
On the Wings of time

This summary tells about a romantic novel that takes place in a charming city, where hope and dreams weave the fabric of everyday life. In this city, there is an immortal love waiting to be heard. It is a love story that transcends time and space, narrating the adventures of two lovers who met by chance, and although fate played a role in their meeting, their hearts were bound by a strong bond that nothing could separate.

Abdelwahed00 · Anime e quadrinhos
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4 Chs

Chapter II: Doubts

The early days of their relationship were like a delicate dance—a waltz of uncertainty and hope. Doubts crept in, like shadows cast by the moon, threatening to extinguish the flame that had ignited between them.

She wondered if he was too good to be true. His laughter, his kindness—it all seemed too perfect. Could someone really be so genuine? And what about his past? Had he loved before, only to have his heart shattered? She feared becoming just another chapter in his story.

He, too, grappled with doubts. Was she truly interested, or was this merely a fleeting connection? Her laughter, her vulnerability—it drew him in, but he wondered if it was all an illusion. And what if he wasn't enough? What if his quirks and flaws drove her away?

They sat in the same café, the rain tapping against the window. The jazz piano played softly in the background, a melancholic tune that mirrored their inner turmoil. She sipped her coffee, her eyes searching his face.

"Tell me something," she said, her voice barely audible. "Have you ever been hurt?"

He hesitated, then nodded. "Yes. But I've also learned to heal."

She traced the rim of her cup, her doubts etched in the lines of her palm. "And what if we hurt each other?"


He leaned closer, his breath warm against her skin. "Then we'll heal together."

Their doubts hung in the air, like fragile threads waiting to snap. But he took her hand, intertwining their fingers. "I believe in us," he whispered. "In this connection."

She studied him, her stormy eyes searching for answers. "Why?"

"Because," he said, "when you meet someone who feels like home, doubts become insignificant. We'll stumble, we'll make mistakes, but we'll learn and grow."

She smiled, a mix of vulnerability and determination. "And what if it's not enough?"

He leaned in, brushing his lips against hers. "Then we'll write our own story—one that defies doubts and embraces love."

And so they faced their uncertainties—the fear of vulnerability, the scars of the past. But with each shared secret, each stolen kiss, their doubts faded. They discovered that love wasn't about perfection; it was about choosing to stay, even when doubts whispered in the night.

As the rain subsided, they stepped outside, hand in hand. The world was still uncertain, but they had each other. And in that moment, doubts transformed into hope—a fragile, beautiful thing that bloomed in the quiet corners of their hearts.