
Omori : Coma - Konsui

"Welcome to White Space" "You've been here as long as you can remember" "Perhaps too long? Who knows" "This is our reality after all" So forth, Omori does his usual routine in headspace until something surprising he did was striking himself early in white space. with a new emergence of Sunny whose full name is Susumu Miyamoto. As thereof, there's a comatose and sleeping-like figure in this shared bedroom. It was none other than Mari, Mariko Miyamoto. What would happen next?

Mystic_Magnificous · Videojogos
Classificações insuficientes
38 Chs

File U: Understanding

As Omori slowly opens his eyes, the familiar white space greets him, but something feels off. The usually serene environment is now distorted, with wisps of darkness creeping at the edges of his vision. Mewo, sensing his discomfort, cuddles closer, eliciting a tired giggle from Omori.

"I really need to leave for now again," he murmurs, his voice reflecting both exhaustion and determination. He stretches, trying to shake off the lingering fatigue from his recent experiences.

Then surprisingly Mewo playfully bites Omori's black shirt collar, a sense of urgency accompanies its actions. Omori, taken aback by the cat's unusual behavior, tries to protest. "Mewo, you shouldn't have... I can try to move on my own," he says in a monotone voice, his curiosity piqued by the appearance of the grey door.

Despite Omori's protests, Mewo continues to guide him towards the grey door with determination. Omori, feeling a mix of confusion and curiosity, decides to follow Mewo's lead, albeit cautiously. As they reach the door, Omori hesitates for a moment before reaching out to touch the doorknob, wondering what lies beyond it.

YouThen , as it went to consume his vision. Finally , back at the familiar bedroom of the Miyamoto siblings Sunny groans weakly "Oh no…I slept through that moment last time….what a weird dream—" as he hug his blanket when he heard a door open as he gasp clearing his tired vision "Uhh…Akasan (Mom) and Otosan (dad)? What are you two doing here already? Or how…I thought—" as he felt a headpat from his mother lending a breakfast tray for him as he felt he has fever pads on.

Sunny's parents smile gently at him, showing concern in their eyes. His mother speaks softly, "Good morning, dear. You seemed to have had a rough night. We decided to check on you before heading to work. Your fever spiked a bit, so we brought you some breakfast and medication."

Sunny nods slowly, still feeling a bit groggy. "Thanks, Mom. Sorry for the trouble," he mumbles, accepting the tray and taking the medication.

His father pats his shoulder reassuringly. "No need to apologize, son. Just focus on getting better. We'll handle things for today."

As Sunny eats his breakfast and takes the medication, he reflects on the strange dream he had, wondering about its significance and the feelings it stirred within him.

Then they added "Plus , we rush as soon as Hero…one your old friends inform us what you're doing for the past 5 days in our absence.." As Sunny gasp "Oh no…did I worry them too much?"

Sunny's parents exchange a knowing look before his mother replies, "They were mostly concerned about your health and well-being, dear. Hero mentioned you seemed a bit off lately. Maybe it's time for you to take it easy and not overexert yourself."

Sunny nods, realizing the impact his recent behavior might have had on his friends. "I'll make sure to take care of myself better," he promises, a hint of determination in his voice.

His father smiles warmly. "That's all we ask, son. Your health comes first."

Sunny finishes his breakfast, feeling a bit more energized after resting and taking the medication. He thanks his parents again for their care and support before they leave for work, leaving him to recover and ponder the events of his dream and the concerns raised by his friends.

Then , as he eat and his parents glance at comatose Mari. They express their relief that Sunny's friends are back and helping out. "It's heartwarming to see them reconnecting and supporting each other," his mother says with a smile. "And the treehouse looks wonderful. It's nice to see everyone coming together for such projects."

Sunny nods, grateful for the support and camaraderie of his friends. "I'll make sure to spend more time with them and not worry them unnecessarily," he adds, making a mental note to balance his activities better.

