
On the Wings of time

This summary tells about a romantic novel that takes place in a charming city, where hope and dreams weave the fabric of everyday life. In this city, there is an immortal love waiting to be heard. It is a love story that transcends time and space, narrating the adventures of two lovers who met by chance, and although fate played a role in their meeting, their hearts were bound by a strong bond that nothing could separate.

Abdelwahed00 · Anime e quadrinhos
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4 Chs

Chapter One: the meeting


in a city hugging the sky, where the streets are woven of hope and dreams, there was an immortal love story waiting to be told. A love story that transcends the boundaries of time and Space, tells about two lovers who met by chance, but whose hearts were connected by a fateful thread that could not be cut.

The air was chanting with anticipation, as if the universe itself held its breath. In the heart of the bustling city, where cobblestones carried the weight of countless steps, their paths converged—the collision of fate and desire.

He was a calm man, his stormy gray eyes reflected the swaying sea. His coat, which he wore at the edges, clung to his broad shoulders. The wind ruffled his unruly hair, and he adjusted the collar, protecting himself from the cold. His name-forgotten over time-was etched into the fabric of the city, woven into its core.

It arrived like a comet shining light across the night sky. Her wild curls danced in defiance of gravity, and her eyes held the galaxies inside. She was wearing a twilight-colored dress-a fabric for the constellations that adorned her skin. Her laughter echoed through the narrow streets, a melody that drew curious glances from passers-by. Her name—whispered by the wind-was a secret shared only with the moon.

They met in a tucked cafe tucked away in a forgotten corner. The bell rang above the door announcing her arrival. He looked out of his book-a collection of ancient poems-and stuttered time. She stood there, framed by the window, her silhouette bathed in golden light. Her eyes found his, and at that moment, the world narrowed to a single point of contact.


He rose, and the chair scraped against the floor. She hesitated, as if caught between moving forward and fleeing. But curiosity won over fear, and I got closer. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee mixed with her perfume-an intoxicating mixture of jasmine and rain. He stretched out his hand, and she put her hand in his-the touch sent ripples through their souls.

"May I join you? "I asked, her voice a symphony of notes that he had never heard before. He nodded, unable to tear his gaze away. She sat down in front of him, and her eyes searched his face as if deciphering a forgotten language. He faded into the background-the rattle of Cups, the murmur of conversations-they were all replaced by a common heartbeat.

They talked about illogical things-the weather, the book he was reading, the way sunlight painted patterns on the table. But under the surface, currents flowed-an unspoken understanding that defies logic. He learned that she likes to watch the stars, that she believes in fate, and that her favorite color is Indigo midnight sky. I found out that he wrote poetry, that he had a pocket watch that was passed down through the generations, that his heart bore scars older than the city itself.

As the afternoon waned, shadows stretched over the floor. She traced the edge of her cup, her fingers brushing against his. He leaned closer, drawn by an invisible force. Her lips are curved in a smile-a promise of shared secrets. And then, in that dimly lit cafe surrounded, surrounded by the remnants of forgotten stories, they kissed.


It was a kiss that tasted Eternal-a collision of the past and the present, of longing and fulfillment. Their breaths merged, and for a fleeting moment, they were suspended out of time. The world is blurred-pebbles, a clock tower, a concept before and after-it all dissolves in the sensation of her lips against it.

When they finally withdrew, the cafe held its breath. The bell above the door chimed, she stood up, her hand still intertwined with his. "Until next time," she whispered, her eyes promising a thousand tomorrows.

Watch her leave, the door closes behind her. The cafe resumed its rhythm - the clinking of Cups, the murmur of conversations-but remained stuck in that kiss. He knew-he felt it in his bones-that their meeting was no coincidence. They were threads woven by fate, drawn together through the ages.

And so, in the heart of the city, where hope and dreams are intertwined, their love story began-the story of immortal souls, bound by an unbreakable thread, waiting to be told.


Note: the first chapter paves the way for their love, capturing the initial spark that will ignite an eternal romance. If you want me to continue their journey, just let me know!