
Omori : Coma - Konsui

"Welcome to White Space" "You've been here as long as you can remember" "Perhaps too long? Who knows" "This is our reality after all" So forth, Omori does his usual routine in headspace until something surprising he did was striking himself early in white space. with a new emergence of Sunny whose full name is Susumu Miyamoto. As thereof, there's a comatose and sleeping-like figure in this shared bedroom. It was none other than Mari, Mariko Miyamoto. What would happen next?

Mystic_Magnificous · Videojogos
Classificações insuficientes
38 Chs

File L: "Lovely Loss' Longing" (3/3)

The rain pattered gently against Aubrey's expanding umbrella, creating a cozy atmosphere under its shelter. As Mari and Hero busied themselves with snacks, Aubrey's concern for Omori was evident in her worried expression and tight hug. Omori, feeling the unusual warmth of the moment, blushed slightly and stammered out reassurances to Aubrey.

"It's alright, Aubrey," Omori said, trying to calm her nerves. "We managed to handle the strange enemy on the train. It was unexpected, but we're all safe now thanks to everyone's quick thinking."

Dreamworld Mari chimed in, offering a comforting smile. "Omori's right. We've faced challenges before, and we always managed to overcome them together. Plus, we have snacks now, so let's focus on enjoying our time here in Rainy Town."

Dreamworld Kel, ever the optimist, added with a grin, "Yeah, nothing like a little rain to make the snacks taste even better!"

Despite the earlier encounter with the mysterious creature and Omori's lingering unease, the group's camaraderie and shared moments of warmth and laughter helped ease the tension. As they gathered under Aubrey's protective umbrella, they found solace in each other's company, ready to continue their journey with renewed spirits.

As they eat, Basil speaks up with a beam "Ohh right!!! Another note!!! I got a new photo that involved Omori!!!" Both Hero and Aubrey got curious as Kel wiinks for Mari shrugs happily "Basil took a photo of Omori genuinely smiling before we even set off an adventure to meet with you guys…" Omori glance away slightly scratching his cheek as to feel down-to-earth saying "I still can't believe I can smile like that…."

It's a heartwarming moment as Basil shares the news of a new photo capturing Omori's genuine smile, a rare sight that even surprises Omori himself. The group's curiosity is piqued, especially Hero and Aubrey's, as they lean in to hear more about this unexpected development.

Dreamworld Mari smiles at the mention of Omori's smile, her eyes reflecting a mix of pride and affection. "It's wonderful to see you smile, Omori. Moments like these remind us of the joy and happiness we can find even in the midst of challenges."

Hero, intrigued, asks, "Where's the photo, Basil? I'd love to see Omori's genuine smile. It must be quite special."

Basil grins and pulls out his device to show the photo to everyone. "Here it is," he says, passing the device around. "Omori's smile is like a ray of sunshine. It's a testament to the bond and friendship we share, capturing a moment of genuine happiness."

As the photo circulates among them, Omori can't help but feel a sense of warmth and gratitude. Despite the uncertainties and mysteries surrounding their journey, moments like these remind them of the simple joys and connections that make it all worthwhile.

Kel laughs "After that Mari also added we witness he had tears of JOY!!! Like it's cool Omori can do that expression outside a battle or like that at all—" As Aubrey huffs holding the photo album "I know but Kel. Don't tease Omori!!! Hmph!!! It's no b-b-big deal…right?"

Kel chuckles at Aubrey's reaction, understanding her protective stance. "Hey, no teasing intended, Aubrey. It's just great to see Omori in such high spirits. We all know how strong and composed he is, so these moments of vulnerability and joy are precious."

Dreamworld Mari nods in agreement. "Exactly. Omori's emotions are a testament to his strength and resilience. It's okay to feel and express joy, especially after everything we've been through."

Omori, touched by their words, smiles softly. "Thank you, everyone. I appreciate your understanding and support."

Hero chimes in, "Omori, you're an integral part of our group, and seeing you happy is a source of joy for all of us. We're here for each other, through ups and downs."

The group shares a warm moment of camaraderie and mutual appreciation, reaffirming their bond and the strength they find in each other.

Then, it pauses as Omori crawls over Basil and whispers "Thanks, for capturing that moment Basil…" Until it froze more eerily as something is behind his head. Before it flickers to dreamworld Mari clapping her hands together "Okay guys!!! Snack time!!! As well as…" cuddles Hero "Another person here shall share their STORY~" flirting with dreamworld Hero as it's hinting at how Kel , Hero and Aubrey ventured on their own without doing the mystery solving quest for space boyfriend but still got the special travel pass (which Hero obtain who knows how).