As he finishes breakfast, he glances at Mari's room, a mix of hope and concern in his eyes. He knows there's still a long road ahead, but having his friends and family by his side gives him strength to face whatever challenges may come.

Then, he felt his father's headpats as he teased "So…The Corazon family also told me how brave you are getting lately.." As the mom added, "Surprisingly even the babysitter of your old friend Basil mentions how it's odd yet nice for you to have comfort outside our home sweetie…."

Afterwards, they chuckle "Speaking of which…" As they gesture by the bedroom door his group of his friends peeking. As Kel spoke up first "So Uhh…Ms Miyamoto and Mr.Miyamoto…we're allowed now to be with Sunny since he wakes up right?" As Aubrey chuckles "He does need that REST after these passing few days…"

Sunny's parents share a knowing smile and nod. "Of course, you're all welcome here," his father says warmly. "Just make sure he doesn't overexert himself. He needs plenty of rest."

Sunny's friends enter the room, and he greets them with a tired yet happy smile. "Hey, everyone," he says, grateful for their presence.

"We're here to make sure you get the rest you need," Hero adds with a reassuring smile.

Aubrey playfully nudges Kel. "And to keep Kel from causing too much trouble," she teases, earning a laugh from the group.

Basil softly held his photo album with a smile and gardening gloves "Say Sunny , how are you feeling now? Guess it's both our 'fault' not telling the rest…" As Sunny frowns cutely "No Basil it's my 'fault' not telling everyone the limits of being a Hikkimori…" hesitates as he glance at the rest.

Sunny's friends exchange concerned glances, understanding the weight of his words. Aubrey steps forward, her expression gentle. "Sunny, you don't have to bear this alone. We're here for you, no matter what," she says softly, echoing the sentiments of the group.

Kel nods in agreement. "Yeah, we're a team. We'll figure this out together," he adds, his usual playful tone replaced with genuine concern.

Basil places a comforting hand on Sunny's shoulder. "And remember, it's okay to ask for help or to share what you're going through. We're all learning and growing together," he reassures him.

Sunny smiles gratefully at his friends, feeling a sense of warmth and support in their presence. "Thanks, everyone. I appreciate it," he says sincerely.

He blush a bit as the rest chuckles for she frowns turning around "what? I got worried too…" As Basil sighs and nudge Sunny "Here…wanna see how far I pasted new photos in my album base on what we're doing for the past few days?"

Sunny's blush deepens as he nods, appreciating Basil's effort to capture their recent memories. "Sure, Basil. I'd love to see how the album's coming along," he says, feeling a sense of warmth and nostalgia at the thought of reliving those moments through photographs.

As Hero sighs and turn to Mari "Oh and by the way your parents are very understanding when we help with the things around the house with your in earlier days." As Kel rambles "nursing Mari , taking care of Mewo , other household chores besides meal And finally—" Points at the bedroom window as Aubrey chuckles "the treehouse…"

Basil notices Sunny's weak but genuine laughter as he flips through the latest photos in his photo album. "Hey, Sunny... Is it just me, or are you becoming more..."

Sunny's expression turns curious as he prompts, "More what?"

Basil continues, "More expressive? I mean, in a good way. You seem more at ease, like you're finding your groove."

The rest of the group nods in agreement, expressing their support for Sunny's newfound openness and relaxation.

Kel grins mischievously, nudging Hero. "See, I told you! Sunny's turning into a social butterfly!"

Hero chuckles, "Well, I guess it's a good thing. You're looking more relaxed, Sunny. It's like the weight of the world's off your shoulders."

Aubrey smiles warmly, "It's nice to see you opening up more, Sunny. We're all here for you, you know."

Sunny flushes a little and fiddles with his hands, maintaining a calm demeanor. "I didn't expect—wait, Kel, when did you tell Hero that? I never heard that in our earlier conversations…"

Kel grins sheepishly and scratches his head. "Oh, you know, just casual observations during our hangouts. Like that time when you joined us for late-night games, and you were chatting away like there's no tomorrow!"

