
Omniversal Trade Center

Death isn't the end of everything as Karna thought, as after his sudden death he gets offered a second chance at life. It chance doesn't come for free though, as now he has to manage a shop that connects to the vast Multiverse.

Student_Of_Culture · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
18 Chs

What? Why?

"Then the deal is made. I will let all the Marines retreat safely from Marineford, and in exchange you will provide me Items worth 5 million OT, within a month." I announced. "And here, take this key. This will allow you to enter my shop, where you can bring your payment, and buy new things you want."

"Then we can go now, right?" Sengoku asked weakly, after catching the key. He didn't look very well right now, which wasn't a suprise after all that happened today.

"Yes, you can. Whitebeard, can you stop all the ongoing fights." I requested Whitebeard, who nodded in agreement.

"It won't take a minute." Saying that, Whitebeard rushed towards the ongoing battles. His presence alone was enough to stop most fights, but those who didn't stop, got a punch to their faces. And all the ongoing fights stopped in under a minute, just like he said.

After that he gathered all the pirates on one side, while the Marines ran towards Sengoku. He then told the pirates not to harm the remaining Marines and let them retreat peacefully. This displeased a lot of the pirates, as they started complaining to him. But a single angry stare from him was enough to stop those pirates from opening their mouths anymore.

"And those three?" Sengoku asked, pointing towards the unconscious Admirals lying on the ground around me.

His question made Whitebeard react, as he grabbed my shoulder and asked, "Are you going to let Akainu free?"


"I can't let that happen. After what he did, how can I let him live?" Whitebeard said, almost growling in anger.

"I can understand that you are angry, but please have some Patience. I will help you get revenge, but not right now. So trust me, and let him free for now." I asked calmly.

After a few seconds of silence, Whitebeard finally nodded in agreement, letting go of my shoulder. "I will trust you kid."

After that, I turned towards Sengoku. "You can take them back as well. Just wait a minute." I said, as I quickly bought two more contracts. Then I slapped Akainu and Kuzan back into consciousness, before forcing their thumbs to leave a bloody fingerprint on the contracts. After that was done, I threw all three of them towards Sengoku.

"What did you do with them just now? Did you take their powers too?" Sengoku asked loudly, seeming very wary of my actions.

To which I replied, "I just made a new contract with them. But don't worry, I didn't take away their powers. My contract won't effect their life in the least. If it was truly harmful to them, the contract between is would have been broken."

"If you say so." Said Sengoku, seeming very sceptical of me. But he seemed too tired to deal with anything else, as he just accepted it anyway.

"Then we will be on our way." Said Sengoku as he turned towards the Marine Ships waiting in the distance.

But I stopped him before he could go far. "Wait a minute, Mr. Sengoku. Why don't you give me a little bit of advanced payment? I am in a dire need of money right now. You surely have a few expensive items in your Ships right now."

"Ahh, okay... Kira, go bring back everything that's in the main Ships vault right now." Sengoku ordered an underling of his, who ran towards the biggest marine ship to bring the items back.

A few minutes later, he was back with a bag on his back, full of items. He presented the bag to me, which I took with a smile. Finally sone money!

I quickly opened the Bag, eager to see what I got. Inside the bag, I found 2 Swords, a few bricks of Gold, and one Dragon fruit with swirls on it. A devil Fruit!

I used my OBSERVE on it without hesitation.



Turns the consumer into a TITANIUM Human. User can turn their body into Titanium at will. Grants the user the ability to turn other metal into titanium. It also grants the ability to control all Titanium in a 100 metre range.

PRICE : 218,000 OT


Seeing the fruit made me happy. This fruit alone would cover all the money I spent on the Random world Upgrade.

Then I also checked out the Swords and the Gold Bars. The swords turned out to be okay-ish. Just Grade Blades. Not good but not the worst. While the Gold bars weren't worth much. As expected from a normal metal.

"That's a pretty good fruit. The swords are okay as well. All of this would be worth around 235,000 OT." I told Sengoku.

Sengoku got upset at hearing the price. If all of this just just worth 235k, how much more does he have to give to complete the 5 million quota.

But it seemed he was too tired to say anything, as he just said okay and turned towards his ship, and left without any complaints. The Marines followed him, and after them, all the Warlords of the Sea also left. All except for Blackbeard, who was taken prisoner by the Whitebeard Pirates.

After the Marines left, Whitebeard came forward and asked a question that he has wanted to ask for some time now, "Was it really necessary to let that bastard go?"

"I know you want to kill the bastard for what he did to your son, but won't it be way better if your son took revenge himself? Won't it be better if Ace was the one who turned Akainu into a Donut, instead of you?"

"I guess it would be better... But Ace isn't strong enough to do it himself, though."

"Well, don't worry about that. I will help him get stronger."

"Then It's all good. Gurararara..." Said Whitebeard as he started laughing.

Hearing him accept my shitty excuse, I released a sigh of relief. The only reason I let Akainu go is because I wanted to make a deal with Sengoku. He might not have accepted the deal if I took Akainu's and Kuzan's powers as well.