Dreamworld Mari's playful demeanor brings a lightheartedness to the group as they enjoy their snacks and the cozy atmosphere under Aubrey's expanded umbrella. Omori's gratitude towards Basil for capturing his genuine smile reflects the deeper connections they share beyond their adventures.

Dreamworld Mari's suggestion of sharing stories adds an element of intrigue, especially regarding Hero's acquisition of the special travel pass. Kel, Hero, and Aubrey's side adventure adds depth to their characters and hints at the diverse experiences within their shared dreamworld.

As Mari cuddles Hero and teases about sharing their story, the group settles in, eager to hear about the unique journey of their friends. The mix of friendship, curiosity, and a touch of mystery adds layers to their dynamic, making their time together in the dreamworld both exciting and meaningful.

Aubrey jumps "Aww can we tell them Hero can we?"

Dreamworld Hero chuckles and nods, glancing at Dreamworld Aubrey with a warm smile. "Sure, why not? It's not every day we get to share our own little adventure."

Dreamworld Kel perks up, leaning forward eagerly. "Ooh, spill the details! What did you guys do?"

Dreamworld Aubrey, her eyes sparkling with excitement, begins recounting their adventure. "Well, it all started when we stumbled upon this hidden pathway behind the Junkyard of the Otherworld..."

Kel added to continue "Since we don't want to continue the adventure without Omori around…Hero, Me and the rest thought we could do side quests!!!!" As Omori nods. Basil asks "So, basically helping other inhabitants of Otherworld besides Space Boyfriend first?"

Kel nods enthusiastically. "Exactly! We figured it would be a good way to explore more of the Otherworld and help out those in need while waiting for Omori to join us for the main quest."

Mari then glances at Aubrey and Hero to continue the story since those two and Kel did venture on their own further when Basil and Mari stayed behind.

Aubrey smiles and begins, "Well, we ventured into the Grand Library, which is filled with ancient tomes and magical knowledge. We were seeking information about the Dream City and its connection to the Junkyard of the Otherworld."

Hero chimes in, "Yes, and we met a wise librarian who guided us through the vast collection of books. We learned about the history of the Dream City, its mystical properties, and its guardians."

Kel adds, "We also heard rumors about strange occurrences in the Dream City, like objects appearing and disappearing randomly, and even glimpses of a mysterious figure wandering its streets."

Dreamworld Mari leans in with curiosity, "Did you manage to uncover anything about the Junkyard and its significance to the Dream City?"

Aubrey nods, "Indeed! The librarian shared with us that the Junkyard of the Otherworld is a repository of forgotten dreams, discarded memories, and lost emotions. It's a surreal place where fragments of past experiences and emotions manifest in tangible forms."

Hero continues, "We discovered that the Dream City and the Junkyard are intricately linked, almost like two sides of the same coin. The Dream City thrives on dreams and aspirations, while the Junkyard holds the remnants of forgotten dreams and discarded memories."

Kel adds with excitement, "And guess what? We found a map that leads to a hidden entrance between the Dream City and the Junkyard! It's a secret passage that only opens under specific celestial alignments."

Dreamworld Mari's eyes light up, "That's incredible! It sounds like you stumbled upon a crucial piece of the puzzle. What's your plan now?"

Aubrey smiles confidently, "We plan to gather more information and resources before venturing into the Dream City and exploring this hidden passage to the Junkyard. We believe there's a deeper connection between these realms that could hold the key to unlocking some of the mysteries of the Otherworld."

Dreamworld Mari nods approvingly, "It's a bold and intriguing plan. I'm sure Omori will be eager to join you once he hears about this."

Omori nods, before leaving his daze and frowns only his brows despite his overall deadpan expression "Still, why haven't I discovered or heard of that place called Dream City before? It's never in all our previous adventures together…." As he has a red eye expression for a moment before calmly black and blank "You sure you three can trust that mysterious person?" Monotone her concern inflection towards Kel, Aubrey, and Hero.

As the group falls silent, Dreamworld Mari steps forward with a reassuring smile. "Omori, I understand your concern. The Dream City and the Junkyard are ancient and enigmatic parts of the Otherworld that not many are aware of. They may have remained hidden or obscured until now."