Hero nods in agreement. "Yeah, and there was that one time when we were fixing up the treehouse, and you were laughing and joking with everyone. It's like you're a different person, in a good way!"

Sunny listens, looking both surprised and thoughtful. "I see... I guess I've been more caught up in the moment lately. Thanks for letting me know, Kel. It's interesting to hear how others see me when I'm not paying attention."

Aubrey adds with a smile, "It's all part of growing up and finding your place, Sunny. We're glad to see you finding your stride."

Basil added as he received the Photo Album back once Sunny finished looking through it, saying, "Yeah, Sunny, and... you did voluntarily get more active, like spending time with Aubrey at her place yesterday."

As both Aubrey and Sunny blushed, recalling the events from yesterday, Kel couldn't resist teasing them. "Oh, is there something you two are not telling us? A secret date, perhaps?"

Hero laughed, joining in the teasing. "Come on, spill the beans. We won't judge."

Aubrey playfully nudged Sunny, her cheeks still tinged pink. "It was just a friendly hangout, nothing more."

Sunny nodded, trying to hide his smile. "Yeah, just catching up and reminiscing about old times. Nothing special."

Kel sighed dramatically, adding, "Oh, so Sunny taking a slap from Aubrey's Mom yesterday was just him being a great 'friend,' huh?" He winked playfully, teasing Aubrey.

Aubrey chuckled with a mix of exasperation and fondness, giving Kel a soft punch on the shoulder. "You know it was just a misunderstanding. Sunny was being a gentleman, that's all."

Sunny grinned sheepishly, rubbing his arm where Aubrey lightly punched him. "Yeah, I just didn't want to cause any trouble. It was nothing, really."

Basil sighed contentedly. "Either way, what do you think of the recent photos, Sunny? Do you like the new memories we made during these days when we're hanging out as a group again?"

Sunny adjusted his position on the bed, a soft smile tugging at his lips. "Yeah, they're great. It's nice seeing all of us together again, making new memories. It's been a while since we've had moments like these."

Before he gulp as even Basil knew why. As he turns to everyone "what do you GUYS THINKS SO TOO? Surely Mari doesn't mind…."

The room fell into a thoughtful silence for a moment before Aubrey spoke up. "I think it's wonderful. We've been through a lot, but it feels good to be back together, creating new memories."

She turn to the Corazon brothers what they would say (Kel and Hero)

Kel grins widely, nodding in agreement. "Definitely! It's like we're reconnecting all over again, but this time with a fresh perspective."

Hero nods, his expression reflecting a mix of nostalgia and optimism. "It's like a new chapter, isn't it? We're not just reliving old memories; we're making new ones, stronger and more meaningful."

As Hero added scooting to Sunny like a brother-like figure "Plus , Pretty sure Mari would prefer her little sunshine getting some fun for awhile right?"

Hero's comment adds a heartwarming touch to the conversation, emphasizing the importance of enjoying life's moments even amidst challenges. Sunny nods with a faint smile, feeling reassured by his friends' support and understanding.

Meanwhile , Mewo enters the bedroom like a tired black cat meow that made everyone chuckle. As Kel carried the Kitty slowly "Whoopsie daisy!!!! Say Sunny…..guess with your parents permission we can't let you suddenly get too 'active' and awake huh?…"

Sunny nods as well as Aubrey asks "So what is the most NORMAL sleep for you for the past 4 years being cooped up in the house? Basil did mention to us you do have that habit of sleeping a lot…"

Sunny shifts slightly, thinking for a moment before responding, "Yeah, I guess my usual sleep routine has been a bit different. I used to sleep a lot during the day and stay up at night, just like now, but I think it's getting better." He glances at his parents, silently thanking them for their understanding.

