

Huobai's and Yixing's days passed by just like a snap of fingers. They had posted the video from Disneyland. And earned many fans through that. A lot of them were international. So they kept posting their daily vlogs and soon showed how gamer's days looked like. 

"I never thought their life was so… boring. It looked exciting playing all day. But I did not think all they do is eat, train, sleep. In dramas they make it look more fun." That was one of the many comments that had made remarks like that. 

Huobai knew it wasn't anything exciting. Yes, you played the game you loved, but your hands were sometimes hurting. You had to exercise regularly, so your muscles will help you keep your right posture and your back won't hurt. 

Your eyes were drying out because you were staring at the screen, almost not blinking. Because when you blink, you take the eyes of your opponent. The lights that simulated stage lights were blinding you, too.