Kel nods eagerly, "And about the mysterious person, we were cautious and asked around. The librarian we met seemed trustworthy and knowledgeable. They didn't give off any negative vibes, and their guidance has been invaluable so far."

Aubrey adds, "We've also been cautious in our interactions and haven't revealed any sensitive information. Our main goal is to gather information and explore these new realms safely."

Hero chimes in, "We're a team, Omori. We trust each other and rely on our instincts. If anything seems off or dangerous, we'll proceed with caution and make decisions together."

Omori's expression softens slightly as he nods in understanding. "Alright, I trust your judgment. Just be careful and stay alert. We don't know what secrets and challenges these new discoveries may hold."

Dreamworld Mari places a comforting hand on Omori's shoulder. "We'll keep each other safe, Omori. That's what friends are for."

He sighs, then Hero lets Omori eat his snacks as he speaks softly to Mari "Still it's nice at least Omori didn't mind the unexpected side quest since we usually always travel to Otherworld and Junkyard before…" As Basil smiles "I wonder what is the discovery we've gotten to the side quest you three had…."

Dreamworld Mari smiles back at Basil. "It's exciting to explore new territories and uncover hidden knowledge. Our journey together has always been full of surprises and discoveries."

Kel perks up, eager to share. "Speaking of discoveries, we stumbled upon a forgotten section in the grand library. It's filled with ancient texts and scrolls, some of which seem to hold clues about the history of the Dream City and its connection to the Junkyard."

Aubrey adds, "We also encountered a group of friendly dream creatures who guided us through the Dream City's intricate maze-like streets. They shared stories and legends about the city's origins and its inhabitants."

Omori listens intently, intrigued by the new information. "So, the Dream City has a rich history and diverse inhabitants. It's more than just a hidden location; it's a realm with its own culture and mysteries."

Mari nods, her eyes sparkling with curiosity. "Exactly! And we've only scratched the surface. There's so much more to uncover and learn about this fascinating place."

Hero smiles at Omori. "When you're ready, we can explore the Dream City together as a group. It'll be another adventure for us all."

Omori nods, a small smile forming on his lips. "I look forward to it. Thanks for sharing your experiences, everyone."

As time finally passes. Omori notice Basil wandering alone after cleaning up his photo album. As Omori followed (his other dreamworld friends busy napping by the picnic blanket to rest) as he ask "Basil is there something still bothering you too?"

Basil stops and turns to face Omori, a faint furrow in his brows. "Oh, hey Omori. Yeah, just a bit of lingering thoughts, you know? About the recent encounters and everything we've been through."

Omori nods, understanding. "I get it. The train incident was strange, and now with the new revelations about Dream City and the grand library, it's a lot to process."

Basil sighs, running a hand through his hair. "Exactly. Plus, with Mari being protective and that strange creature mentioning 'remembering,' it's like there's something more we're missing."

Omori's expression softens. "We'll figure it out together, Basil. That's what friends do, right? Support each other and unravel mysteries as a team."

Basil smiles gratefully. "Yeah, you're right. Thanks, Omori. It's reassuring to know we're not alone in this."

Omori nods again, a sense of determination in his eyes. "No problem. Let's keep moving forward, one step at a time."

With renewed resolve, the two friends head back to join the others, ready to face whatever challenges await them in the Dreamworld.

Then, He felt Basil had the same red eyes expression as he stuttered his words "However, what bothers me the most is you seem the most affected by that creature Omori..it's weird it's like it recognizes you the most…referring as—"

"Referring as what?" Omori's curiosity peaked, his expression shifting to a mix of concern and intrigue.

Basil hesitated for a moment, his gaze shifting away before meeting Omori's eyes again. "It mentioned 'Sunny'."

Omori's breath caught in his throat, a chill running down his spine. "Sunny... But that's my..."

Before he could finish, Mari's voice called out from a distance, breaking the tension. "Hey, you two! Come back, we're planning our next move!"

Basil and Omori exchanged a quick glance, silently acknowledging the need to discuss this further later. With a nod to each other, they returned to the group, their minds now buzzing with questions and a growing sense of unease about the mysteries surrounding them in the Dreamworld.

Then suddenly when Omori blinks it flickers to black space and dreamworld as SOMETHING whispers in his ear "Remember…Come back.."

The whisper in Omori's ear sent shivers down his spine, a sense of déjà vu washing over him. He blinked, finding himself momentarily disoriented between the realms of black space and the dreamworld. The voice echoed in his mind, urging him to remember, to come back to something he couldn't quite grasp.

