
Omniverse Traveler: Spiderman Harem.

After living his entire life bedridden was rewarded by his action that helped many and given the power to travel through any reality without limit and accompanied by a Female Goudere Venom reincarnated as the most beloved by sadist author, Peter Parker also known as Spider Man. Warning: It's large harem with little character development. Also I won't do smut and just mentioned small mention but won't go into details. World - Marvel - Claymore - Then back to Marvel

Try_hard · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
24 Chs

Chapter 11 - Cindy Moon

I made Vanilla smut in my drafts. You can find it on my discord https://discord.gg/cmktNNNT3R

I will only be exclusive in my drafts. Anyway, I'll only make marvel or girls I want to make smut on. so don't expect everyone to get a smut.


After bringing Cindy moon to his Boundless Inner World or rather Hivemind dimension that he can reshape whatever he wants and made it appear like an apartment and was laying in bed completely naked looking to his side where Cindy wrapped her arms around his body laying on his arms and chest as he played with her hair while white liquid pouring out between her legs.

He didn't force her and asked permission with a Cindy moon understood that Peter is the only one who currently helps her in whatever situation she finds herself. She doesn't know why but it makes her feel happy simply cuddling with him and vastly different from her ex.

"Ah, you're still hard…is that normal?" Cindy saw his tower dick throbbing covered in each other's liquid and a bit taken aback how it was still hard even releasing his load. She wasn't tired and can keep going thinking that she needs to do something in order to completely satisfy him. A part of her felt obligated to please him.

"Don't worry about that, I've once wrestled 4 women at once and it's still hard. I'm actually satisfied with what we did earlier and for someone who had their first time you were great." Peter didn't try to hide nor lie to trusting that she won't freak as he has already warned her. Cindy was curious who this woman was and why they were willing to share a single man.

"Are the girls aware of what you're doing?" Cindy didn't want to be the cause of a break up and be part of a large drama but Peter simply smiled.

"They do and I'm lucky to have them. Including you since I plan on taking responsibility for you even if it was out of the spider pheromones produced by our body. It's the same scenario if we were drunk." Peter assured her not to try to play with her feelings and Cindy appreciated that part of him.

"....then can you tell me about yourself and what's going on around me?" Cindy didn't want to see this moment as a mistake and treat him as Sex friend. From their first conversation she gets the first impression that he is someone who puts others before himself.

"Right, let me ask you this, were you in General Techtronics?" Peter asked.

"Yes, that's when I started feeling strange." Cindy answered.

"Well, you see at that time both of us might have been bitten by a radioactive spider that gave us the power of a spider but unlike you I have acquired a glimpse into the future and awakened more powers than expected like the portal creation you've witnessed before." He started to explain and Cindy silently listened.

"At that time, I became aware of many things. To tell you the truth, I recognize you from the future vision that I saw. Though it is one of the endless web of possibilities, it was still an event that would happen if I didn't step in." Peter said surprise her.

"Wait, what would happen if you didn't show up?" Cindy was scared that she might have died if Peter didn't help her.

"Normally, you wouldn't meet Morlun and be taught by a man called Ezekiel Sims, a member of Spider Society." Peter simply used the event of 616 universe as it was the center of it all.

"Spider…society?" Cindy doesn't know what to feel hearing a cult sounding name about spiders.

"And no, I'm not a member. As I just said, my powers awakened at the same time as you and only were able to travel to other multiverses that allowed me to train and understand the situation." Peter said and Cindy blinked hearing his words.

"Multiverses? Is the theory real!?" Cindy asked and Peter nodded.

"Yeah…there are countless universes below the multiverse. As Spider powered people, we are connected to what is called the Web of Life and Destiny and we are called Spider Totems, and the totems are people connected to the animal and human kingdom." Peter explained and Cindy realized how much larger things are. She thought her choice might be the right one seeing there many more questions that she wanted to know the answer to.

"Anyway, I've spent a large amount of time and met a lot of people that ended up becoming my lovers." Peter obviously only spends weeks but a little lie wouldn't work and it manages to draw Cindy's attention.

"Wait, does that mean universes have different time axis than ours?" She asked out of curiosity.

"Kind of, my portal can take me to any place and time I want. The woman I mentioned is back in their home-world and I can return as if I never left." Peter explained and Cindy nodded. This gave ideas that they can spend time in another world for a date without missing a bit in their schedule. Doesn't that make him perfect in maintaining a relationship?

"That's rather a convenient power to have." Cindy teases a bit and he agrees to her.

"Yeah, anyway, let's go back. In the vision I had, you were supposed to meet Ezekiel who would teach you everything only for Morlun to track you down and absorb your life force but he protected you at the cost of placing you in a bunker all alone for 10 years." Peter said that caused Cindy to be horrified thinking about living in complete isolation for an entire decade!?

"Is that true!? I-I can't imagine leaving my family…" Cindy might have some small fight with her parents, mostly her mother doesn't mean she wouldn't be sad to leave them in order to protect them and herselves.

"Yes, in the future I saw, I, a future of myself, found out about you and helped you back to the outside world. It took time for you to be reunited with your parents as they had moved somewhere." Peter finished glancing at Cindy who was clearly shaken at the fact she would have to search for her family after a decade. She looked at him filled with gratitude and grateful that he saved her. Peter awkwardly smiled seeing her gaze and scratched his cheek.