And I was right, as when he saw me force the two in a contract, he asked if I took their powers. He definitely saw me force Kizaru sign the first contract, and me immediately getting his abilities.

But I am not lying to Whitebeard when saying I will help Ace get stronger. Akainu probably doesn't have a very long time left to live. And it's going to bring me a lot of money. Both from selling stuff to Ace, and from the death of Akainu.

Afterall, the contract I forced him to make said that all of his powers will get transferred to me on his death.

"Kid, I have to say, you are incredibly strong. You defeated all three Admirals alone, and walked out of the strongest attacks made by two Admirals without a scratch. Even I couldn't have come out of those attacks without any injuries." Whitebeard suddenly said, making all the nearby pirates look at me in awe.

"Haha, is that so? Then when are you handing over your title of 'The World's Strongest Man'?" I asked in a joking manner. Getting praised for cheating truly feels nice.

"Gurarara, whenever you want it kid." Whitebeard also replied, laughing. "But Kid, what's your name. I haven't even asked your name and just have been calling you a kid all this time."

"My name is Bond. James Bond."

"James Bond? It's a pretty unique name." Whitebeard said, making me laugh out loud.

"Nah, I was just joking. My real name is Karna."

Whitebeard seemed confused at what the joke was, but laughed anyway. "Gurarara, that's a nice name you have, Karna."

"Thanks. So what do you want to do with Blackbeard?" I asked, pointing towards the fatty lying on the floor, shivering in fear like the cowards he is.

When I saw him start begging for his life, after getting beat up by Whitebeard, I already started hating his guts. How shameless is he to beg for mercy, after he betrayed Whitebeard and got multiple members of his crew killed?

"Teach... He has committed too many sins. Death can be the only punishment for him..."Whitebeard said, as he released a sorrowful sigh.

"Hmm, if you are going to kill him anyway, let me just take his powers first. And since the rest of his crew are supposed to be deadly criminals as well, I will take their powers as well." I said as I brought a few more contacts from the shop.

But before I made these contracts, I bought info from the shop to see if I will die from having 2 devil fruit Powers at the same time. And It turned out I won't die like that, and it's all thanks to Blank.

So without any worries, I forced the criminals to sign these contracts. The Blackbeard crew cursed me and begged me to not take their powers, but I ignored them, thinking only about my profit.

They are heinous criminals anyway, so I have no mercy for them. I even checked their info to see if they are actually evil, or just framed innocent. But they were all people rotten to the core

So I became the owner of several more Devil fruit powers, their strength, as well as some new combat abilities.

And I will sell all of these abilities for some nice cash. Sadly none of them had any haki, which would have brought me some more profit.

"You can do whatever you want with them now." I said as I contently walked back to my previous position, happy with my gains.

Whitebeard nodded towards me as he walked towards Blackbeard. His face started to darken as he walked closer to Blackbeard. As Blackbeard saw Whitebeard walk towards him, with his weapon held tight in his hand, he started to cry loudly, begging for mercy.

"Pops, you can't kill me. I am your son. Pops, remember all the time we laughed and drank together." Screamed Marshall D. Teach in desperation, as his death walked closer and closer to him.

But Whitebeard didn't show a single reaction, as he slowly stood beside Blackbeard, weapon rising in the air. Blackbeard's fear grew as he continued to beg for mercy, "Po-pops, ple-please forg-give me. I won-n't do it again. I will never be-betray you."

Whitebeard still showed no reaction, as his face remained void of any emotion. He brought down his weapon with full might, towards Blackbeard's neck. "Stop Pops. Don't kill me. POPS!!!"

And Blackbeard's died, saying pops for the last time. His head rolled down on the ground, mouth still open from screaming pops. Seeing the head on the floor, Whitebeard turned away from it, unable to hold his emotions any longer, as a single tear of sorrow rolled down his face.

Every member of the Whitebeard crew looked at this, most with sorrow, sad to see another crewmate die. While a few were happy to see a traitor die.

After the execution, it was decided that the rest of the Blackbeard crew would just be handed over to a nearby Marine center, so that they are taken back to prison. Whitebeard didn't seem it necessary enough to kill them since I had already taken their powers.

"Guess it's time for the mass revival. So how many people died?" I questioned.

Marco came forward and answered, "Around 250 of members of our crew died, while around 700 members of our allies crew members died."

"Damn! That's a lot. So how many people fought in this war anyway?"

"There were around 40,000 marines, while our crew had 3500 at the start, and our allies had around 7500 total members."

"11,000 vs 40,000. Almost a 4v1 situation. That's a pretty disadvantages battle for you all."

"It would have been worse if we didn't get some information from our spy in the Marines. The Marine higher ups were planning on gathering an army of around 100,000. But since our spy managed to send a message to us on time, we were able to come here when they had only 40,000 troops."

"Wow. That would have been a very bad situation for you all. 9v1 seems real bad." I said, truly shocked at learning how huge this war was. The few videos I watched of The Marineford War didn't really show how big this war really was. "Anyways, I can't revive them all."

"WHAT!!?? WHY???"


AN : Not dropping the fic. I was just busy cause of my upcoming exams.