
■■’s Journey²


■■: "So now what!"

I said to myself while staring at the endless whiteness of my realm. After getting thrown into ■■■■■■ world, I found myself in a flat grassland. after viewing my surroundings for a while and relaxing myself, I opened a portal and entered it.

■■: "I should decorate this place or else..."

I might go insane staring at this place. So, I closed my eyes and took a long & deep breath. After that, I concentrated on my mind & heart and started imagining trees, lakes, sky, clouds and a two stories house.

As my eyes were closed, I missed one of the most incredible and mesmerizing moments of my life. As soon as I started imagining, a white circular wave started coming out of my body and it spread out in the endless white realm. As the wave spread out ground started materializing under my feet and the sky over my head. Clouds emerged in the bright blue sky, grass on the soil except on the place I sat. In front of me, 50 or so meters ahead arose a light forest. Just a little 10 meters into the forest a 2 stories house appeared. [N1*]

5 seconds later, I opened my eyes and started admiring my work. I stood up and strolled towards my home. Arriving in front of my home, I gazed at my house and felt emotional. My eyes became red & wet from tears, and I had a bitter smile.

■■: "It's a bit empty and lonely here but in the future surely there will be someone who will fill the emptiness of this house and my heart."

I said while feeling a lump in my throat. After calming down a little, I entered my house and went straight toward the roof. After climbing the stairs I reached the roof. I started running all over the roof just like I used to do in my childhood on my neighbour's roof. I was charmed while seeing my work, my creation.

■■: "WOW!!"

I shouted. After a while, I calmed down and manipulated reality and a large-sized bed with the most comfortable bedding appeared. Upon seeing the bed I jumped on it, not fearing about breaking it and more importantly not having to be scolded by my past life parents. After getting my fill of satisfaction, I lay down on the bed on my back while my eyes are following the floating clouds for no reason.

■■: "So now what?... I should make a checklist or something like a to-do list. but I don't want to get up and write. Hmm, let's create that"

I willed my powers and a floating panel appeared. The floating panel was very simple. In the header section was the name of the panel in bold letters [NOTES]. At the very bottom of the panel was the plus icon in a circular button. I just mentally commanded it to add a checklist and I started adding things. After adding all the things it looked like this.

Title: things to do before I die.... again

(. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)

1. Eat until I overload and explode (≧▽≦).

2. Have fun to the fullest.〜(꒪꒳꒪)〜

3. Finally have a girlfriend and make a family. (not talking about kids here.)

4. And after all of this if I get time I will practice my powers (◠‿◕).

After checking my list for the final time, I closed the panel and got up.

■■: "let's do the first thing. Hmmm...but I don't know cooking other than making omelette and potato and some vegetable fries."

■■: 'I don't want to make food with my powers but there's no harm and most importantly I don't know how to cook. so let's start.'

I folded my legs and leaned on the end of the bed. I willed my powers and food materialized. There was nothing special other than the fact it was all fast food. They were egg rolls, chicken rolls, moglai, momo, and chowmin, other than that there were sauce bottles, soups, and chicken potato stew. Another Good idea popped into my 'genius' head. One by one food started flying towards my mouth, seeing this I gulped feeling extremely hungry. And I took a bite of my egg roll.

■■: "mmhhh~"

I hummed in satisfaction. after that, I drowned in the pleasure of food.

[After 1 and ½ hours of feasting like there's no tomorrow]

■■: "now let's sleep for a while"

I said as I lay on my bed with a bolster(body pillow) between my legs. My first sleep after death. Kinda ironic.

■■: "Good night, Sweet dreams.."

[2 & ½ more hours later]

After waking up I sat up on the bed, with my head hung down while recovering from my sleepiness. I yawned a few times and remained silent and still for a moment...

[2 minutes later, forgot about my powers so that's why late. (・∀・)]

After freshening up and without any fatigue I stood beside the roof railings.

■■: "I should practice my powers now,"

I said excitedly and disappeared from the roof.



N1- the wave and all of this scene look similar to how alien x duplicated the universe.

N2- I want to add bold and italic words but doesn't work on webnovel.