Basil nods in agreement, adding, "Sunny's been adjusting slowly. It's a process, but he's definitely improving."

Then , the parents ask Sunny and his friends to go downstairs and chat with the them. Especially , Hero and Kel (the Corazons) on what they been up to and sort out why the parents let Sunny be a Hikkimori and just home schooled while being sometimes nurse comatose Mari , handle Mewo and he does self-care.

As they head downstairs, Sunny's parents lead the group to the living room where they all settle down comfortably. Hero and Kel join in the conversation, curious about Sunny's lifestyle and the dynamics of their friendship group.

Sunny's father starts the discussion, "We've noticed the changes in Sunny's routine, and we're glad he has such supportive friends like all of you." He looks at the group warmly. "We wanted to talk about how things have been going, especially since Sunny has been more active lately."

Kel nods, leaning forward with interest. "Yeah, we're curious about why Sunny's been homeschooled and how he's been managing everything. It's quite a unique setup, but it seems to work for you guys."

Hero adds, "We also want to make sure that Sunny's health and well-being are prioritized. It's important to understand how we can support him better and ensure he's getting the right balance between rest and activity."

Sunny's mother smiles, appreciating the concern from their son's friends. "We've been juggling a lot with Mari's condition and ensuring Sunny's needs are met. It hasn't been easy, but seeing how he's grown and the positive impact of his friendships, we believe it's worth it."

The conversation delves into various aspects of Sunny's daily life, from his hobbies to his routines and how his friends contribute to his well-being. It becomes a meaningful exchange where everyone learns more about each other's roles and how they can continue supporting Sunny's journey.

Basil then shyly got spoken up by one of Sunny's parents to be grateful at the time before recent days to be the sole confidant and friend to maintain a connection throughout all 4 years.

Basil nods, his expression reflecting gratitude and a hint of shyness. "Yes, it's been a privilege to share such a strong bond with Sunny for all these years. We've been through a lot together, and I'm thankful for the trust and friendship we have."

Sunny's parents smile warmly, acknowledging Basil's role in their son's life. "Having a friend like you, who understands Sunny's needs and supports him, has been invaluable. We appreciate the bond you two share and how it's helped Sunny navigate his challenges."

The conversation continues as they delve into the depth of their friendship, highlighting the importance of having someone like Basil as a confidant and supportive presence in Sunny's life. It's a moment of reflection and appreciation for the connections that have sustained Sunny throughout his life.

Sunny then speak up "Mom…Dad come on it's fine.." as he rub his bandaged arms. While Hero ask "Wait , even though it's been 4 years since Mari's condition…why does Sunny can't remove his neckbrace?"

Sunny's parents exchange a knowing glance, understanding the concern behind Hero's question. "It's a precautionary measure, Hero," Sunny's father explains. "Even though it's been years, Sunny's health is delicate, and we want to ensure he doesn't strain himself, especially with his recent activities."

Sunny nods in agreement, adding, "It's just to be safe. The neck brace helps prevent any unexpected strain or injuries, considering my condition."

Kel chimes in, curious, "But does that mean you can't ever take it off, even for a short while?"

Sunny's mother smiles gently. "He can take it off for short periods, under supervision, but we prefer to err on the side of caution. His health and well-being are our top priorities."

Basil added to Kel "Remember before we did the treehouse project Kel , Sunny explains it's also not just a mild bruise or injury on his neck so it's best to wear it…" They nod , as Aubrey awkwardly whisper to Sunny "Are they aware of you umm…urges to cope at the bandages?" implying self-harm.

Sunny nods slightly, indicating that his parents are aware of his coping mechanisms and struggles. "They know, Aubrey," he replies softly. "It's something we've discussed, and they're supportive and understanding."

Aubrey gives him a reassuring smile, understanding the sensitivity of the topic. "As long as you're getting the support you need," she says, her tone gentle and caring.