"And that's most of what i've seen. It might be inaccurate as the future always bends and fluctuates. No need to feel indebted or something. I simply did it to save you and I had the power to do so." Peter would save and help if necessary only avoiding things that take a lot of effort like villains that are simply stubborn.

"Even if that is the case, the fact you've saved me from a certain and tragic future is enough." Cindy answered and started to understand more what kind of person he was.

"Well, I was just at the right time at the right moment." Peter smiled at her and she only spoke a few times yet her heart was acting strange wondering if it was the pheromones or not. She leaned closer, taking another kiss from him surprising Peter.

"Haaaaa…I think I might actually fall for you." Cindy said as she pulled back and wanted to know more about him. Peter was surprised that she was easily charmed by him and was simply being honest with her.

'Was it because of my abilities?' Peter wondered but he's not like other people thinking that he didn't earn them when he did from the achievement form his previous life. He only wondered if she was being genuine and didn't feel obliged.

[ Darling you're overthinking things. She was attracted to you and only said she might fall for you. ] Venom obviously lied and had a major role in making her fall for him but Peter still would need to put an effort to maintain their relationship.

{ Hey even without an ability you already have an amazing Rizz over girls like us. Your honesty and kindness play a major part. } Cortana added to help ease his thoughts.

'I know, just thinking out loud. And I'm not a degenerate who only wants to Cum and Go.' Peter replied and turned to Cindy.

"Right, what's your plan now? I can train you and get a hang of your abilities when you're free." He asked.

"That would be great. I still need to study and prepare for college. I'm thinking of enrolling in Oxford University." Cindy said.

"Oxford huh? You must be pretty smart. For me I'm thinking of starting my own company. I want to create something like Stark Industries that helped shape the future." Peter planned on making the entire earth into a Type 1 or even Type 2 Civilization of the Kardashev Scale within 5 to 3 years.

"Aren't you ambitious one. Maybe I'll also join in as a researcher then." Cindy teases him and kind of likes his plan seeing the opportunity for him when he had unbelievable abilities.

"Yup, I want to be able to have influence, power and background that ensure everyone's safety." Peter decided not to tell her all the crap tons of enemies going to arrive on earth and avoid overloading her thoughts.

"Right, can you tell me who you were before the big change?" Cindy wanted to know him and let their relationship grow.

"It took time to be who I am but I was the nerdy type often bullied because of my appearances and wimpy demeanor." It was the truth as he was both Peter Parker and the young boy who had received the wishes.

"But I'm still happy to have my friends." Peter said having close friends with few people and his closest being Ned and Gwen.

"Are they friends or more than that?" Cindy felt her intuition kicks in believing that there's more to it seeing his expression.

"Are you sure? I don't want to talk about other girls when it makes you uncomfortable." Peter tries to avoid mentioning his other relationship as much as possible to Cindy. He did mention Claymore girls but only a brief moment.

"It's fine and I want to know more about you. And maybe I can get along with them." Cindy doesn't know why she didn't feel any jealousy and thought it might be because of his being honest and considerate unlike her Ex who backstabbed her. Peter was more open and willing to share this about him.

"Right, well, I'm sure two people like me. One is like me who is a shy nerdy cute girl and the other is a complete contrast who is filled with confidence. The cute nerd girl is Jessica Jones while the confident girl is Gwendolyn Stacy but she prefers to be called Gwen." Peter spoke of them fondly that Cindy was able to notice it and she understood that despite his former self having some charm that was able to gain the girl's interest.

"Are you going to ask them out?" Cindy unknowingly helped them due to the effect of Venom and the [ Essence of the Harem protagonist ].

"Yeah, but when the opportunity arises. How about you wanna share a few things about you." Peter changes the attention to Cindy.

"Well, I had someone but we broke up." Cindy said thinking about her ex boyfriend and Peter pulled her closer.

"I see, whatever reason it may be, it's best to not dwell into too much. How about your family? Any likes or dislikes? might be useful if I ever take you on some dates." Peter said while Cindy realized something.

"Wait! You said you can travel to any world and dimension?" Cindy wanted to have something that she always wanted.

"Yeah, every world exists. Any place you want to visit?" Peter finds her sudden enthusiasm to be adorable.

"Can we get a pokemon? Maybe Eevee." Cindy said and Peter chuckled.

"Alright, I'll bring you one as a gift. Though, aren't you worried that your parents are seeing literal pokemon at your home?" Peter said that made Cindy disappointed at the realization.

"You're right…" Cindy wanted to have her own pokemon ever since she was child.

"How about this, I'll make a collar that makes Eevee appear like a normal dog to other people." Peter didn't like her expression and this reignited her excitement.

"Really!?" Cindy gasped.

"Yeah easy, but aside from that, tell me more about the things you like and dislike." Peter said as Cindy began to share more things about her that would be greatly helped in the future. After a while, the two got to know more about each other and planned on training Cindy. They exchange numbers and meet up when they're ready.

"Shouldn't we start as early as we can?" Cindy could start training the next day if possible and Peter shook his head.

"Relax, I don't want to overwhelm you. Take your time to rest tomorrow and we can meet up after school on monday." Peter said and she smiled loving his consideration.

"Hey, are you sure it doesn't hurt?" Cindy pointed at his still hard shift and before he could reply went to straddle on top of him.

"Wha-", Peter was silent by her placing her index finger on his lips.

"Don't worry, I want to do this." Cindy eventually got pounded by Peter several times, filled her and tried a few positions until she couldn't go on further. She was in the end satisfied and understood she couldn't stop him from staying flaccid.