As he tried to gather his thoughts, the familiar sights of the dreamworld slowly enveloped him again, but the echo of the voice lingered, leaving Omori with a nagging feeling of unfinished business and an unsettling mystery that seemed to follow him even in his dreams.

Suddenly he woke up in white space again, but this time. Mewo is there meowing at him with worry as he gasps "Ughh!!! Why does it always bother my adventures? Rather? Who is no…no it c-can't…I can't let those 'things' enter dreamworld…"


Omori's abrupt awakening in white space was accompanied by the worried meows of Mewo, adding a touch of reality to his disoriented state. His thoughts raced as he tried to make sense of the cryptic whisper and the unsettling encounter in the dreamworld. The mention of not letting "those things" enter the dreamworld hinted at a deeper conflict or threat that Omori felt responsible for handling.

As he collected himself, Omori knew he had to delve deeper into the mystery surrounding the whispers and the strange creatures that seemed to target him. It was a reminder that his adventures, both in the dream world and the waking world, were intricately connected, and he couldn't afford to ignore the signs of impending danger.

He felt stressed as he noticed the black light bulb lighting white space flickering unusually he sighed as he gestured his knife "Sorry Mewo…Make sure that once I come back I won't GET left behind my my 'friends' and 'sister'…" As he exhales and calmly uses the knife to stab himself ignoring the grey door that is present more near him than before. Sunny wake up gasping in the middle of sundown as he noticed Basil groaning awake already sharing to sleep in his bedroom as he was busy processing his current dreams and nightmares he had thinking (Why am I even keeping the truth again with Basil?)

Basil groaned softly as he woke up, blinking in the dim light of the room. He glanced at Sunny, who seemed to be processing something intensely. Concern etched his features as he watched Sunny gasp and awaken from his dream.

"Sunny, are you okay?" Basil asked, his voice filled with genuine worry. "You seemed really tense in your sleep."

Sunny took a moment to gather his thoughts before responding. "I'm okay, Basil. Just had a weird dream," he replied, trying to brush it off.

As for everyone else, they had already returned home after a long day, leaving Basil to stay over at Sunny's place. The treehouse project was set to continue the next day once everyone had rested.

Sunny's dreams, however, seemed to be weighing heavily on his mind, hinting at underlying concerns and unresolved issues that were starting to surface.

Then, Basil hugs his arm "Hey you can trust me right? Sunny you've always had a weird habit of trying to hide things from people to not hurt their feelings right? Remember for the past 4 years Uhh…you did share stories of your dreams with me and still recent to our friends when reconnecting with them…" As Sunny sighs and facepalms "I am fine Basil it's just…" glances across his bedroom is the hospitalized bed of comatose Mari "I just…why did I nap all of a sudden? Ughh…guess being a Hikkimori did get me easily tired…along well…I have been thinking…why are we-we even hiding the truth of Mari's cause of coma with the others? You did at least let me admit to Aubrey the deface photo album incident is because of me earlier today…"

Basil nodded understandingly, his expression softening. "I know, Sunny. It's a lot to handle, especially with everything going on. But you can always talk to me about it. And yeah, I did let you admit to Aubrey about the photo album. It's important to be honest with our friends, even if it's difficult."

Sunny nodded in agreement, grateful for Basil's understanding. "Thanks, Basil. I appreciate your support. I guess I just need some time to figure things out."

Basil squeezed his arm gently. "Take all the time you need, Sunny. We'll figure it out together, okay?"

Sunny managed a small smile, feeling a bit lighter knowing he had Basil's support. "Yeah, together."

Basil then shudders a bit of their something as he glances at comatose Mari "How is your neck since that 'day'?" Implying events 4 years ago connected to Mari's comatose state.

Sunny's expression darkened as he recalled the events Basil referred to. He rubbed his neck absentmindedly, a mix of guilt and concern evident in his eyes. "It's been better, but I've been managing," he admitted quietly. "I just wish I could do something more, you know? I can't shake off this feeling of responsibility."

Basil nodded in understanding, his expression somber. "I get it, Sunny. We all wish we could do more. But we're doing what we can, and that's what matters."

Sunny sighed, nodding in agreement. "Yeah, you're right. Thanks, Basil. I needed that reminder."

Basil gave him a reassuring smile. "Anytime, Sunny. We're in this together, remember?"

