
Omniverse Traveler: Spiderman Harem.

After living his entire life bedridden was rewarded by his action that helped many and given the power to travel through any reality without limit and accompanied by a Female Goudere Venom reincarnated as the most beloved by sadist author, Peter Parker also known as Spider Man. Warning: It's large harem with little character development. Also I won't do smut and just mentioned small mention but won't go into details. World - Marvel - Claymore - Then back to Marvel

Try_hard · Anime e quadrinhos
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24 Chs

Chapter 14 - Illegal Operation

Peter was surprised to meet two major characters that reside in Hell kitchen. Though he didn't try to ogle nor act creepy in front of Elektra since he may be a harem seeking protagonist, he does have a standard in trying to flirt with women. Not to mention, Peter remembers she was interested in Daredevil and doesn't like the idea of stealing another's woman unless that person abuses them or neglects them far too long.

"Chill, if you keep that attitude, it would be hard for a man to like you." Peter evaded a Sai directed to his head seeing Elektra's shocked face and gritted her teeth trying again only for Peter to evade then grabbed her hand tripping her but before she fell was held by Peter much to Daredevils shock as everything happened in an instant.

'This person is quite skilled to be able to fight her.' Daredevil thought knowing how deadly she was in combat yet was easily defeated by the person who he knows doesn't have any intent to harm them.

"Are you alright, Milady?" Peter just realized that he was flirting with her and to his surprise made her flustered not because of his cheesy line but because he managed to subdue her without her realizing.

"Alright, enough, tell us who you are and why you're here?" Daredevil said, taking their attention as Elektra pushed him aside and Peter simply flipped then landed on his feet.

"I know you, Daredevil but don't know about that fierce woman over there." Peter crossed his arms while Elektra was ready to murder him while Daredevil sighs.

"Sorry about her, she's just impatient and we don't have a lot of time to chat. Just tell us why you're here." Daredevil said.

"Well, kicking a bad guy's ass should be enough reason. But on a serious note, I was informed by some thugs after 'I kindly asked them' and found out that this place is currently doing some Human trafficking and illegal activities in the neighborhood." Peter said looking down and they did the same seeing a number of guards with high tech gear.

'They must have stolen and reverse engineer the technology from the attack last time.' Peter thought to himself believing it to be the same scenario as spiderman homecoming.

"I see then we can work together and stop this operation." Daredevil said while spreading his senses and able to pinpointed how many people below even some inside. He was unsure if he should trust him but as someone who works as a Lawyer by day knows when someone should be trusted or not based on his own intuition and experience.

"Sure thing, the more the better." Peter said smiling under his mask while Elektra reluctantly accepted it and Peter wondered why she was moody. They jumped down the building moving through the shadow and Peter jumped down in between two guards then instantly knocked them out without much struggle by precisely attacking their nerves.

'His good…where did this guy train to knock them out without much struggle?' Elektra was watching him closely and saw how swiftly he went from one target to another, disabling their ability to fight. He minimizes beating them since he is not a sadist to cause pain like Batman. It is funny how the cape crusader won't kill you but will cripple and ruin your life.

Poor criminals and their medical bills. Then again their criminals but some of them are forced to work for their families and Peter respects them for it since he would do the same if situations are switched. He knows some villains are just products of circumstances and Peter won't take that from them if possible.

'Cortana hack the surveillance camera while Venom tries to make some tranquilizer solid needle webs for me.' Peter finds it better than beating them and avoiding killing. He set a rule for him when using his power.

Rule #1 Avoid killing unless the enemy is non-negotiable.

Rule #2 only go all out when the person is too much of a threat.

Rule #3 rely on spider powers when the enemy is within range and use Venom when fighting stronger enemies like the Hulk.

Rule #4 Simply have fun doing crime fighting

There are going to be more but this is the main one that he follows and avoids going too far. He isn't too entitled in using his power and actually takes responsibility for them but not at the torturous and masochistic level like 616 spider man.

"Done, we should go before it's too late." Peter said after webbing them up. The group went through the cargo crates as they got to see a group of people seemingly negotiating and the moment Elektra found someone she was looking for.

"I know what you think but don't." Peter grabbed her, which made Elektra angry.

"Let go of me before I cut it. The person I'm looking for is so close! I can't waste anymore moments." Elektra placed her sai in, Peters had ready to cut it while he sighs.

"I won't stop you but calm yourself. We can't go without knowing the situation. And I'm confident our enemies are more than we can handle without a proper plan." Peter looked down seeing a middle aged man that had gray skin and overall appeared to be Frankenstein knock off. The man was Tombstone.

Then close by was a man having advanced technology and a yellow checkered design outfit that seemed electric current was passing through. The person who was another criminal and Spider man villain, the Shocker.

Then another accompanied by Tombstone was a man that had black and white design with noticeable design being the target emblem on his forehead. The most formidable person being Bulleye, a person that was more accurate than Hawkeye.

Meanwhile, they were talking to someone that had a military outfit with a skull mask hiding his face as he led a group of soldiers with green and yellow outfits. The man was Crossbone and behind him were Hydra agents.

