

A man is transmigrated in DC, with his only cheat being the OMNITRIX. Watch (or read) as how he lives his new life ===== patreon link for advanced chapters: patreon.com/BaphometFiction ===== I don't own anything. All rights goes to their owners.

Baph0met · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
113 Chs


A beam of light shot out from the omnitrix and shone onto Captain Cold's body.

Captain Cold had to make sure that Yuri could really repair their genes before he would feel at ease and let Lisa receive the treatment.

Inside the body, which could not be seen by the naked eye, Captain Cold's messed up genes were gradually normalizing.

From where the light beam touched his body, Captain Cold felt warmth.

This was the first time he had felt temperature again since he had obtained his superpower, before that, everything he touched was only cold to the bone.

Then, Captain Cold's entire body began to heat up, and his body temperature slowly returned to the normal range.

His snow-white hair, eyebrows, eyelashes and other such stuff also returned to their original brown colour.

The entire process was very short, and it only took a mere ten seconds or so for Captain Cold's disordered genes to be sorted out and perfected.

"It's not cold anymore ... I'm not cold anymore!" Captain Cold felt his long-lost normal body temperature, and his eyes overflowed with surprise.

He hurriedly ran to the drinking fountain in the corner of the ward and used a disposable paper cup to get a cup of boiling water.

It was hot! And the water wasn't frozen!

"I've really recovered!" Captain Cold drank the scalding boiling water in one gulp, and even though it scalded his tongue with small blisters, his face was still full of smiles.

"Now try to see if my ability is still there ...." Captain Cold quickly focused his attention, and an ice pick suddenly sprouted from his fingertips.

Just as Yuri had promised, his superpower still existed.

The Weather Wizard was thrilled to see this scene, and he looked at Yuri with an expectant face.

"Don't be in a hurry, I'm gonna fix your genes now."

Yuri smiled and said, he once again turned on the gene repair function of the omnitrix, and the target was set to the Weather Wizard.

After the repair was completed, the Weather Wizard was seen closing his eyes as the sky began to become overcast and a dark cloud drifted over the hospital.

Then a gentle rain fell.

When looked at the weather wizard again at this point, his eyes was no longer shedding tears even with the weather changed.

"Thank you for fixing my genes, I will remember this favour." The Weather Wizard looked at Yuri and said seriously.

"The repayment of the favour will come later, now come and save Lisa! Please!"

At this moment, Captain Cold stood by Lisa's hospital bed and shouted anxiously.

Yuri didn't say much and immediately began to repair Lisa's genes.

As the genes were repaired, all the malignant genetic mutations improved, and Lisa's brain tumour disintegrated itself and reverted to healthy cells.

Since the omnitrix itself was equipped with an infinite energy core, using the gene repair function three times in a row would not have any effect on the use of it.

The time limit for Yuri's transformation was also never due to a lack of energy, but rather a protection for Yuri's own genes.

Lisa took a little longer to recover than Captain Cold and the Weather Wizard, after all, her genetic mutation had more malignant components.

"Cough... cough!" About two minutes later, the corner of the eye of the long-sleeping Lisa moved, then she suddenly coughed twice.

"Lisa! She's waking up! Lisa's awake!"

Captain Cold shouted excitedly.

Wally and the Weather Wizard was all smiles as well.

"Len ... Len...."

Lisa slowly opened her eyes, her vision gradually becoming clearer from blurry, and then she muttered as she saw Captain Cold's face.

The gene repair not only cured Lisa's brain tumour, but also restored her body to good health, so Lisa would soon be able to move around normally.

"Lisa, you finally woke up, I almost thought I was going to lose you!" Captain Cold's eyes instantly reddened as he watched Lisa open her eyes, he opened his arms and hugged Lisa.


Something unexpected to everyone happened. They saw saw the newly restored to good health Lisa slapping Captain Cold's face.

"Len! I told you a long time ago that that unidentified device is dangerous and not to use it casually, but you just don't listen!"

"The safe haven we managed to find was blown up because of you before we could even stay for a few days!"

"You were always so stubborn, arrogantly thinking that you could fix everything, but in the end you often ended up screwing everything up!" Lisa, whose memory seemed to be stuck on the day she passed out, turned to Captain Cold and raged at him.

Wally blinked, this kind of scene was new to him.


After cursing for a while, Lisa finally realised that something wasn't quite right with the situation.

Normally, if she had scolded her brother like this, he would have already snap back at her impatiently and would just tell her to shut up, but now he was uncharacteristically listening, with tears clearly visible on his face.

Lisa began to look around, she was in a hospital bed, and to the right of the bed was Captain Cold.

As for the left side of the hospital bed, there was Mark and a strange creature she had never seen before in her life, as well as ...

"Fuck! It's Kid Flash!" Lisa jumped up from the bed in a flash and stared at Wally as if he were her mortal enemy.

"Mark, why are you so close to Kid Flash? Did he kidnap you? And the others, where are Mike and Sam?" Lisa, who didn't understand the current situation, pointed angrily at Wally, "Kid Flash, release Mark now!"

"Len, what are you still standing there for? Go save Mark now!"

"Lisa." Captain Cold grabbed Lisa's hand and said with a serious face, "Calm down first, I will tell you everything."

A few minutes later.

"Len, so you're saying that I've been in a coma for over two years?" Lisa couldn't believe it, but the expressions of everyone present told her it was true.

"Is Sam he ... really trapped in the mirror forever and can't get out?"

Lisa was seen picking up a palm-sized circular mirror, in which a man with a face full of experience could be seen.

The first mirror master, Sam Scudder, was also Lisa's lover.

Captain Cold nodded wordlessly.

"Leonard!" Lisa's emotions suddenly flared up, and she was gazing at Captain Cold with an almost hostile gaze.

"I thought you just brought back a bomb disguised as a gene transforming device, I didn't realize you'd put us through so much!" She clutched the mirror in her arms as she raged at her brother while her voice slowly got weaker at the end.

"Two years! Sam was trapped in this tiny mirror for two whole years! There was nothing in there, no one to talk to, just eternal solitude!"

"Can you imagine how painful that must have been?"

"How could this have happened if it wasn't for the fact that they all trusted you unconditionally, and if you had carefully considered my advice at the time?"

"I'm sorry ... " Captain Cold could only apologise.

"Sorry? Now you know you're sorry? What's the point of having a police officer and superheros if being sorry works?" Lisa gritted her teeth while sobbing.

The another supernatural scene happened. Everyone saw a circle of golden light blossom from Lisa's body, followed by her body slowly floating up.

Having been affected by the explosion of the genetic recombination device Lisa also seemed to have awakened some kind of superpower, which should be related to flight as of now.

Consistent with her villain nickname, Golden Glider.

"Hey. I don't care if you siblings want to fight to the death, I'll just ask one thing, do you still want to get Sam out?" Yuri asked impatiently.


A/N: I'd really appreciate it if you give some reviews to the story, lol. It's been a while and this is still not rated at all.


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