
The real

"I can try a game or two. But I won't be good…" Yixing said and sat on Chao's chair. Yitian was a bit stunned because it was the first time Yixing even wanted to try it.

Before, he always resolutely refused. So Yitian was now pondering about what caused the change? Maybe it was that he could join them and don't be alone so much?

Yitian had no idea, but he was glad that Yixing finally joined them. He always felt guilty that he and Chao were playing, but Yixing had to run around and carry out his father's orders.

"Awesome…" he jumped up and turned on Chao's computer. None of them had a password-protected computer, because the only thing he had there, was SoL. All of them had personal laptops for school. But the computers in the living room were for everyone to use.

They had no problem opening the game and making a new account for Yixing. Just a slight problem was when he was thinking up his nickname.

"What do you want to convey with your name?" Yitian asked for like a tenth time, but the only thing he got was unrecognizable mumbling.

Yixing frowned because he didn't know what to use. He never made a nickname before and his name meaning wasn't that terrifying or artistic to be used.

"Don't worry. This is just for the account, your character can have a different name after that," Yitian assured him. So Yixing looked around him, but nothing caught his eyes.

Then he looked out of the window. The clear skies were already darkened and only a bright moon could be seen above the Hong Kong lighted city line. He got it.

Yixing wrote down the name, and proud of himself, hit okay. His happiness was soon destroyed when his nickname was already taken.

"Just write a number after it or something…" Yitian smiled lightly, suggesting an acceptable alternative. But not for Yixing, who frowned and pouted.

"But it won't be original anymore," he said, making a falsely sad voice. He wasn't that good, and it only made Yitian sigh.

"Okay, okay…" Yixing chuckled and added a few numbers after the nickname he thought of.

Then the screen darkened, and an English voice started speaking in a calm, narrative manner. Chinese subtitles were following the images that explained the whole battle between the giant white monsters and black-veiled people. Those were the legends. Whose secret weapons were scattered around the world after the last long, exhausting battle.

Soon after those legendary black-veiled people disappeared and stopped guarding the secret gate, the giant white monsters appeared again, summoning their minions into the, until now, peaceful world.

Now, heroes, adventurers, around the world needed to find the secret of the legends and close the secret gate, making the world peaceful again.

Yixing was thrilled. His heart was beating fast, and he felt as if he was watching a whole movie. The song that was playing in the background was amplifying his emotions. Leaving him speechless when the loading screen appeared.

"Have you found any secrets already??" He turned to Yitian, totally excited. But soon he was having his feet firmly back on the ground because Yitian shook his head.

"No one knows what it is, and no one knows how to get it. But it's amazing to search for it. It will definitely appear one day." Yitian smiled at him and gestured to the screen with his head, rolling closer to Yixing.

"What profession do you want to be?" he asked, while Yixing was jumping from one profession to the other. Not sure. All of them looked awesome, interesting. But which one to use.

He suddenly lightened up and turned to Yitian. He tried to mask his excitement about his idea, but he failed because Yitian raised his brow with an obvious question on his face.

"What was wrong with the team before? Why did they lose? You said they had the wrong members…" Yixing smirked inside his mind, thinking his question wasn't suspicious at all. Yitian pressed his lips, suppressing his laughter.

"Their only long-range character wasn't covered by anyone. He was doomed to die. Magician's skills have a long time to activate. They should be covered, guarded by someone. But they just ran towards the boss and didn't care about anyone." Yitian answered calmly, explaining what he meant by his remarks. And telling some intel to Yixing.

"Who is best for guarding magicians?" Yixing asked, just to be sure. He had an idea that it was guard but what if this game was different?

"Guardian." Yitian rolled his chair over, took Yixing's mouse, and clicked on the right profession. After that, everything was far easier. He helped him pick up his non-combat profession and let him customize his character and name.

Yitian himself logged into the game and wrote to MoSHU, having a plan in mind. They still had his stream open, and he asked Yitian if he was okay with being there.

He looked at Yixing and agreed to it if they took care of him together. Maybe they would get some rare materials. Yitian looked at Yixing's character, who was already done with his initial quest and tutorials.

Yixing was pretty excited about the game. Before, he thought that he wouldn't be good at it. To be honest, his coordination wasn't that amazing. The only sport he was good at was going to the gym. Which his father forced him to do, so he would look appealing.

But now he was following Yitian effortlessly, going right in his path, not aggravating any monster. They stopped at a spot and Yitian turned around to Yixing and moved his wrists around.

"Kill what I attack." Yixing nodded and cracked his fingers. They started almost immediately. In the beginning, there were some monsters that escaped him, or he couldn't finish, so they attacked him. But soon, they found the perfect synergy.

Yitian shot the monsters to almost zero HP and Yixing went to kill them. If any monster came closer to him, the magician took care of it. Yitian went to the animal and shot at it while it was stunned, and again and again.

What was good was Yixing's attention, and reading his surroundings. He saw the shift in the monsters' behavior and saw one of them launching itself on MoSHU.

He thought that the magician would take care of it as swiftly as usual, but he wasn't moving. He couldn't see any spell. And Yixing's instincts kicked in.

He ran at his fastest speed, and given that he was close, it was a quick run. He jumped in front of the monster and got bitten by it.

Yixing's screen became red, and a countdown was slowly becoming closer to zero, he was redirected with a loading screen to the starting village sanctuary.

Yitian tore away his eyes from the screen and looked at Yixing. He couldn't get why he did that. Just like that. He sacrificed himself out of nowhere.

"What the heck was that?" he asked, his mouth open. His eyes fixated on Yixing, whose corners of his mouth were slightly lifted with satisfaction.

"You told me that a guardian is taking care of a magician and guarding him… so I saved him." Yixing shrugged, and Yitian was speechless. He just stood up and walked to the restroom, to splash some water on himself, to wake up. Because this had to be a dream.

"We have a long way to go…" he said as he looked into the mirror. Yitian was so used to playing with the genius Chao that he forgot some people weren't automatically knowledgeable about everything.

Yixing is... :D Honestly, I still haven't grabbed his character completely, but he is such an idiot :D Like I mean it :D He was always that but now I noticed it even more :D

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