"That man….this going to be tricky. How about I take that man with the target emblem." Daredevil had fought bullseye before and understood how dangerous of a man he was and how scary his accuracy can be. Peter nodded knowing that his own spider sense can be overpowered by Bullseye base from the experience of another spider man.

"Alright, I'll go ahead and take that guy in the suit and his lackey." Peter sprouted his spider legs, surprising them while he prepared his web shooter for neutralizing them since they were around 20 armed thugs and criminals while 10 Hydra Agents since they are a lot more skilled than your average soldier.

"Alright, just leave me that man with the skull as I NEED that man." Elektra said showing clear hatred towards Crossbone and wondered if he had done something to her. Daredevil was worried about her being consumed by hatred and killing crossbone.

"Elektra…killing him won't change anything." Daredevil tries to convince her to stop killing but Elektra glares at him trying to shut him up.

"He's right you know….if you hate him that much wouldn't crippling him be better?" Peter received a glare until it softened and thought about his suggestion much to Daredevil horror.

"Hey don't look at me like that, I'm not into guys." Peter jokingly said much to Daredevil's annoyance.

"But are you sure it's worth staining your hands for?" He asked in a serious tone and Elektra paused thinking about it then looked at him and that showed the answer.

"We will see if he deserves to live or not. That's enough, we wasted too much time now." Elektra said and everyone prepared to attack while Peter pointed his hand at the people below then shot organic bombs that instantly released a massive smoke into the air.

"The hell is going on!!" Tombstone shouted as he was unable to see anything while everyone began to work beating the thugs and Peter shot his web shooter turning the web into a tranquilizer knocking them out. Peter uses his spider legs to disable them and manage to defeat all of the thugs by himself.

"We're being ambushed! Let me handle the smoke!" Shocker uses his vibro-shock gauntlet that pushes away the smoke revealing the heroes but it was enough to defeat the thugs and a few hydra agents.

"We meet again, Daredevil!" Bulleye didn't hesitate to shoot towards Daredevil who evaded the shot and deflected some of them back but Bullseye didn't dodge and shot the bullet towards him then moved towards him as he engaged in hand to hand combat.

"You have killed my father and today shall be your end, Crossbone!" Elektra pointed her sai towards Crossbones who laughed taking out his hands while the hydra agent did the same, readying themselves.

"Do you have any idea how little that narrows it down?" Crossbone mockingly said then fired his guns towards her while she dodge and deflect them showing a level of skill far outclassed by a normal person.

"Bastard!! How many lives have you taken!!? How many families have your ruin!!" Elektra fought the hydra agent by stabbing her sai in their vital points enough to disable them and not kill them leaving that place to Crossbone.

"Hahahahah I don't know, how many bread have you eaten in your lifetime?" Crossbone said as they continued to fight while Peter headed them.

'The fact is that guy quoting Jojo?' Peter thought to himself while he turned to Tombstone and Shocker as they joined forces to fight him.

"You're dead meat for interfering with our business!" Tombstone rushes towards him while Peter had to use some symbiote power to avoid as he was rather quick and able to resist the tranquilizer.

"I'd rather stay alive and kick some of your ass. Who are you anyway and why are you kidnapping people." Peter said and hit tombstone who was able to power through his punch then tried to hit back while Shocker helped by sending an energy blast and some hydra agent shooting their hunt towards him.

He shot some web towards the hydra agent then pulled himself and instantly knocked them up as they were able to dodge his tranquilizer. Peter wasn't as accurate as Hawkeye or Bullseye but enough to be an expert marksman thanks to the experience he got form the spider totem.

"I am Tombstone, the man who will send you to hell!" He roared and received a straight punch from Peter sending several feet from him while Shocker confronted him.

"How about you? I get a concrete face over there but don't tell me your name is quilt man? Or maybe The cushion?" Peter said to the annoying Shocker who shot an energy blast.

"I am the Shocker and I will make it the last thing you ever remember!" Shocker shouted while Peter dodge and tried to fire some web but the shockwave destroyed them or pushed them away.

"Take that, you insect!" Shocker bombarded him with an energy blast that Peter dodge then shot his own attack that was Venom Blast and this surprised the Shocker that was hit by it causing his gear to be damaged.

"Were you shocked, Shocker?" Peter gave a horrible joke while Tombstone got back and continued to run his hands against Peter who got faster even landing a few hits.

"Once I found out who you are I'll gut your entire family like fish!" Tombstone said while Peter ignored his threats then did a flipped kick causing him to stagger then pushing himself off the ground with his hands them shot webs towards Tombstone and pulled himself towards him before slamming his feet into him forcing the crime boss to release the air from his diaphragm and pushed into the pavement knocking him out.

"I'm not yet done, web-head!" Shocker still fought left in him and slammed his hand into the ground causing a small earthquake while Peter used his spider legs to push him off the ground high enough then jumped into the metal crates and blast shocker with his venom blast countering him when he taken enough damage allowed Peter to shot his web and pulled him shocker towards him then strike his face and slammed it into the ground causing small crack.

"Sleep tight there captain cushion." Peter webbed him up and did the same to Tombstone who was nearby then turned his attention to his alley where he found Daredevil gone and Elektra getting jumped by a Hydra agent and Crossbones. He immediately went to help her and try to stop Elektra from killing Crossbone as he planned to turn him into a pawn and informant.