He nodded, then he got concerned as he held Basil's hands that were still worn by his gardening gloves "How about you? I know we've been able to get in contact via call and text for the past 4 years yet I rarely connect to you properly face to face that long since that 'day'…I didn't even go to school…"

Basil gave Sunny a small smile, appreciating the concern. "I'm doing okay, Sunny. It's been tough, but I've been keeping myself busy with gardening and our projects. And don't worry about not being around much. I understand how things have been for you." He squeezed Sunny's hand gently. "We've both been dealing with a lot, but we're still here for each other, right?"

Sunny nodded, grateful for Basil's understanding. "Yeah, definitely. I'm glad we have this time to talk and catch up. It's been too long."

Basil chuckled softly. "Yeah, it has. But hey, we're making up for lost time now, right?"

Sunny smiled back, feeling a sense of comfort in Basil's presence. "Right. Thanks, Basil. For everything."

Basil mumbled, "No thank you Sunny despite being busy with your dreams and Mari…. you didn't forget about me.." As Sunny asks innocently "Did I hear something?" As Basil stuttered "N-no-nothing Anyways we didn't manage to take a bath properly earlier with everyone right? Maybe we can Uhh…use your bathroom of the house together? It's kinda scary during the dark going by myself…"

Sunny chuckled at Basil's suggestion, understanding his friend's hesitation. "Sure, we can do that. It's always more fun to have company, especially in a big house like this."

Basil nodded, relieved. "Yeah, exactly. Plus, it's been a while since we had a chance to just hang out like this."

Sunny grinned. "Yeah, let's make the most of it. I'll grab some towels, and we can head to the bathroom."

They both stood up and made their way to the bathroom, chatting comfortably along the way. It felt good to have a moment of normalcy amidst the strangeness of recent events.

Then, they grip hands as Sunny calms down... Basil smiles softly despite something haunting him. For Sunny, he is calmly facing it aside for now as they finally prepare a bathroom set up Sunny spoke all of a sudden "It's sorta nostalgic sharing a bath with someone….It's like back when we were kids…."

Basil nodded in agreement, a hint of nostalgia in his smile. "Yeah, it does feel that way. We used to do a lot of things together back then."

Sunny chuckled, remembering their childhood adventures. "Remember when we used to build forts in the living room?"

Basil laughed softly. "And we'd stay up late playing video games or watching movies."

Sunny nodded a fond expression on his face. "Those were good times."

As they entered the bathroom, they began to set up for their bath, enjoying the comfort of each other's company and the familiar sense of camaraderie that had always been between them.

Then, when they bathe. Basil notices how Sunny undresses and manages to keep his neck brace on and comments "Speaking of which…Kel and Hero told me when you let them sleep over your place here yesterday….It's really neat that you manage self-care especially when your parents became extra busy to support you and Mari…"

As Sunny chuckled glancing at Basil "You're not too bad yourself…despite well pretty sure your Parents are always absent or busy a lot often right? Is there no change in their vibe with you for 4 years?"

He paused as he gasped "Oh wait maybe I said too much—"

Sunny paused for a moment, realizing he might have touched on a sensitive topic. "I'm sorry, Basil. I didn't mean to pry. If you don't want to talk about it, that's okay."

Basil waved it off with a smile. "No worries, Sunny. It's just how things are. Yeah, my parents are still pretty busy with work. It's been like that for a while now."

Sunny nodded understandingly. "It must be tough sometimes."

Basil shrugged, trying to lighten the mood. "Eh, I'm used to it. Anyway, let's just enjoy our bath and relax for now."

They continued their bath, the warm water soothing their tired bodies and providing a moment of tranquility in the midst of their busy lives.

As they enjoy taking a bubble bath together.m They sigh as Sunny spoke "Still being 'used to it sucked'…..as my parents said when they first became extra busy due to Mari's coma and my own…' issues (depression)'…..it's not right for parents not at least try reaching out for their kid…maybe that's just me so used to Mari and my parents always present…"

Sunny's words hung in the air, a mix of frustration and longing evident in his tone. Basil listened quietly, understanding the weight behind Sunny's sentiments.

"Yeah, it's tough when things change so drastically," Basil agreed, his expression reflecting empathy. "Especially when you're used to a certain kind of support and suddenly it feels like you're navigating everything on your own."

Sunny nodded, his gaze distant as he thought about his family dynamics. "I guess we all have our own ways of coping with it. Like you said earlier, we've adapted to the circumstances, but that doesn't mean it's easy."

