 

"Don't, shit! Cover!" he shouted, and Yitian automatically reacted. He pulled out his biggest gun skill and shot himself out of the way.

Mid jump he fired the weapon on the swordmaster, he hit him from a close distance and he ended up four roofs away from him, gaining distance.

Shanshan then finished the lying sword off and the dialog announced their win. But no one was smiling and cheering. It was harder than they thought. 

And this was Lanbo's second team. How could they defeat their first and best team if they had so many problems with the secondary team?

"Looks like we aren't ready…" Chao said, and everyone nodded. Even Huobai's mother, who broke her perfect fingernail, how nervously she was biting them.

Hello, I'm here again, I just want to say that I can't reply to some of your comments because they have forbidden words. We noticed that lm.ao, ha.ha, se.x/y, he.ll and di.e are forbidden :D And one more thing. You can follow me on social media, Instagram (tina_eoli), and Twitter (tyna_eoli) where I post updates on novels, and usually funny accidents and mishaps I did during writing :D So if you are interested you can follow <3 ILY

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