Then , the mother beams "Ohh by the way look how much you all have grown!!! It's really amazing how my son manage to handle the shock seeing his old childhood friends again…"

Sunny's mother's words bring a warm atmosphere to the room, and Kel grins, patting Sunny on the back. "You've done well, Sunny. We're proud of you."

Hero nods in agreement. "Yeah, it's not easy reconnecting with old friends after such a long time. You've handled it with grace."

Basil adds with a smile, "And seeing everyone together again, it's like we never missed a beat."

Aubrey chimes in, "We've all come a long way, and it's nice to see us all back together."

Sunny, though a bit bashful, appreciates their words and smiles, feeling grateful for their understanding and support.

Then , he got worried for Basil again as Basil has a melancholic gaze as he whisper back "Ohh….right…Sorry for last time when you sleep over my place I said my parents sorta…" as Basil nods and whispers back "It's not about that small detail change Sunny is just…Your changing so much that…I don't know how to feel.." The parents follow and excited Kel to the backyard to see the now renewed treehouse for the past 5 days.

Sunny's expression softens as he listens to Basil's concerns. "I understand, Basil. It's a lot to take in, but I'm still me, just figuring things out."

Basil nods a hint of sadness in his eyes. "Yeah, I know. It's just hard seeing you go through so much change all at once."

As the parents and Kel head to the backyard, Sunny gives Basil a reassuring pat on the shoulder. "We'll figure it out together, okay? Thanks for always being there for me."

Basil manages a small smile, grateful for Sunny's understanding. "Yeah, of course. Anytime, Sunny."

Then as they held hands, Sunny added calmly "Plus..Basil, it's also nice seeing your sweet flowery self again like taking photos…" As Basil gasped "Really?" Sunny gives a silent thumbs up with a straight face.

Basil's eyes widen in surprise at Sunny's compliment. "Wow, thanks, Sunny! I guess I've been focusing a lot on my photography lately. It's good to know you appreciate it."

Sunny smiles warmly. "Definitely. Your photos capture moments beautifully, Basil. They remind me of the good times we've had."

Basil beams, feeling encouraged. "I'm glad you think so. Maybe I should take more photos of our adventures together."

Sunny nods eagerly. "Yeah, that would be great. It's nice to have those memories captured."

As they share a moment of camaraderie, they feel a sense of reassurance and connection, knowing that their friendship remains strong despite the changes they're experiencing.

Meanwhile , Aubrey glance at Hero looking in contemplation with Sunny. As she ask "what's up Hero?" As Hero left his daze and chuckles "Oh? Nothing it's just…Odd…rather….why did Mari got that 'accident' since then….Basil is the one that told us she tripped from the stairs and Sunny tried to cushion the impact yet instead her weight of her body injured his neck…"

Aubrey furrows her brow, sensing there's more to Hero's thoughts. "Yeah, that's the story Basil told us, but why do you sound skeptical?"

Hero shrugs slightly. "I don't know. It's just strange how everything happened. Sunny's injury, Mari's condition... It feels like there's something we're missing, something that doesn't quite add up."

Aubrey nods in agreement. "I get what you mean. It's like there's a piece of the puzzle that we haven't seen yet."

Hero looks at Sunny, who is chatting with Basil and Kel about the treehouse. "Yeah, exactly. I just hope everything becomes clearer soon. Sunny's been through a lot, and so has Mari. They both deserve some peace."

Aubrey places a comforting hand on Hero's shoulder. "We'll figure it out together, Hero. For now, let's focus on supporting Sunny and being there for each other."

Hero smiles gratefully at Aubrey. "Thanks, Aubrey. You're right. We'll take it one step at a time."

As they watch Sunny and the others interact, a sense of determination and unity fills the air, reinforcing their bond as friends facing challenges together.

some other few characters screentime I adore to do!!!!


Hero is my favorite for smart interactive dynamics (others are fun too)

Mystic_Magnificouscreators' thoughts