Basil reached over to pat Sunny's shoulder reassuringly. "We're here for each other, though. No matter what, we've got each other's backs."

Sunny managed a small smile. "Yeah, you're right. Thanks, Basil."

The two friends continued their bath, finding comfort in each other's presence and the shared understanding of their respective challenges.

Then, Sunny ask "Still what did you mean sometimes I see 'something's' like you do especially if it's involving Mari?"

Basil hesitated for a moment, the weight of his thoughts evident in his expression. "It's hard to explain, Sunny. Sometimes, I feel like there's something...off. Like there's more to Mari's situation than what we know. It's like there are whispers in the background, urging us to dig deeper, but I can't quite grasp it."

Sunny nodded, understanding the cryptic nature of Basil's words. "Do you think it's related to what happened that day?"

Basil's gaze darkened slightly, memories surfacing. "Maybe. I can't shake the feeling that there's something we missed or overlooked back then. And now, with Mari in this state, it's like the truth is just out of reach."

Sunny frowned, concern etched on his features. "We can't keep ignoring it, can we?"

Basil sighed, running a hand through his hair. "No, we can't. But I don't know where to start. It's like trying to piece together a puzzle with half of the pieces missing."

Sunny placed a comforting hand on Basil's arm. "We'll figure it out, Basil. Together."

Basil managed a small smile, appreciating Sunny's support. "Yeah, together. Thanks, Sunny."

As he whispers "Now about your 'temporary move out' that soon there's 18 days left so far as we used 3 days already for this 3 weeks countdown…Would you and your parents stay in the city's Hospital for a while or they will let you return here after Mari's transfer?"

Sunny's expression turned thoughtful as he considered Basil's question. "I think it depends on how things go at the city hospital. My parents haven't mentioned staying there permanently, but I can tell they're considering it. They want to make sure Mari gets the best care possible."

Basil nodded in understanding. "That makes sense. I just hope Mari's condition improves soon."

Sunny sighed a hint of sadness in his voice. "Yeah, me too. It's been tough on all of us."

Basil squeezed Sunny's shoulder gently. "We'll get through this, Sunny. We always do."

Sunny managed a small smile, grateful for Basil's reassurance. "Yeah, we will. Thanks, Basil."

As when they finally finished taking a bath. Basil paused when he properly witnessed the arms of Sunny's state without bandages as Sunny turned "I guess no more 'hiding it now' right? You probably thinking when did I start 'doing these' to my arms for the past 4 years just coop up here while taking care of Mari and Mewo right?"

Basil reluctantly nod, as he lets

Sunny's gaze dropped for a moment before he nodded. "Yeah, I've been doing it for a while now. It's been my way of coping, I guess."

Basil's expression softened with concern. "Have you talked to anyone about this? Your parents or a counselor?"

Sunny shook his head. "No, I haven't. It's just been me, Mari, and Mewo most of the time."

Basil placed a comforting hand on Sunny's shoulder. "You don't have to go through this alone, Sunny. We're here for you, and some people can help."

Sunny managed a weak smile. "Thanks, Basil. I appreciate it. I'll think about talking to someone."

Basil nodded, understanding the weight of Sunny's struggles. "Take your time. Just know that we care about you."

With a nod, Sunny began to dress, feeling a mix of emotions but also grateful for Basil's support. Basil still huffs sweetly not satisfied with the way he explains it deep down/

Sunny spoke, "Although you curious how I manage to excuse my parents buying bandages for me right?"

Basil spoke softly "Y-y-yeah sort of I can assume you figured out a way right?"

Sunny chuckled softly. "You caught me there, Basil. I've been using Mari's medical supplies, the ones she doesn't need anymore. They're essentially the same, just different packaging."

Basil raised an eyebrow, impressed by Sunny's resourcefulness. "That's clever, Sunny. But don't you think it's time to let your parents know about this?"

Sunny hesitated, considering Basil's suggestion. "Maybe... I don't know how they'll react. They already have so much on their plates with Mari."

Basil nodded understandingly. "It's a tough situation. Just remember, it's okay to ask for help, especially from your family."

Sunny nodded a mixture of determination and uncertainty in his eyes. "I'll think about it. Thanks, Basil."

Basil smiled warmly. "Anytime, Sunny. We're in this together."

TOOK FOREVER to finally manage to upload archive long chapters like these , more upcoming by then (whenever) not busy in my reality. enjoy as always the reading

Mystic_Magnificouscreators' thoughts