
18. Lonely Island

Talsha had given the visiting healer a list of symptoms to share with other healers he met.  He was also to let them know that if things went well, a dragon may be helping to make the deliveries.  He was more than happy to share his information.

With the word out, Talsha felt she could focus on Brinn's trip.  They were to leave in 3 days.

Brinn spent one full day just washing the bottles she was taking and getting each one wrapped in cloth to keep them from breaking.

The next day she made sure she had clothes washed and packed.  She folded the blanket she had made before leaving home.  Her life had changed a lot in the last year.  She held the familiar fabric to her cheek as she thought of her family.  Hopefully they would be safe.

The last day they packed food, including some for Regal.  Talsha wasn't sure what hunting would be like on the island.

Talsha had Brinn review how to fix the medicine just to make sure she didn't forget anything.  Brinn felt like she would be dreaming thistles for a week considering how much she had heard about them lately. 

When the morning of the trip came, Brinn felt like a whole jarfull of butterflies had been turned loose in her stomach.  Soon the business of loading a cool and calm Regal had her over her nervousness.

By mid-morning they were ready to leave.  Talsha gave Brinn a hug.  "I'm proud of you," the healer said.  "You have turned into a woman before my eyes.  You are strong with tender hands and heart.  You will be an excellent healer." Brinn didn't know what to say, so she just hugged Talsha back.

The healer patted the dragon's shoulder.  "Regal, may your wings be strong.  Good luck, you two."

With a dip of his head at the healer, Regal spread his wings and, with Brinn aboard, headed south.