
Nervous excitement

"Can you stop fidgeting? I know you are pretty excited to meet our friends, but you are making me nervous," Nanchuan said to Huobai when they were in the car. 

Huobai was too looking forward, too excited. He even rejected the idea of taking off makeup and having another minute spent at the place. 

"I'm sorry," he said and placed his hand on his own thigh just to calm down his leg. Of course, he was excited. Heck, he thought that maybe Yixing could start talking to him once again. But at the same time maybe he wanted to talk to him just because he wanted to say he hates him. But that wasn't Yixing's style, so Huobai really nervous. 

"We're at the restaurant, Mr. Li," Yizhou said when he stopped in front of the entrance. Huobai was even before he had finished the sentence.