
On My Terms

After a brutal betrayal by his family and fiancée, Hendrix Frost is left for dead. But fate intervenes, and he's given a second chance at life. A childless widow, who works as a maid at the luxurious Dunwoody Villa, takes him in and nurses him back to health. However, Hendrix's memories are lost in the process, and he's reborn as Drix Anderson. As Drix, he takes on a new identity and becomes Camilla Dunwoody's personal bodyguard to support his new family. But as he gets closer to the rebellious heiress, their relationship evolves into something more. Camilla Dunwoody is a force to be reckoned with. Despite building her own successful company, she's determined to inherit her grandfather's empire. But there's a catch - her grandfather insists she marry before taking the reins. Desperate and enraged, Camilla proposes a 5-month contract marriage to Drix, her bodyguard. Little does she know, her 'husband' holds secrets that could change everything and fuel her thirst for power.

E_B_I · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
17 Chs

Death do us part

C A M I L L A 𓍯𓂃

I STARED at Drix on our way to the car, I can't seem to comprehend how my grandfather liked him immediately or gave his approval so quickly.

Grandfather has always wanted me to marry for love, not for power, but here I am wearing an engagement ring from my fiancé under a marriage of convenience.

"You should visit often after the wedding, "Grandfather had told Drix with a bright beam. I don't know what charm he held, but it seems good as we've gotten the yes we needed.

Looking at the way Drix was grinning from ear to ear, I doubt if anyone could tell he had an emotional breakdown a few hours ago. Initially, I thought it was a prank or a method to stop us from going, but when I saw tears, it felt real. Whatever happened to him is none of business, so I'm not going to ask him about anything regarding it thanks to the privacy clause of her contract. Trust me, I'm not the curious type.

"Wow," Drix uttered as he closed the car door behind him.

I had sent the driver on an errand to grab the gifts Abue got for Drix and I. We had about thirty minutes before he returned to the car, enough for me to recharge the energy I needed to finish up the final plans for the wedding.

"I can't believe you'd do something like that, "Drix says, his tone slightly high.

"What?" I ask, leaning my head on the headrest.

"Three days? Why didn't you tell me? "

My eyelids close, "What? Did you have other plans?"

"No, but at least I should know. Why are you planning this without me? "

I open my eyes and sit up straight, "Because I work better alone,"

"You should've just married yourself then,"

"Excuse me? "

"You heard me, three days? What did you intend to do? Knock on my door in thirty minutes and ask me to get ready for the wedding?"

"And what do you intend to do? Adding decorations or did you want to invite that gardener?"

The words fall out from my mouth before I can catch them but anyway I don't care.

"And how does that concern her? Why do you always bring her up? My mom is already shocked as it is, you should tell me things beforehand, I am entitled to know too there's no section in the contract that forbade that, "

I already fought with Stephan, I'm in no mood to fight with him too. I spotted the driver walking towards the car with several bags in hand along with a couple of maids behind him, aiding him with them.

"You want to play a part? Fine. Just go get your suit and wedding accessories at the Saint Laurent store at Beverly Hills tomorrow, "

"You've already placed an order? "

"Yes, now zip it will you?" I urged, nudging my head towards the car window so that he could get a proper view of the people arriving.

His mouth forms an 'o' shape and closes thereafter whilst I rested my head on the headrest of the vehicle to clear my thoughts.

"Aren't we seeing your parents? " he finally asks I was expecting him to ask.

"I don't have any, "

"Oh… I'm sorry, "

"Don't be," I sighed.

He's going to find out soon or later but I need to shut his questions down for a while. My father and stepmother don't deserve to be at my wedding, even if it's fake.

Three Days Later….

I'd like to think of this as a normal day, the only difference was that I was wearing a white satin mermaid wedding dress with a bouquet of flowers in my hands.

I don't want a veil, it's not like he'd be happy to see me, but I must admit that the makeup artist and hair stylist did a good job. All the stress of paying for their flight tickets from Belgium wasn't such a bad idea after all.

I needed foreigners because I didn't want anyone to alert the public, members of my household were also warned of the dangers of broadcasting the news.

My heart rate gets faster by the minute and I find myself wondering if I've thought this through, but I've already gone this far to give up. I asked the makeup artist and her assistant to excuse me for a while as I recollected my thoughts and put myself together.

The door creaks open and Stephan walks in, fully suited up to serve as my best man since I had no one to play the role of my chief bridesmaid.

I don't know what I'd do without him, despite our argument he just managed to show up like nothing's ever happened.

"They're waiting," He informs me and rises with a nod.

"You're beautiful, Camilla. You've always been,"

"Thanks," I utter, adjusting the dress and walking to him.

I slipped my hand into the crook of his arm, feeling comfortable and at ease as we walked together to meet my grandfather in the living room.

When we got to the staircase Abue's eyes glimmered with satisfaction as he smiled at me ascending the flight of stairs with Stephan.

"Mi Cielo" He grinned broadly, wrapping me in a warm embrace as we got to him.

"Abue," I muttered on his shoulder.

"You look heavenly. A shot load of magnificence," he complimented, pulling out from our embrace.

Stephan smiled as he watched us until it was finally time for our cue, Abue led me arm-in-arm towards the courtyard to give me away. "Give me away" sounds like I'm a product during a store's clearance sale. To rephrase that, escorting me to my future spouse sounded more palatable.

The courtyard was transformed into a romantic oasis for the occasion. The picturesque setting was adorned with an array of elegant decorations, creating a warm and inviting ambiance for the small gathering of four guests. (Drix's mom, my grandfather, and the driver, Drix identified as Luke to serve as his hired best man plus Stephan)

Furthermore, the courtyard's beauty was enhanced by ; delicate string lights twinkling above, vibrant floral arrangements and potted plants surrounding the area, soft, billowy drapes in a warm ivory hue, gently swaying in the breeze, a stunning archway adorned with greenery and white blooms, framing the ceremony space, comfortable, ornate benches and chairs for the guests to sit and witness the union, a beautifully decorated table with an elegant wedding cake, champagne, and glasses, soft, background music playing agreeing the gentle rustling of leaves

This was how far I could go with planning a simple wedding, but everything turned great.

My heart skips a beat when I see him, my soon-to-be husband, standing at the altar with his eyes on his fingers. If we haven't made this deal, then I would've signed him up for modelling, he looks stupendously good in literally everything. No matter how many times I see him in a suit, I always get amazed.

His best man slightly tapped him and slowly, he gazed at me from head to toe as his mouth slightly parted in awe. Okay, maybe I outdid myself.

Abue finally let me go at the altar and Stephan took my bouquet, giving me the opportunity to hold my hands with Drix's as his lips curled into a smile.

Suddenly, he leans closer with a smirk plastered on his face as he whispers the words, "You're radiant," into my ear. The warmth of his breath sent chills down my spine as his lips grazed on my earrings, ruining my comfort.

He pulls away and caresses my engagement ring softly with his thumb. If he was acting, he is sure doing a good job, as the guests all had sparkles in their eyes like they've seen a rainbow.

"You don't look bad yourself," I stated, my tone bland without any interesting emotion.

The priest cleared his throats and read at the introduction, "We're gathered today to—"

"Skip to the vows," I curtly demand, cutting him off.

Drix's eyebrows raise, but I pay no attention but keep my eyes on him. I've watched weddings on YouTube to learn how they do this, and I've become a pro myself. Taking the silver wedding band from Stephan, I carefully held his hand as I slipped it in.

"Repeat after me, I, Camilla Dunwoody…"

"I, Camilla Dunwoody, take thee, Drix Anderson, to be my wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death —" I halt for a second, I've memorized this whole speech, but I'm really going to lie to them and myself? Till death? Maybe til the death of our contract.

"Till death do us part," The priest added on my behalf, and I snapped back to reality.

"Till death do us part, according to God's holy ordinance; and thereto I pledge thee my faithfulness." I concluded, slipping the ring into his finger as the audience gave a faint applause.

"And now to the groom," Says the priest as Drix brings out a ring box from his pocket, revealing the most beautiful ring I've laid my eyes on. It radiated with the glory of pure diamond which made me wonder how much he got it? It must've cost a fortune.

Likewise, Drix finishes up his vows and slips the ring on my finger to officiate our false marriage and I felt relieved that I had finally gotten there, the fresh scent of the executive chairwoman's office already filling my nose when he dropped the bomb, "I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss the bride,"

A kiss? I was totally not prepared for it.

This may/may not be taken down for editing soon :3

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